WTF why didn't they arrest him? He's potentially a pedo and a child molester and they let him run free...

WTF why didn't they arrest him? He's potentially a pedo and a child molester and they let him run free?! What the fuck is wrong with Denmark?

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Reminder that getting shot at was all in his head

They did arrest him.

No. Getting shot was part of his plan.

Neck yourself OP


well maybe the children should stop being so sexy

Why haven't they arrested Dan "nobody can hear you" Schneider yet?

What would you do if you were a father or a brother of the girl?

Because in civilised democratic countries you can't keep someone in prison without a charge, and for a charge you need evidence, of which there was none.

All the kids said stuff like he had a basement in his house, which was bs. If anything the police should have made a public statement defending his innocence.

The whole movie is about the hysteria of "idyllic" small towns that gang up on an innocent citizen on a complete lack of evidence, because they are so desperate for a villain so they can feel morally superior.

It's in direct contrast to America where you have laws like Megan's Law that institutionalise public vigilantism against innocent private citizens, and actually put children at increased risk, but the public supports it out of some misplaced sense of moral outrage. It's why a kino like Jagten would never be able to be made in a shithole like the U.S., where innocence until proven guilty exists only on paper, and everything else is a frenzy trial by media SJWs who declare every male guilty of everything.

Not push pornography in her face?

ever heard of preventive prison? It can be up to 3 years. And they can do it without much proof. Well, at least that's in Europe.

lol that's some BS

What sort of a shithole Albania you're talking about? That shit isn't the norm in Europe at all.

Who shot at him?


>ever heard of preventive prison? It can be up to 3 years. And they can do it without much proof. Well, at least that's in Europe

Jesus Fucking Christ, what a hell hole. Live in Brazil, and preventive prison in here must be justified with the specific reasons described in the law, and can only endure while the due process is running, and in here the process can't take more than 90 days if the guy is jailed or he will have the right to wait in liberty.

That's actually really funny. Brazilians tend to believe that european law is more human, but if you are right about this, you guys are actually pretty medieval. Preventive prison shouldn't be taken as antecipation of sanction.

That's actually just like non-voluntary rehab for druggies and mentally ill people. It's more to prevent them from hurting themselves, it's not punitive detention.

It involves keeping someone in accomodation and feeding them and giving them medical care rather than letting them live in the streets.

His son, because he KNEW.

>taking a 56%er's Sup Forums bait comment at face value

Maybe it should've thought twice about being a dog in an edgy foreign flick.

Because he is literally the only one who's innocent.

>supermarket scene
That shit made me angry and sad as fuck
Like what the fuck happen to innocent until proven guilty?

>innocent until proven guilty
Died in the earlier 2000s mate.

Europe isn't a country.

This was a problem I had with the movie. Nobody would have killed his dog irl, but they might have kidnapped it to lure him into a beating somehow.

If they're not a country, then why do they have their own flag and currency? Checkmate.

t. roastie dog mommy

"in europe"
fuck americans are so frustrating to deal with.

too real

The movie shows how the "innocent until proven guilty" system sadly works only in court, not in the society itself.
Today a simple "user on trial for sexual assault" newspaper headline is enough for literally everyone to be convinced that you actually did it and that you need to be hanged in public, all the evidence in the world doesn't matter at all at that point, your whole social and work life is fucked for good no matter what you do anymore (especially if you're not someone famous)
False allegations are a scary thing, it should make you reevaluate all the times you talked shit or spread rumors about people without being absolutely sure about the info.

monopoly has it's own flag and currency

this unironically this movie is quite relevant now
>inb4 buzzfeed article saying it's problematic because the lack of black danes

>he doesn't know about Erin Pizzey's dog being killed by angry feminists because she dared criticise domestic violence statistics

Europe, the Eurozone, and the European Union are three entirely different concepts.

Europe is a geographical subcontinental peninsula on the west side of the continent Eurasia. It geographically includes parts of the Balkans, Russia, and turkey which are not part of the EU.

The European Union is a loose political and economic confederation of many countries within Europe and islands of the Mediterranean.

The Eurozone is a select few countries within the EU that use the Euro as a currency. Poland despite being in the EU, has its own currency.

The word "country" has variable meaning, just like the word "state". Country usually refers to a shared cultural area and is not always sovereign.

For example, the U.S. is a single sovereign country made up of many states (Michigan, California, etc.)

The U.K. is a single sovereign STATE made up of many countries (England, Scotland, wakes, Northern Ireland).

Made me cry.