How long before they are killed by an armed fan from the RLM subreddit?

How long before they are killed by an armed fan from the RLM subreddit?

I hate how these RLM faggots spam their shit on this board every single day.

hothead.. sit down. Be humble.

They're entertaining but I don't agree with them a lot of the time

Not long.

Never, they'll get killed by a Sup Forums autist instead.

Mike would just take him down. He's probably itching for the chance to knock people out again

Plinkett Last Jedi review when?

Oh look, it's the hourly Reddit Letter Media shill thread.

u mad white boi?

Did they take a video down today?

based niggers!

Is "the RLM subreddit" a codeword for Sup Forums?


>Mike gets killed by obsessive fan
>Jay becomes penniless
>His savior, another Mike, offers him a job
The Matei and Bauman Review Hour confirmed!

No Sup Forums is far more autistic.

>I hate how these RLM faggots spam their shit on this board every single day.

rlm has been a thing for at least a decade here, newfag

Yeah, from the subreddit.

I wanna lock james and mike, with mike and jay in a single room, and record it.

Now this is fucking eclectic.

Sam and Charls vs. Mike and Jay. Who wins?

that tis the question

wich one?

>160 years worth of no experience

>puh puh puh please w-watch our shit videos so we can make youtube pennies!


They're fine with murder

But if a fan shows up and flashes them tits, there's gonna be some problems



It must suck for all these guys whose career is chained to movies and tv shows to go through like 4 years now of hollywood not making anything that is organically successful or good

sam provided mike and jay don't go for sam's peg legs. Charls might be a wild card though it depends if mike is fast enough to KO him before he activated his hyper active DOOMmode, at which point Charls would be too fast for them to even process.

The Virgin J's and the Chad Mike's


Will they all be able to pretend they liked Episode 9?

What about us you guyz

Does that Ryan guy even have a soul? he always looks absolutely miserable.

I'd rather hang out with Beardfat, easily. He probably doesn't smell as bad as Ryan, and we could talk about movies and stuff.


Eh, that's better for them. What they were really missing was some colossal failure to make fun of.

Mike already proved that Beardfat makes his beard smell nice every day.

nah aidsmboy is the equivalent of ryan. no talent piece of shit that lurks in the shadows, trying to make money off the cinemassacre/rlm name

An armed fan? More like an armed portman



Won't even start until the Blu Ray is out. The TFA came out the following October so sometime around then

Why don't they watch movies together outside of BoTW? What kind of shitty friend simulator is this?

Wait you use Reddit, and then you go on a side on Reddit dedicated to Red Letter Media?

My god.

How long until Rich Evans dies of diabetes?

what's the context on this? He knocked out three guys with one punch.

We're talking about the Milwaukee Mulatto Murderer here.

What do you mean? They watch movies they review for HitB together. It's also just more "fun" to watch them watch (and later mock) bad movies.

he thinks jay and mike actually hang out aside from work

They probably hate each other like the Mythbusters guys.