>watch Drive
>expect a badass heist movie with tons of cool car chase scenes
>it's just Goose staring at budget Michelle Williams for an hour and a half
What the fuck, Sup Forums?
>watch Drive
>expect a badass heist movie with tons of cool car chase scenes
>it's just Goose staring at budget Michelle Williams for an hour and a half
What the fuck, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>movies Sup Forums tricked you into watching
inb4 you just didn't understand it
It's not about understanding a movie or not, it's just that we all get different enjoyment out of watching something. For some of us it's emotions and an appreciations of every craft involved in cinema, and for others it's watching a car ram into another car for 2 hours.
Drive fans like it because they can enjoy capeshit without feeling too guilty about it.
yea, i guess. I can enjoy drama films too
like, equalizer was a similar movie from around the same time and I remember it more than this
>watch blade runner 2049
>not even one person running with blades, let alone 2049 of them
Total bullshit, can't believe I fell for this.
I liked blade runner 2049, though. Drive was just unmemorable and too much style over substance
Why did you expect a heist? The movie is called drive. It's 90 minutes of goose driving around LA.
>click on a Drive thread
>expect a decent post
>get reddit spacing and the opinion of some guy who played on his iPhone during the whole movie
What the fuck reddit?
All gosling films have an aesthetic where they pretend the low hissing sound of microphone silence is poingant and deep
You need to have a high level of autism to understand drive
Drive is great in the way it captures a certain feel.
It's an 80s thing but not restricted to it.
A few people just don't get it.
There's barely any driving in the movie. It should be called "Sit" because it's just about Ryan Gosling sitting in a motel room.
>All gosling films
Why is there always that faggot who generalizes about Ryan Gosling based on like three films? His other films have plenty of dialogue.
>tfw no candid film of goose just driving around all day, doing mundane tasks like going to the grocery store etc.
I was alive in the 80s and I guess I just didn't get it. A lot of people have said the driver is supposed to be like a self-insert, so maybe this just really is a case of movies women can't understand
What are some of your favorite films? Out of curiosity.
Song to Song
That's one thing I can give Drive credit for. It's one of those few modern films that actually feels like an 80s film instead of just sticking in a bunch of 80s songs and saying "this is so totally 80s guys look at the way we're dressing it's tubular and radical also check out this cool 80s phone I have." Drive doesn't even have any 80s songs because it doesn't need them.
Die Hard, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Mousehunt, Clue, Invasion of the Body Snatchers
>Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Which one?
>What the fuck, Sup Forums?
>Duuurrr i need explosions and tits or i can't keep my focus ddduuurrr
50s and 80s both are pretty good (if 80s is the one with donald sutherland)
this is exactly how I felt in 2011 when I first saw it and now I love it
It's definitely a movie that relies more on emotion and mood than action. It's almost dreamlike at times, with the 'blankness' of some of the performances combined with the music and colors.
I feel like it's a movie about longing, especially for things in the past or that you can't have. Shannon's injury and lack of money, Standard and his debts and prison record, Nino can't get respect from the mob even in his old age, Driver wants nothing to do with crooks he's run jobs for in the past and would like to be left alone to start anew... everyone wants things that they can't have. And when they try, a flash of brutal violence cuts them down.
It's not a movie for everyone. I don't mean that in a condescending way - "it's not for you if ur a brainlet plebe" - I simply mean that the style and direction don't click for some people but strongly resonate with others. Maybe give it another watch sometime - or don't!
Definitely inspired by Michael Mann's movies - Thief is the obvious comparison but the slow pace, electronic soundtrack, and overall moodiness is apparent throughout.
I find that some movies you have to watch twice. Partly because you don't know what to expect the first time so you may be disappointed if it doesn't follow your expectations, but then when you watch it the second time you know what happens so you can better appreciate how it does what it's trying to do.
I loved Mullholland Drive but didn't like Drive, and it was a similarly "dreamlike emotion" movie
That's my post and I was also alive and growing up with 80s movies.
What I should have said was "it's a retrospective 80s thing" because it fucking nails it- being a modern film, retrospective of the 80s.
Maybe it is. The Driver basically lives this almost-hollywood life as a stunt driver and then thinks "maybe I can actually be a hero for real" with regard to the woman he has a thing for, but then finds the reality is actually much messier and things don't work out exactly just because you have heroic intentions. Fantasising about being the knight in shining armour for a girl is something every man does at one point or another.
>so maybe this just really is a case of movies women can't understand
It definitely helps to watch it through the eyes of a lonely guy yearning for female companionship
>knowing what it's like to feel lonely
They can't understand it, bro. They just can't.
>it's just Goose staring
and the problem is??
>What the fuck, Sup Forums?
You know why Sup Forums likes this movie so much
It's a movie about a "cool" white cuck, who falls in love with a single mother with a mutt kid
You get it now?
>tfw have never been without a bf for more than a few weeks
what's a movie for this feel
wew, lad. what a world you must inhabit.
Backdoor Sluts 9
>in MY Sup Forums??
A lot of us lonely guys who fail at being men do feel like cucks, even though we aren't into being cucked at all.
Most of us still have talents and skills. All of us have an angry psychotic streak buried somewhere. We all want to protect and care for someone like anyone else.
This movie really hits home for some.
>that part where she runs away from him because he murdered the guy in the elevator
The feels.
>mutt using the word "subhuman"
>Drive: filtering out plebs since 2011
This. The plebs are the ones who like Drive and the patricians are the ones who don't.
>movie is called drive
>he drives
I saw exactly what I paid for, OP.
I've never seen this movie, but a guy at my work regularly wears the jacket. What are some things I should say to him?
"Want a toothpick?"
shut the fuck up you two, no sensible, fair and respectful discussion allowed here
It's post-American pre-Australian comfy hours, user
>i will never make a career out of writing film reviews with snarky lines like this
>expect a badass heist movie with tons of cool car chase scenes
Then watch Fast and furious stupid OP
Will do. I'll update you with his response next goose thread.
>my hands are a little dirty
>so are mine
Drive spirals into a stodgy tale of internecine feuding, in which Driver is required to come to terms with the sins of past generations. What he doesn't get to do much of is drive around beating-up bad guys. That's a shame.
Approach him and ask he's been helping out your wife. Repeat this: Helping out huh? Is that right? you're helping out?
If he does anything other than stare with stupid slight smile then stab him in the throat and take the jacket from him
Hurrr, I swapped over the words from the negative blank panther review into Drive and it's totally relevant
>Unga unga grug think flick where autist want to take care of wife's son is good, no no-else say it bad
I'll do this, too. I'll have to watch it first, to get a sense of the cadence. Except the stabbing part, of course.
Then you're a brainlet who didn't get it, honestly. I was able to grok both.
Haha imagine turning her around
That's a pretty short clip and doesn't spoil anything and it's on YouTube so here, I'll just link it to you in case you don't have time to watch the whole movie before you ask him:
>brainlets with delusions of mediocrity actually think this
Indeed, Refn is a brainlet with delusions of mediocrity.
Trolling Refn and Snyder fans is easily some of the best entertainment I've ever had on this board even though I like the movies. They get so genuinely mad.
Internecine feuding perfectly describes what happens in Drive, though.
Not connecting with a central character isn't really a flaw of mine or the movies, just the reason different people have different preferences
Imagine her queefing on your neck, so warm
Christina Hendricks is literally perfect in Drive. Too bad there wasn't a full penetration scene or her getting her titties sniffed haha.
Thanks user, you're a good friend. I'll let you know how it goes. I think I'll watch the movie anyway. Looks comfy.
>>watch blade runner 2049
>>not even one person running with blades, let alone 2049 of them
>Total bullshit, can't believe I fell for this.
Oh user, you kill me
Stranger in a strange land movie when?
Ryan would make a good Mike.
whaa? She's literally the cuck female piece of trash who eats buck shot, very hateable, great acting though I agree
Her head got penetrated by many bullets.
not at all
its normie trash
real autists enjoy refns real films and despise this soy meme flick
My favourite part of this movie is when goose walks into the whore house with the hammer and all the girls are fucking wet while he beats down the low level gangster and calls Nino
>if I slap together as many buzzwords as possible my post will sound like a real argument
Shotguns don't shoot bullets retard
Sure they do, you load them in the clip.
this. only movie i have ever walked out of
looking back it does give me a glorified music video vibe.
>Ya get Blanch, look at her, she's beautiful
>One of Sup Forums's favorite movies involves a literal autist taking care of his girlfriend's Hispanic son
We don't mind because Oscar Isaac is a beautiful, beautiful man and we would be happy to take care of his son.
This except I posted it so I'm thising my own post.
>Liking Guatemalan people
He's an American citizen so he's welcome in my country any time.
Agreed. He's the only good looking person in NuWars.
nah this movie aged like milk. That initial A E S T H E T I C feel wears off after the second or third watch. The soundtrack wasn't even that amazing. Human Bean is the only one I remember. I was expecting more Heart thumping Hotline Miami soundtrack.
Mark Hamill's still sexy.
Any movies you'd recommend that actually have a soundtrack like Hotline Miami?
He makes a good hobo wizard. Would have enjoyed seeing him play a role like that in some kind of other original fantasy movie.
I can recommend individual songs from movies but an entire soundtrack is impossible. 2 of them that comes to mind is that Disco song in Bronson and the chase scene song from Bloodsport. Sadly such a movie hasn't been made yet.
Yeah, I had to do this with Breakfast at Tiffany's
The Guest. Dan Stevens is great in it.
Hollywood is working on weaponising autism and testing it on goose under the guise of kino was the first step in the human trials
guacamolian people?
Has anyone corrected OP and told him it was not Michelle Williams but Carrie Mulligan? I'm too lazy and tired to read all the responses.
Backdoor Sluts 9?!
Watched it for the first time last week (it's on Netflix btw)
It made a lot of sense and I liked the themes, but I couldn't follow the crime plot. Why didn't Nino just accept the million dollars?
Also the synth music was good but the ambient music was better. That elevator scene man