Movies with this kind of a e s t h e t i c?

Movies with this kind of a e s t h e t i c?

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kung fury on netflix is epic!!! david hasselhoff even did a song LOL so 80s!!!


Atomic Blonde

stranger things s2

Shut the fuck up faggot, you loved the Drive soundtrack and started listening to Pertubator and Carpenter Brut and now see everyone loving it so you now hate it. I fucking hate your kind, you spineless nigger.

i only liked one song from drive and carpentur brute is devoid of any artistic talent, just mindless spaming of le epic 80s sounds!!!

That wasn't what "the 80's" looked like, that appeared almost nowhere, and not for about half of the years in the 80s.

You weren't even alive in that fucking decade, you're caught in the crossfire of my generation being sold a romantic version of our childhood by lazy marketers who cash in on the rolling 20-30 year nostalgia wave. You're just dumb enough not to know better than to buy into another generations nostalgic shlock, because your mindless, developmentally stunted generation wasted its youth recycling other generations old ideas instead of coming up with your own shit.


t. soyboy

Is this the kino thread?

yeah kung fury was shit but it was a crazy phenomenon
if i wanted to make a bad movie to trigger redditors who love the 80's aesthetic, i would have made kung fury... but literally the opposite happened, they actually loved it, they're beyond salvation

>trying to force the soymeme into the 80's
Nice try faggot, but only real plebs think 80's and soy are interchangeable.

i hate drive solely because of the faggot soundtrack
it might even be a good film but my disdain for that type of music makes me irrationally upset

he's not wrong

>recycling other generations old ideas instead of coming up with your own shit

this is what i hate the most about my gen, im constantly waiting for new shit to come out and its just the same old revival and nostalgia bate shit over and over. inb4 le wrong generation

Why only season 2

To Live and Die in L.A.
Miami Vice seasons 1 and 2 only
Beverly Hills Cop
The Wraith

Wicked City (1987)

applying the soyboy thing to everything is real c o o l s u b v e rs i v e u f a g g o t

Hahahaha! National Socialism(NOT Nazism) + 80s Vaporwave Miami Aesthetic??? SO EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S P A C E D O U T L E T T E R S L I K E T H I S??/!?!?!?!?!??! DOUBLE EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAD THE FUCK....HUH...........HAUGH...........I CANT HANDLE THIS.........ITS JUST TOO A E S T H E T I C BROS HAHAHAHAHAHA SOYBOY KEK THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF TRAPS ARE GAY WH*TE PEOPLE.......OH MY GOD......I JUST CANT STOP LAUGHING..........ITS JUST EPIC APEX KEK FOR THE WIN "MY DUDE" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!