*Turns to the camera*
*Turns to the camera*
*Cuts to a different camera whilst the actor is still looking at another camera*
*hard cut to black*
*roll credits*
> xD muh edgy funny meme
Sage and Sneed
>All niggers must hang. On the day of the rope every tree will bear strange fruit, mark my words Peter. Remember the fourteen words boy, it's all we've got right now.
How the fuck did raimi get away with it
*salutes hitler*
>t-tobey, sam wants me to say horrible things. very racist, bigoted things. please help me. i'll never work again if I say them on camera
>Remember Peter, with white power comes white burden
Hiw was any of the posts you replied to edgy?
>How the fuck did raimi get away with it
It was a different time, pre SJW
> Remember peter, never settle around niggers
>"You want door fix, Man of Spiders? Yes, I know these things you do, I learn how to find many secrets in old country. You will not pay rent? This is fair. We will take rent in other ways. When I was in old country, in Bosnia, my friends and I... we do things to women. Terrible things, make them ugly women who will never be loved. Your friends, redhead girl and science girl... they will beg me to stop, as my men and I rain alternating blows of ejaculating and fists upon them. And when they are broken, Man of Spiders, when they are nothing more than shells... you will know the rent is paid.
>For this month"
Not mine but
>Raimi later admitted that roughly 50 hours of footage was filmed of Dafoe's performance as Norman Osborn, with barely 1% of this making the final cut. 'We just had reels and reels of it,' the director said, 'I would say cut, but he would just keep going deeper and darker, bringing all of these ideas into it that weren't in the script. For example, a sub plot of Norman's father being an SS officer, or the idea that the Goblin transformation represented Nietzsche's Ubermensch. So after I while, I stopped saying 'cut'.' Other actors recalled Dafoe's usage of multiple props to aid his performance that he brought himself, presumably from his own home. 'He had this large green dildo he loved to wave about,' Tobey Maguire remembers, 'sometimes he would bring it out of nowhere and slap me across the face with it. During fight scenes when we were grappling on the ground he would tease it around my 'beautiful asshole', as he called it.' James Franco also recalled him having 'this large, antique bullwhip... we asked where he got it from, and he would only say that it was a family heirloom. Some prop guys on set said it must have been from at least the 1800s. On a few occasions when I fucked up my lines, he would threaten me with it, telling me to give him an excuse 'to pay out like old Buck Dafoe did to the little negro boys'. Another actor from the film, who requested she remained private, said Dafoe always had a copy of the Quran lying around on set, and some PAs caught him 'poring over it repeatedly' in his trailer.
...and may god have me shot in a car jacking this very night if I'm wrong
>Oh god peter, after all these years, I was wrong?
>W-What do you mean, Uncle Ben?
>I was did in by the white race...Was old uncle Adolf wrong?
>I-I think he looked Italian
>Oh...thank you peter...
*Uncle men dies with a smile on his face*
>Do you remember that time I took you to see your father's grave, Peter? I never told you how he died. We were being wingmen for each other at a Halloween party, he was Dracula and I was Frankenstein's Monster. We came across some nice Aryan women, but some coons crashed the place. Being New York, we couldn't hang these sambos like we did when we lived with your grandfather. Those blockbusters were real uppity and had a Ruger on them, running around harassing the fine blonde hair blue eyed women, Peter. We couldn't just let them do that to our women, so your father and I knocked out one and went to disarm the monkey with the gun. He was shot down before I could stop the Alabama wind chime, I started choking the life out of the negroid, Peter. I felt his last breath as the police arrived, they let me go on self defense, but I swore I would avenge your father and all of my white brothers in time, and so will you Peter
A really strong moment from Raimi
Why weren't any of these scenes on the bluray release?
Where can I see these?
>He doesn't have the CD release with commentary by Stan Lee after he did cocaine
Try checking Dollar General, that's where I got two for my cousins
>I say "You think I'm gonna sit here and smile while some fuckin' kike tries to fuck my mother? It's never gonna happen Murray, fuckin' forget it, not on my watch, not while I'm in this family. I will fuckin' cut your Shylock nose off and stick it up your ass before I let that happen. Coming in here and poisoning my family's dinner with your Jewish, nigger-loving, hippie bullshit. Fuck you! Fuck you! Yeah, walk out, asshole, fuckin' Kabbalah reading motherfucker. Get the fuck out of my house."
The amount of detail that Raimi put into this scene was impeccable.
>Peter, always hang a traitor before hanging the nigger. You can always spot a nigger but a traitor blends in, remember that, Peter.
>Peter, did I ever tell you the story of Kaiser Wilhelm the second?
>tobey just saying "I missed the part where that was my problem"
>unironically posting divide and conquer tactics as if Uncle Ben would have fallen for such a ruse
stop kid
fucking hate this meme. can't stand this place sometimes. I thought racism wasn't aloud on blue boards, it even says so in the guide lines. but threads like this stay up and don't get deleted. fuck this place sometimes.
>A Jew always leads with his nose.
this is a website for white males.
If you're female, or ANY other colour aside from white, you do not belong here. Simple as that.
It’s just a joke user, sheesh
gabagool detected
>Peter, in these final moments I am going to reveal to you a truth about me. While all of it is true, I'm a white nationalist, nigger, kike and fag hating American, I have regularly been making spank bank deposits to sissy sph hypnos. This makes me irrationally angry, and fills me with a deep sense of guilt and shame, but lately that guilt has been dissipating after I reach climax and my seminal fluids spray across the room. What I'm trying to say is, I've purchased a considerable amount of womens clothing, stockings, skirts, among that chastity cages, buttplugs, urethral sounds, bad dragon toys, cumlube. I want you to burn all of these before Aunt May finds it. While you're at it, to spare me the postmortem humilation, will you reach down my crotch and rip the cage off me? It's a pink holy trainer, you can just rip it right off, I have a strong taste for ballbusting so don't worry about hurting me. I haven't had an orgasm in 7 weeks though so I apologize in advance if I spurt sissy cummies on you in the process.
>He's... just a kid, barely older than my wife's son
You know manually realize that Raimi, tobey, Stan Lee and Sony producer behind the movies Amy Pascal are literally figuratively all Jewish members of the Jewish tribe
>move over Pete, you're blocking the show!
How was the scene important to Spider-Man's origins?
Stop taking Sup Forums so seriously.
I actually laughed good job op
>faggot leftist trying to fuck with raimiposting
Youve crossed the line soyfriend
>I thought racism wasn't aloud
It's quiet stealth racism.
Kek this got me good. Pretty neat he did the trick though.
>The stories aren't true? Who gives a fuck what you think, Parker? Let me give you a history lesson:
>Danang, 1968. I was a freelance reporter for the Stars and Strips, and goddamn if I didn't have a hardon for seeing some charbroiled gooks.
>Problem was that we were in a so called "safe zone"
>So what I do, I snoop around a bit, find out the CO is a raging fucking hophead. I feed him some bullshit intel about the slope village up the hill being a VC trading post. Eager to keep the brass of his back, fucknuts calls a napalm strike right in the middle of a fucking Red Cross inoculation event.
>Kid, the next two hours earned me my Pulitzer. I interviewed gook after babbling gook, liberal after crying liberal, and 40 years later I'm running the biggest fucking paper in Jew York City.
>The stories aren't true? Fuck you, you twinkletoed cocksucker, I'll MAKE them true!
They really made Jameson a lot more vicious in Raimi’s version
It's not even really racism you fucking baby. The joke is that the director is putting absurdly racist dialogue in the middle of the movie. The humor comes from the absurdity of it.
Whats with the increase of prog shills lately? We cant even have a good old fashioned raimi thread without these faggot coming out of the woodwork
This is the best fucking one
>'One of the longest days of shooting was the day we filmed the Stan Lee cameo. You see, he stayed only one day in LA as he flew in from across the country. We had the extras and everything ready on the set as his Taxi arrived, but we soon found ourselves under heavy critique as Mr. Lee lost his calm after seeing some people of color portraying citizens of New York. So, we spent most of the day trying to find 'pure-blood white' extras that he would approve of. The funny part of the story is, however, that the shot that made it into the finished movie was the very first take of the day, the editor just cut it right before Mr. Lee started spitting on on the black newspaper salesman.'
Never forget
A little bit about us Finns. We are generally a "confident" people. We easily feel at ease in many situations. This comes off as "arrogant" in other cultures. Most cultures are reserved, polite, stand-offish. The Brits for example will tend to judge you with their looks. We are the bull in the world's china shop of norms and "proper" behavior. Never mind that some cultures are more arrogant, boorish, or hostile to others.
Still the best
You do know the
>*Ben looks directly at the camera*
one ends with "May God have me shot in a carjacking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the American Nazi Party."?
>my bl*Ck ass is on fire
Amazing how Raimi managed to link this to
Makes you realise the impact of Jameson’s ambition, and foreshadowed how his actions would shape the movie
>I thought racism wasn't aloud on blue boards
Haha pussy-ass bitch.