is it out? have you seen it Sup Forums ?
how do you think it holds up?
is it out? have you seen it Sup Forums ?
how do you think it holds up?
It'll be out tomorrow, but I don't know. The trailer looks promising.
It's a detective movie with Hellraiser thrown in. The dude with the glasses was the best part of the movie. The ending was decent, but everything prior to that was meh at best. Pinhead was barely in it and the cleanser with the knives was cliche.
It's been out on the internets for a while.
The trailer looks not terrible, but I have a feeling it'll go the way of Inferno.
Pinhead gets turned into a normal dude at the end for being an edgy cunt.
is the dude with the glasses working with pinhead?
It was alright. Not one of the better Hellraiser movies, but at least it wasn't an insult like Revelations or Hellworld
It's mediocre.
Yeah and he has some interesting dialog, but they didn't run with it. The female detective is cute, though.
This. It's like they mixed two halves of different movies together. Also the Prefector or Prederper or whatever the fuck he was called just might be the lamest serial killer ever.
The director tried to kickstar Judgement a while back and it failed. Then it came out but it was now a Hellraiser flick. You can read a bit about the original (and see they had a lot of art and makeup already done) here:
>Also the Prefector or Prederper or whatever the fuck he was called just might be the lamest serial killer ever.
Not to mention most predictable twist of the year so far
doubt i'll watch the movie so spoil the twist of whoever this serial killer is please
Pretty much. I did like how God was using the Detective as a cog for good and evil and how Pinhead knew the other Detective would kill him. Him killing that angel and getting demoted to an mortal being wasn't too bad, either
We'll never see the Female or Butterball in any other future films
i can't seem to find it on the bay of pirates... neither on the pop of corns... what gives?
can you provide a link dear user?
i'm looking forward but not expecting much... i think i'll be pleased since i'm a fan of the original and still acknowledging how bad it might be, it will still be fun to watch...
Clive Barker is apparently working a reboot of the whole franchise, the studio inserted cenobites into a totally different movie to maintain the rights. You get glimpses of what the original movie would have been like, or what this synthesis may have been given the proper time and care, but it is largely oil & water. Also boring.
It's on rarbg
The killer is one of the detectives investigating the case.
It always bugs me these that people trade their copyrights for these retarded contracts that let the studios retain the film copyright as long as they "release" a movie at arbitrary intervals.
Like how retarded do you have to be to sign one of those?
thank you
Anyone else read the old Hellraiser comics? I've gotta find a torrent and reread them.
I read some of them but I can't recall most of it. The two stories that stuck in my head were Dwayne McDuffie's (he makes a baby but the people who sell babies find a lot of flaws and dismember it to make it marketable), Neil Gaiman's (the crossword puzzle story) and one about the one about the blind pianist