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I'm sorry for being white.
race baiting?
What, a complete pile of shit treated like the kid in retarded class that you're not allowed to criticize?
a massive letdown?
Is this photoshooped? His torso looks like fucking longcat.
something that accomplishes nothing?
>Obama works his way up from nothing, gets an Ivy League law degree, becomes a professor, senator, and ultimately first black president
>Some Jews make a movie about a Mary Sue black guy
Yeah exactly the same. Liberals are so bizarrely racist in the weirdest ways.
Why should anyone be upset about this?
a disaster?
my ancestor!
makes sense
sit down.
be humble.
Just a general dissapointment?
A flash in the pan that will straight away be forgotten?
Sit down. Be Humble.
hes a fruit, what did you expect
>that vein on the side of his head
Looks like he has an alien brain parasite.
a complete waste of time?
Something that ruined race relations for years to come?
>dat huge amount of green as a nod to islam
A disaster?
exactly what I was thinking
do the people who write for CNN have no self awareness?
Gotta love the kino JFK one though
I don't get it. Seriously can someone explain?
CNN- cuck news network
So the same old corporate domination and drone strikes with a fresh coat of paint?
Is it OK that Obama's portrait was copy pasted? Maybe this is just how blacks do things, taking short cuts and stuff?
No, none at all. They haven't since around 2013.
Trump was the camel the broke the camel's back, thats when they went full retard. Like many other news networks.
I actually like this.
dont @ me losers
Will CNN denounce this movie if Trump says something good about it?
That's accurate, but maybe not in the way he intended
Maybe he's really Irish
Weren't his grandparents bankers? I know his mom was a whore and his dad was just a smug intellectual who fucked college girls. He was Upper Middle Class and lived in Indonesia for a couple years with his mother before returning to Hawaii.
He really didn't come from nothing. I mean compared to guys like Trump sure, but it's a stretch to say from nothing.
i sowwy :3
the fuck are you talking about
I like the painting, doesn't mean I like the man portayed though.
Oh god is this real?
>went to harvard and columbia, some of the most prestigious schools in the world
>later served as a senator then became president of the united fucking states
>some fat neckbeard community college dropouts criticize him on an imageboard for little girl cartoons
A disaster?
You must look up his mysterious head scars. He's had something put into his fucking nig-noggin.
>we presdent now
>we superhero now
weak and ineffectual?
a token that doesn't even accomplish much?
>oh no, people are criticizing politicians
So just another mediocre or shitty movie in long string of mediocre and shitty movies?
You’re more retarded than the painting
Same thing they do when faking clouds in pictures on our "round earth"
what film was doing that was corrupt and illegal?
No way thats real.
A Saudi prince funded his college and made ways for him to politically prosper. He didn't work for shit, my man.
what obama was?
I apologize
The leaves, faggot. And lazy niggers
so it's going to be wildly overrated and followed up by an industry saving move that the critics hate?
I have a question...
So it's fact that niggers sold other niggers into slavery. Why didn't they take all that money and build an empire to be kangz? Oh yeah cuz they are niggers.
Cuz you... you're part eggplant
Sleep is the best band desu
>No record of him attending
>Saudi prince bought him political positions
>you suck cock
I didn't like Obama either but this isn't the official portrait that gets hung in the white house
no way. totally not CNN's style. at all.
imagine hiring someone to do a presidential portrait who'd made his name with paintings of idealized whites "putting blacks in their place" or whatever. lmao
ride never ends
interesting link here, shows how cucked the art establishment is. race-baiting ripoff of classical art, so powerful and important! muh power dynamics! ncartmuseum.org
FUCK ME. there's a hidden message spelled out in the grey leaves!!!!!!
I don't get the comparison. Does Wakanda routinely bomb the shit out of other countries?
Apologies demies
Send your cute cousin to apologize instead, Come Pick her Up next morning
never seen a film shilled this hard.
>tfw the guy who got impeached was our last good president
youre grasping at straws neckbeard
But that's not what you're doing, is it? You're not critcizing him based on his policies or position, you're hating on him because he's black, because you are an unabashed racist.
That's a lot of assumptions reddit
not a nice move. I am disappointed
You mean a fraud sold on hopes and race?
And this is another disappointment. The equivalent of Mandela in that funeral while people sang Kill the farmer.
Please, stop
A failure?
I'm not sure what's worse, the gizmodo article or the suggested other articles.