How does American Dad keep getting away with it?

Also new american dad tonight

Other urls found in this thread:

>how does American Dad keep getting away with it?
The same way comedy has always gotten away with Jew jokes: it's written by Jews.


can we now make Soros threads freely?

wew lad

Based Stan.

You can get away with anything when no one watches your show. They could replace next week's American Dad with a snuff film and the reaction would be 17 tweets.

You goyim are so stupid. It's so that now whenever someone says "George Soros is an evil Jew manipulating world currency", the response will be "pffft ok you've been watching too much American Dad lolol"

If something is introduced to the public as a joke it will be taken as a joke.

That's because normies are a joke

This, its the Eric Cartman effect.

eric foreman*

>Eric Cartman effect.
you realize that normalized the mocking of jews more than it normalized the mocking of anti-semitism, right?

(nice trips)
My thread deserves better replies than this shit.

this is the best you'll get from me : fuck you nigger die in your slerfep

Sup Forums: making Sup Forums look good since 2012

lol link fail xd

doesnt even work

Cartman was literally designed to be the character that would say something antisemetic and then get btfo the rest of the episode and cry like a little bitch. Whether or not it worked the way they wanted is debatable, since he turned out to be the best and most likable character. He was designed to be the character you're supposed to hate though.

It's a magnet link, you idiot. Copy and paste the URL into a torrent program.


>no seeds

See, this "create a caricature to demean a political group I disagree with" is likely only to work on people who already have those beliefs.

I'm fucking right, though. American Dad has a lot of Jews on its writing staff, and Jewish comedy writers have been making Jew jokes since before any of us were born.

Haha your so dumb i knew this all along cause it said Magnet in the link

You're a rabid anti-denite.

Lol aren't those illegal dude?

>And this offends you as a Jewish person?
>No, it offends me as a comedian!

How the fuck is a URL illegal, you dumb fuck?

You fucking neckkbeards are never satisfied. The Jews make fun of themselves and you still complain

>the butthurt jew is here

>the butthurt stormnigger is here


This show has never been funny.

Racist humor is funny. Calling people a nigger or a kike or a faggot is funny. Obsessing over race relations and crying about politics is never funny.

>Obsessing over race relations and crying about politics is never funny.
you do this all the time though

When? Show me when I - specifically me, not anyone else - have obsessed over race relations or cried about what's going on in politics.

You're doing it right now, keep crying faggot

No, I'm saying that people who care about politics are retarded. Do you also think that someone who says shippers are retarded is shipping?

>crying about politics isn't bad when I'm doing it

>talking about people doing something is the same as doing it
t. dumb faggot
Here's your final (You)

>he's still crying


epic win for kekistani, include me in the screen cap, pol 4 life

keep crying about it autist

another reminder

i'm sure they'll leave in no time after seeing your angry posts about it

Shut up, you phonie

one more reminder

>filename shows the image was saved from Sup Forums on a computer
>calling them a phonie
fuck off back to t_d

Look at the filename, you absolute fucking retard. I clearly saved it from a thread.

posters like this faggot just make me want to post about politics to make them mad lmao

Dude, just take a look at your life...

lmao kys


>o vey shut it down!

>inb4 janny does exactly that as always.

>getting btfo
>posts the NYCmutts and Boomercunts
>y-y-you're the one that needs t-to gtfo!!
every single time

>American Dad
>Wife's daughter is sjw
>Son is soyboy

Sure sounds American to me.


They really just don't understand that they're more annoying than Sup Forums ever was or has been.

Who is "they"? People who aren't dumb niggers/stormniggers whining that whites/Jews run the world?

It's still fresher than current Family Guy.

it's a joke, that's how this works.