How did he do it, especially in his mid 30s? Can it be done without Hollywood 'roids?
How did he do it, especially in his mid 30s? Can it be done without Hollywood 'roids?
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I wonder how Audrey feels about this
>Can it be done without Hollywood 'roids?
Yes but don't expect to do it as fast as he did, it's going to take you a while, fatso
Yes. SARMs don't count as steroids
mid 30's isn't ancient.
Where did all his moles go? :thinking:
He was still in pretty good shape in the left pic. I barely see a difference desu. He lost a little fat and the lighting is better
Google is your friend fag.
I have the same body type as the left pic and women all agree I'm too fat/not Chad enough to get away with it. No.
He doesn't have moles. Your computer screen is just dirty.
>actually believing that shit
I bet you think that following The Rock's routine will get you half as jacked as he is too.
I communicate with the dead (I know, you don't believe right). Both Zyzz and Bruce Lee told me that Chris Pratt is 100% natty.
You know what's really awesome...
He grew hotter and his wife devolved into a hideous troll wench. Not only that, but her genetics fucked up his poor kid!
Do you have abs like him on the left though? He's muscular but not toned. You might just be fat
The kid looks like his mom in the face region. And I don't mean that in a good way.
There's literally no ab insertions visible in the left pic, young nibba
He doesn't have abs on the left
They aren't defined that well but they're there
>especially in his mid 30s
30s isn't old if you actually get off your ass once in a while ya fat NEET
>They aren't defined that well but they're there
Maybe in your imagination
I can see them, user.
Yes. Pratt on the left was intentionally tacking on mass for Parks and Rec. All he had to do was drop beer, eat well, and follow a cardio heavy regimen.
>replying to yourself to save face on Sup Forums of all places
This is like that "this blue and black dress is actually gold and black" thing all over again, isn't it
Women age like shit. Everyone knows women degrade yearly after 30.
There is one mass, maybe two masses in his ab region which are catching light in the left pic.
>in his mid 30
Actor who made Hercules in the ninety unJUSTED himself at 40.
Ask /fit/. Hopefully in between the cope and memes you will get a decent answer.
How wide are Cavill's shoulders goddamn
you are so desperate man, just go work out and eat only fuel food.
honestly /fit/ is one of the more helpful boards around
It's mostly done in the kitchen, not the gym, but the gym has to be there as well.
Well potential millions of dollars is surely a good motivator. That and fleets of trainers and people who make his food.
People act like it's fucking magic to get in shape
He probably cut out beer and soft drink, ate tons of calories in good foods and put in an hour or so of exercise. It's really not too difficult at all
I can see them too
I'm not fat but I'm definately overweight. Paunchy and soft.
Used to be in good shape from excerise and active outdoor lifestyle. Got sick for a while, ruined my body, now I'm in pain all the time. Gained weight, stopped exercising. Depressed, bad habits. Still eat pretty good tho, when I have an appetite.
Is there hope for me? Tried to start up working out again but it hurts too much. How do you get in shape with chronic pain?
Sorry for /blogging
Pratt isn't "jacked" he just lost a lot of weight while doing a weightlifting routine. He wasn't even that fat to begin with. Any fatty with the dedication could lose ten pounds a month while retaining muscle mass. It's difficult but nowhere near impossible.
>implying its hard
drop the soda, fatty
Try swimming
Where is the pain?
He was a chad quarterback in highschool. The only thing wrong with the left picture is a beer gut.
Is right.
This. Swimming and biking.
>especially in his mid 30s
jesus christ kids who taught you this shit, the lazy jew?
First of all Pratt was never an athlete and so never suffered any injuries. 30s is peak ability time. Nothing much goes wrong with your body until after 40. Did you just not see that 40yo boxer beat up a yuung MMA faggot?
She dumped him cause he got to hot and popular though
That's a good suggestion user. i don't know why it never occurs to me.
From mid back down. Pretty much everything, joints, back legs etc... Headaches a lot as well but that's not really an issue for exercise.
Might try swimming soon, user makes sense.
The best trainers and personal chefs money can buy.
plus a few light cycles.
Why the homophobia?
>How did he do it, especially in his mid 30s?
what the fuck is wrong with 90's born fucks and why are so many of you poofs?
>Did you just not see that 40yo boxer beat up a yuung MMA faggot?
A mooncricket in his 40's has the athletic prowess of a white in his 20's, though
Try stretching first. Do you stretch your hammies and your legs/quads at least once a day? If not that might help alleviate some pain
Yeah swimming, biking.
Don’t stress your joints and back with weight workouts and running.
Might try some small bodyweight exercise, I mean you only need your body.
And don’t forget stretching, dynamic pre and holding post workout.
>drop beer
Phobia would mean that he is scared.
I’m not, just hating you lol fag
theres low calorie beer
taste like shit though, i wouldnt recommend it
Usually that means "stop drinking beer and switch to vodka/gin". At least thats what I (try to) do, but I can't stay away from bourbon.
She loved him before the weight loss
Am i the only one who has no problem staying in great shape by just doing pushups and pullups daily for half an hour?
I am 27. I used to lift when i was in college but that seems too much work now.
Drink wine and vodka like real men filthy Cz*ch
>tfw depressed cause fat
>tfw fat cause depressed
I got down to 96kg which is my lowest in years, then depression came back, went up even higher than ever ended up at 117kg
Lol kill me
He was motivated by money and had a personal trainer and chef.
You can do it, but no more soda, pizza or alcohol.
Water, veggies, meats.
Try and do keto then lift some weights til you lose most of the weight
Where do you think you see abs? Are you an idiot?
>tfw I'm not one of those depressed "people" who loses their appetite and is two depressed too eat
Except for the food and porn none of that applies. Some of us just get depressed when people die who we love. Not advocating it, just a reality.
a million dollars can motivate anyone to be thin
still there the image is just flipped
This, I go to bed at a reasonable hour+wake up early, don't smoke weed, stopped fapping to porn, and I exercise 4x a week. Fuck me for not having "social interaction" but people only want to talk to/befriend Chad
Dude was fit in his youth and never lost weight, which means he never really went catabolic, which means he was still at least partially jacked under all that fat.
Source: I didn't touch a barbell in 8 years, turned into a doughy bag of ass, but could still manage 1/2/3/4 without breaking a sweat first day back in the gym.
>loved ones die
thats not depression or being emo, thats griefing and normal
30s is when dudes start to get hot tho
Take up weightlifting. I'm around the same weight as you and seeing progress on lifting heavy things week by week has done well to help motivate me to unfuck my life. Still aint losing weight, unfortunately, love eating too goddamn much but things are getting better.
Only BPD roasties, trannies, and gayboys believe this.
>source: worked in a call center
that was me in my teens.I was a lanky 6'1" guy till i was 20.
I started lifting when i was 20. I made a couple of friends in the gym while feeling better about myself as my appetite got better.
Try new things otherwise you'll remain depressed. I am still depressed sometimes when i think of the future no matter how good my present is but i am a lot less depressed compared to my teenage years.
I dunno nobody else got all fat. I've begun a strict workout routine, but I was still careless with my diet.
Does /fit/ have anyway to deal with the absolute fed up feeling you have on low calories? It feels like everyday's just a grind to stay awake and get things done. I know it's a lack of dopamine/serotonin that comes from eating, but exercise only boosts that for so long.
Maybe I just need to become comfortable not feeling good?
What does working in a call centre have to do with that opinion?
>I hurt myself and now I'm fat
Lmao. Yeah, being in pain for a month for some bullshit "um, my knee hurts lol" is going to get your 50 extra pounds. Or more.
Sounds like James from the My 500 Pound Life shit.
Gross vegetable and almond milk smoothies, Vitamin cocktails, and if all else fails pre-workout supplements.
I'll be honest I normally rely on all three to cut.
Being a gay man is as low as you can get, even soyboys don't willingly suck dick.
I take my vitamins, I'll give gross vegie and almond milk smoothies a go.
>muh depression
I want to kill myself every day and I'm not fat as shit. Weightlifting gives me an hour or two of not wanting to kill myself every single day. You're just a lazy shit.
You are suppose to eat veggies whole and raw as they are loaded in fiber
He's a Christan and a conservative, we just have more morals and will power.
I wouldn't want to be you, you sound awful.
For some reason there's a lot of gays, roasties, and trannies who work at call centers. I just did it because it's easy work and I could shitpost from my workstation but goddamn you "people" are shallow as fuck
I'm 25 so it's already kind of too late.
You don't juice them, you dumb cunt, you blend them. The fiber doesn't go anywhere.
you can do this in two months just by browsing /fit/
I wouldn't want to be myself either. But at least I'm not fat and I have a large social circle because people don't know that I want to kill myself every day.
>im 25 and its too late
kek! its not too late user. especially at 25. shit man. get on the ball or one day it really will be too late because you will be dead.
>I'm 25 so it's already kind of too late.
I'd like to encourage you but frankly you sound like someone who enjoys having excuses so I don't want to take the only thing you have away from you.
>I'm 25 so it's already kind of too late.
My dad who worked as a cashier his entire life got into medical school at 52 with a full scholarship and started his clerkship 8 months ago. It's never too late.
>too late
If you believe that then it's truly too late for you. You love making excuses so you'll never get any where.
Blending destroys the fiber you stupid fatty no wonder you are obese and depressed.
It's a normies don't understand how roids work episode
if you guys seriously think Chris Pratt has a steroid body then you are just exposing that fact that you do not workout, you do not go to the gym, you have never gotten jacked in your life, and you simply are ignorant to the subject. Look at Hemsworth Thor body, that is what a steroid body looks like. Pratt looks great, but that is NOT a fucking steroid body, you fucking goof balls. Look at him when he was fat, he's hiding muscle under that fat. He was an athlete in high school and wrestled during his youth. Not everyone grew up a skinny anorexic dweeb that never participated in sports.
Honestly considering how many "people" like you exist, the only reason I dont kill myself/give up is simply so I can spite you "people" and buy/sell a lot of high-quality drugs to enslave & fuck your female relatives with. It's pretty easy to get away with considering the social and political climate of this country nowadays.
im a fuckup with a criminal record so I'd rather just be edgy and try to spite as many people as possible with my existence just because of how others treat me. Only reason I'd attempt to even achieve a modicum of personal success is so I can abuse it and wield it to shit on others with, like people have done to me and still do to me.
Complete agreement from the council of women huh? Better start juicing.
I'm fit as fuck you dense cunt, I'm clearly not the fat/depressed OP because I responded to him with advice, blending doesn't magically destroy fiber you broscience meme spouting fucktard, there have been numerous studies to prove that.
>Look at Hemsworth Thor body, that is what a steroid body looks like.
Most amerimutt/western girls think that all guys can achieve Thor-mode by being natty
None of the females in my life do drugs because they're not degenerate losers like yourself.
See how you lash out at others for calling you out for making excuses? You're already a loser.