Is he the perfect youtuber?

Is he the perfect youtuber?

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For reddit

Wrong. Reviewbrah is our guy

His akwardness and slight autism in the beginning years felt very authentic and loveable. But over the years you could see the popularity go to his head. Hes no longer a humble fast food reviewer now hes just a meme character

He's the kind of guy i'd like to hug and have a very intense bromance with (nohomo)

>our guy


Would a thread 1:1 thread like this but for lauren southern stay up as long as this off-topic thread has?

ironic meme youtubers > beta orbiting waifufags

maybe if you post a pic of her butthole. otherwise i'm not really interested in thinking about her manly deep voice.

Reviewbrah is reddit tier. Logan paul is /our guy/


Broteam is and Funhaus used to be until they started taking themselves too seriously.

sseth is

>some retard dudebro faggot is our guy

go back to facebook

Complete bullshit until you provide a source.

Wasn't he living out of the back of a van and sleeping on the street or something? What ever happened there?

Ross from accursed farms is great. Doesn't do TV, but his old video game reviews are kino.

fake and gay unfortunately

face of an angel and voice to match


>REAL Food review kino

I just remembered they existed. Adam, Bruce and James were fucking hilarious back in the Inside Gaming days of 2013-2014. I wish all their content stayed that funny.

soyboys aren't welcome here


>still up
based z*rosugar making sure his cancerous friends from Sup Forums feel welcome while he only moderates the reylo thread to stop Sup Forums locals from harassing the advertisers

/ourguy/ internets greatest critic


kid needs to cut his fucking finger nails.

forgot all about shark boy

he's too mainstream now.

he aged reasonably well considering where he began

I added him on facebook way way back. We spoke occasionally. He's really, really chill. Seems quite content living a simple life of movies and hanging out.

I always felt bad for the shit he used to get, and it was kinda neat seeing him just turn into a normal adult with normal interests.

that is until he Travis Bickles the shit out of some blacks

it's a shame that everyone on Sup Forums now is too new to forget reviewbrahs early days and interaction with Sup Forums

the irony of the normalfags here screaming "reddit!"

> Literally "Dude just get a haircut bro, its that easy"

>to forget
nice one

So does he have a small head or is the jacket just way too big?


>Not knowing that long nails are a sign of class and affluence.

go back to Sup Forums

fucking disgusting. i bet you love the 600lb life threads

>he examines a burger with a blue flashlight

reviewbrah is kino personified and he has had a television appearance so he is DEFINITELY Sup Forums related.

Yeah, I wish it stayed just the three of them in a shitty machinima office instead of the overproduced and overstaffed garbage that is Roosterteeth Funhaus

it is a personal choice and some of us prefer long nails.

What an idea

May i ask you all to turn your attention to the most kino image ever created.

Hello every one this is running on empty.



Hello every one, this is....


REVIEW. I kept a pause there because it is the unnamed drink review.

Would he eat her?




if you think necrophelia will ruin a reviewbrah thread you really don't know his audience.

based necrolord

Not you reviewbrah. Not you...

>both Joey and reviewbrah have been drinking Soylent
Seems "our guys" are a couple of soyboys.

I remember that review, she kept begging him to such his cock but he just lowered the glass a bit and spit on her.

I still think it was some kind of bizarre sketch.


soyboy ceases to have meaning with reviewbrah. he is so purely soy-saturate that he's basically a new breed.


gentlemen, how do we get reviewbrah an asian gf to cook and clean for him.

>He hasn't seen that video when reviewbrah is showcasing suits and he's swole as fuck under the clothes.

if you shave him he kinda looks like aidsmoby

Reviewbrah is married, he sometimes mentions his wife on his short wave radio show.

Ah there you go user, i was thinking that he looked like someone this whole time. Thanks a lot my man.

no, he's not

you're married. weenie.