I saw Black Panther. AMA
I saw Black Panther. AMA
Didju rike it?
is it the niggest?
Do you think it was a succesful piece of cinema?
How are white characters represented/treated?
Would my gf enjoy it
Are you actually going to answer any questions?
Was the protagonist actually a literal panther?
Was it better than Black Snake Moan?
it was fun
like the buffoons they are
she and her boyfriend's son will love it
Are u a nigger?
Was it better than Black Dahlia
are there blacks in it
how much are you getting paid by disney?
Are you kangz n shiet?
It succeeded at every "new" thing it implemented. The story is legitimately fresh and every character has clear motives and what not. The villain(s) are very good, great even.
Not many white characters. Martin Freeman is kind of there just to be an "outsider" to Wakanda's scale and wonder. He's chill. Andy Serkis kills it as Klaw.
Does Stan Lee make a cameo in blackface?
Was it better than Black Dynamite?
is it Sup Forums
OMG! This!
this is the question that matters the most
does kang compare more to pooty tang or undercover brother?
Yeah how tf could they play off a 90 year old white guy appearing briefly in wakanda?
Is it as good as the other Marvel movies, i.e. not worth seeing
buying prostitutes
Buying black people
How was Pootie Tang: The Capeshit ?
Larping. What new thing did it implement? Shill go home
kys yours elfs Sup Forumstards
My elfs are very dear to me and I will not kill them
Depends on what you're looking for. Dynamite is certainly funnier.
Not really. Wakandans aren't treated as bad for their nationalism, but Killmonger has legitimate grievances with it and the world as a whole. It's more nuanced than just left vs right.
Lee takes T'Challa's casino chips in the South Korea sequence. He's not in Wakanda.
It is different. By far the most visually interesting save for Dr. Strange, and even that was only due to pure CGI psychedelics. This had some legitimately great shots and themes. Solid 8/10.
Am I larping or a shill?
Is leslie jones in it and makes cracka jokes?
>Are you black?
>is your IQ high enough to be trusted?
Interesting... don't they only do AMAs on reddit?
You wouldn't be one of the infamous shills would you?
*sips lean and glows purple*