It's gonna suck isn't it
It's gonna suck isn't it
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I hope it doesn't
I don't have high hopes.
quick reminder that you can all abandon hope already
In her defense that is just an ad hominem attack. Show me some garbage she's made and I'll worry. Too apathetic to look it up anyhow
>In her defense that is just an ad hominem attack
Do you even understand what ad hominem means?
Have you checked her website?
Whether he used the term cororectly, it doesn't change the fact that the post doesn't tell us anything about her filmmaking ability or lack thereof, just that she's a lot of things that Sup Forums tells us we shouldn't like.
I think the trailer will speak for itself
It sucks
Top comment truly says it all.
Oh fuck, nevermind; hadn't known it was supposed to be a web series.
People who loudly broadcast their allegiance to fashionable political and culture war causes tend to prioritize their agenda above making a good product. This isn't just true of Leftists or SJWs; every overtly conservative or Christian comedy movie ever made has sucked. The fact that she is so young and inexperienced is another warning sign.
All the signs point to this project being a glorified lab rat to test the viability of dedicated streaming services. The people behind this project probably fully expect it to fail and are merely curious to see why and how it fails so they can start making plans for the projects they actually plan to succeed with. The Stargate IP is perfect for this purpose. It has a large enough fanbase to draw in a crowd and give the number crunchers some data to work with, but not enough of a fanbase to really consider it a cash cow that's too important to risk audience goodwill by getting experimental with it.
I prefer to hope that the goal is to experiment with the Stargate brand using a low-effort no-budget series to see if anyone still even likes it, and if it does well despite all they're stacking against it, we'll get someone that knows what the fuck they're doing.
kill yourself
Man that looks weird.
Maybe it's like STD and only the first half sucks.
diversity is a hell of a drug
>Grammar Nazi
It's Sup Forums, YOU kill yourself
*sigh* why is it always prequels?
I must be weird but i've never given a shit about what happened before a series/movie. Continue the story or do something else in the universe but I literally don't care about the "hero" before they become the "hero", they weren't interesting then, that's why the story started where it did.
Anyway I hope it works for connor trineer's sake
a cistem lord?
Will there be goa'uld?
probably, it doesn't seem to have the humour that the other stargates had. Well except for universe which was very up it's own ass, you can see where that went
judging by the trailer there will only be goold cosplayers in egypt (my theory right now is there's some cult that's survived in egypt and who want to bring Ra back to earth when they hear about the Stargate being rediscovered, to they kidnap Catherine)
>prequels blow
Which most do. Most prequels are wretched cash grabs.
Although the first Scorpion King was technically a prequel (to Brendan Fraser's rotten Mummy movies) and I must admit, The Rock was entertaining.
So it's basically X-Men: Apocalypse ?
>the first Scorpion King was technically a prequel (to Brendan Fraser's rotten Mummy movies)
and The Scorpion King 4 is the sequel to a sequel to a sequel to a prequel to a prequel to a sequel to a remake
sure, with no budget but lots of gerl powur
I didn't even know this was a thing, also judging by that poster they digging so deep into the barrel that I might have to "star" in part 5
That bitch is hot though. Show will be absolute garbage
Nevermind. I just checked out the "behind-the-scenes" tab on her website. She's pretty fat and ugly. Why did you use these flattering photos?
>It's gonna suck isn't it
Big time.
>Girl gets attacked by goon
>Guy moves to defend her
>Girl beats up goon by herself
>Guy stops short, mugs a surprised "the girl can fight?!" expression
Name that movie.