So apparently the budget for Black Panther is $200M with $150M in advertising

So apparently the budget for Black Panther is $200M with $150M in advertising.

Do you think Black Panther would break even in the box offices? Do you think it could make a profit by doing $400M+?

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If they actually open the black markets, it will rain money.

>black "dollar theatres"
>make money

Don't think so. But if those news articles about how schools are paying for students to go watch the movie, I think they can break $400M domestically in a week.

Only if the theaters in black neighborhoods take ebt

>no black director
>no scenes filmed in Africa
>black on black fights
>spear chucking women living in grass skyscrapers
>rap music for African instead of actual Afrikaans music
>non-shill European and Australian reviewers have called it boring

There will be BLOOD on the streets once people actually start seeing it. Stay away from Detroit and Baltimore.

this is going to break $900 mill easily
cap this


Probably ~150m domestic less than 100m foreign. Literally no one gives a fuck about this movie.

>the budget for Black Panther is $200M

>No black director
Nigga, you just make shit up


its going to flop internationally since every nation on Earth hates niggers

>$150M in advertising
No fucking way. That's Female-Ghostbusters tier marketing and I haven't seen pushed that much outside Sup Forums.

jew money laundering

>Not making at least $800 million
You guys are just deluded sometimes

oh no

Have you never seen the "interest payments" on the US government debt? You do realize that that the "federal reserve" is privately owned right? Where do you think those Hundreds of Billions of dollars go?

Why does America have it's President's birthday so close to Valentine's Day? Should do it in August or September or something

Yakub biopic when?

$600Mish domestic. $250Mish worldwide. Weakest MCU movie in Asia.

Watched a college basketball game last night on ESPN and black panther was shown once and sometimes twice per commercial break

>Where do you think those Hundreds of Billions of dollars go?

Yeah, but it'll be the highest grossing MCU film in Africa

I would actually love to see a movie about real black culture, old tribes and shit, I'm allways fascinated by documentaries.

I doubt that it will do that great it Africa actually. Unlike afro americans they don't give a shit about "black culture" since they are allready living in it.
It's shit

it might flop in foreign countries, but not domestically. 400 mil domestically easily, which will be a huge success for marvel.

Have David Attenborough narrate it


>actual Afrikaans music
You're talking black directors and that,so you go for Afrikaans music? You don't know fuck all about any of this stuff, do you?

In Canada and I've seen it a billion times on TV.

Amassing ten whole dollars worth of profit.

Fembusters probably spent more than 150. But Sony is ashamed to actually admit it.

I always love when Sup Forums pulls out budget numbers out tits arse. But seriously, do you have a source for this numbers? Especially regarding the advert budget?

I always love when Reddit criticizes Sup Forums for budget numbers. But seriously, have you tried searching for the numbers? Especially the number regarding the advertising budget?

Why does his mask dissapear and then reappear?

Is this supposed to take place in virtual reality? This looks like somethiing out of the Lawnmover man or Tron.

Quality response. Isn't it a bit early for summer?

Fuck off back to Plebbit, you fucking retard. Either that or google it.

this puppy is going to make over $800 million worldwide like the last three MCU films

Seriously if you name one legit source which gives away the official advertising budget of this movie I will shut up and fuck off.

First fucking link on google when you search it.

Source on WIkipedia + Google is this guy.

I think it'll profit. Should be on-par with Doctor Strange, or Thor Ragnarok. Maybe a bit better. Just don't go all "OH NO NO NO" if it doesn't do Avengers money, since it's not an Avengers movie. Side note: generally, movies need to make double whatever they spent to profit, since ticket sales are like:
>Week 1: theater charges $12, gets to keep 5.50
>Week 2,3: same, maybe
>Week 3: theater gets to keep 6.00
>Week 5: theater gets to keep 6:50
Something like that. Once the theaters are getting a bigger cut, they're more likely to keep the film on longer. Basically it's about 50% of the total box office revenue that goes to theaters.

Stop spoonfeeding Reddit. You're almost as bad as Reddit itself.


You keep using that word, but I don't think it means what you think it means.

It's going to segue into Avengers. Of course it's going to make close to a billion at the very least.

Nothing will happen because modern blacks are literal subhuman pavement ape Chicago Navajo basketball twirlin zoo escapees with the average intelligence of the "le poo poo platter" poster.

>So apparently the budget for Black Panther is $200M with $150M in advertising.
Source: ASS

What are your numbers?

It isn't going to do well in China. So, No.

I've been here long enough to remember what spoonfeeding was supposed to mean. It's not spoonfeeding to back up your claim with a fucking source, that's just sensible discussion. Spoonfeeding is when someone replies to pic related with
even though it's easy to reverse image search. It's also only relevant to the "sekrit club" kiddies who think harboring information makes them special.

This, I'm surprised it won't be banned in China.

>dressing like a fucking faggot is banned

BASED China!

It is spoonfeeding when even you can google and find it, but faggots requires spoonfeeding the link instead of spending 5 seconds searching for it.

1.7 bill worldwide realistically

Okay fine then, it's spoonfeeding. Now tell me why I should care. If you had to choose between "spoonfeeding" and being ignored because no one believes your claim, what's better?

The fix is in apparently.


You realize there's going to be 3x as many reviews after tonight, right?

it's an excuse to show off actors faces more

wyte bois

>150m marketing
I think it’s bigger

yeah, bigger than white movies

When I watch TV at a buddy's house, I see commercials for it every break.

Can someone link me some good reviews that aren't just people masturbating furiously over how THIS IS A GLOWING EXAMPLE OF WHY REPRESENTATION MATTERS! THE MOST POLITICAL MARVEL MOVIE YET, A VERY RELEVANT PIECE OF MODERN CINEMA


More like forced shoehorning

black people will like it because they're told to like it

It's literally going to be the opposite. Let me break it down a little bit for your soy mind.

Countries where this will make at least 50m
Countries where this will make at least 25m
>South Korea
Countries where this will make at least 10m
225m Just from the above countries, combine every other one and lets just say 300 million. This is a LOW END estimate.

Worldwide = 300 - 500m
Domestic = 250 - 350m

Total = 550 - 850m

Screenshot this post.

i'd buy that for a dollar

The more they pump up the hype, the further it can fall. I hope we start seeing articles promising a billion dollar first week before the receipts even come in.

If it opens with like 90 million after that much hype there will be riots.

Invest 400 million dollars to make 50 million profit, brilliant

That's the absolute low end if you want to imagine it flopping completely in China/Korea/Japan and bombing in international countries where they don't have BLM bullshit.

>no black director
nigga you just went full fucking retard

black movie, marvel, it'll make a billion for sure. the marketing campaign is insane for this movie. i'm pretty sure every single liberal in this country is planning on seeing it at least 3 times each.

I've hardly seen any advertising for this online other than seeing threads about it. I don't even watch TV so I'm not sure how big the advertising is there.

Where are you from?


Watch some TV and you'll see these ads everywhere.

It doesn't matter what it makes, the kikes need this propaganda peddled and it will not be the last of its kind

that actually is smart though. this is literally what hedge funds do kek.


Your ass as a source is not "apparently"

Probably this. Its Marvel.

Soy Wars didn't even make 50 million in China and you think an all black marvel movie is going to make 50 million at least in Chink land? Give me some of that shit you are on.

In the span of 1-1,5 years?

That's a brilliant investment.

They arnt advertising it here in Ireland.

This is hillary Clinton levels of shilling. She can't lose!

How is this shilling? They are reporting the estimates that are out, and the insiders agree with these numbers.

People arnt talking about it except online Bro. No one in work has heard of it and same goes for gf. I only know about it because I post on /poltv/.

No TV commercials, no posters, no nothing. It won't make a cent outside the US.

>actual Afrikaans music

From 2016 to 2018, the DOW rose 30%.
Assuming you just put the 400 million into an index, you would have made 120 million dollars. How the fuck is making 50 million off 400 million over 2 years a brilliant investment?

The idea is to create the idea that everyone else is doing something. Exactly what happened with hillary. Everyone is voting for hillary so you should too.

Didn't work for hilldawg.


doesn't mean it will

And it's falling back down again. The trick isn't investing, it's investing at the bottom and pulling it all out exactly at the top. Something almost no one can achieve even with all the right info.

Did you just try to bait me?

50 million is only a 12.5% ROI over a 2 year period. That is a ROI of only 6% annually. Index on average perform at around 5-8% depending on the year, that means this investment performed exactly on par with how an average year would have gone. And that is without compounding, which means you would have earned more putting that 400 million into an index assuming of course it is an average year (the last 2 years have been stellar for the economy). Again tell me how the fuck is that brilliant investment?

Because you don't have a time machine you dipshit.

Also, a marvel movie will not lose half your money in one day.

Indexes aren't stocks morons. If you invest in an index for a day, you are fucking retarded and should consider suicide.

Reminder: stocks can go down as well as up.
Movies can make their money back or start a highly profitable franchise.

A 50 million return on 400 million is someone's made up number.

Stocks aren't indexes idiot. Now I see why you think 50 million ROI from 400 million over 2 years is a brilliant investment. Only time indexes crash is when there is a recession and the economy goes tits up like during the 08 crisis.

I'm not the person you were arguing with and if you are so smart then how come rapist Jews are rich and you are poor??