Arrive at new city

>arrive at new city
>come to a stop outside and say name of city out loud

>t. someone who has never left his native Bumfuck Nowhere, Wyoming

I had been on the road for about three hours today and when I hit the city limit sign, I actually did say the name of the city out loud, even though I was in the car alone. I didn't stop, but I thought of this thread.

>ten thousandth repost
>professes to be heterosexual

>spends weeks doing an inner monologue about how fucked Moria is
>makes Frodo the country bumpkin decide whether or not that should go to there
>Frodo thinks its a good idea since Gimli has been going on and on about how it's a comfy dwarven colony now
>Gandalf still says nothing
>Gandalf dies

Is this explained better in the book?

Kind of. Gandalf wanted to the balrog. Even after falling down the chasm, he's barely scathed and gets out fine. But he chases the balrog because he wants to murder it cause it's evil and shit.

*wanted to kill the Balrog

I was hiking the other day and I came to a crossroad with signs pointing in two directions. I stopped, read both out loud, and continued walking. I thought about this dumb forced meme and laughed


>No farmlands outside the city

I was hiking the other day and I came to a crossroad with signs pointing in two directions. I stopped and threw a stick in the air to see which path I should take

I do that.

>zoom in on bushes
>man stands up after shitting
>everyone laughs and claps

Gandalf wanted to go through Moria but Aragorn was scared shitless because he'd passed through there semi recently. Aragorn is the one who demanded they tried Caradhras first. Also I guess Aragorn felt Gandalf would die in Moria because muh Numenorian premonition

How many times has this exact thread been made in the last 24 hours?

I do this in real life now. My wife and her son hate it.

how did gimli not know the fate of moria and durin and whatnot? i can't remember if it was explain or not.

Where would they get their farm supplies?

Why the didn't they just have the Elves build a magic catapult to throw the ring into the volcano at a great distance
They could have practiced first with fake rings and got good at it

There are in the books, but films made it look like a desolate waste.


The catapult would become corrupted, take the Ring for itself and rule Middle Earth

He wanted to know what became of his kin. Not sure how much they played up the uncertainty.

Everybody knew about Moria being fucked up but all the dwarves hoped that Balin's expedition had managed to recover it from the orcs. But they hadn't heard from them in like 2 years so they sent envoys to Elrond to seek advice. I think only dwarves held this crazy hope that it was still inhabitable


Haven't seen that in a while, fucking brilliant


It's a cliche that I love.

>pull car into shoulder and get out
>New York...
>goes back in car

more importantly, why build a city right up against a mountain? all it takes is a small platoon of men to hike up behind them and throw rocks and pelt them with arrows

>What we really need is a trebuchet

what a garbage city

>>pull car into shoulder and get out
Gandalf never dismounted from his horse.
You lose, fag.

What happens when you kill an orc? Does it get sent to Mandos like the rest of elvenkind? Why are elves such cunts to them anyway? You'd think they be more into trying to rehabilitated their fucked up kin than murdering them on sight.

The very first orcs were mutated elves. Nu-orcs are not elves.

>no crops or animals outside the city

Why didn't Sauron just surround them and starve them out?

okay, stay in car and say it nerd. Still retarded kys you fucking noob idiot

fuck orcs
only good orc is a dead orc
wanna know why your life is so much better than life in middle earth? Because there's no fucking orcs in your life. You smug shits take your lives for granted but if you lived next to a bunch of orcs you'd know what I'm talking about. There's no rehabilitating the orc, the orc revels in everything that makes it inferior, so the only way to fix an orc is to make the orc not exist. If I see Morgoth on the street I'm punching him in the face

>arrive at new city
>come to a stop outside and say name of city out loud

You mean you don't do this? I do it all the time

Why? There was zero defense in the city.

It's perfectly normal to say the city or town or location's name in the car while you're approaching when there's at least one other person with you as a passenger.

because all the colonists died under the mountains

I don't think there are any paths up Mindolluin from the ground.
There's a path up to the peak but it starts midway up the city and is heavily guarded

no one knows
Tolkien never totally decided how orcs came to be/what orcs really are before he died.

Look at that horse butt

I remember I was driving to Maine to visit a friend, and saw New York off in the distance. Even miles away I could see the smog and smell the piss stench from all the homeless people huddled up beneath the bridges
I still remember scowling and shaking my head as I muttered
>Fucking new york.

He was back and forth between corrupt elves and their own race right?

Why is there no sex in the lotr? Was tolkein a eunuch?

t. grrm
I bet you find the lack of detailed descriptions of bowel movements equally dissapointing