If she was your daughter would you keep trying to have a son?

If she was your daughter would you keep trying to have a son?

With her? Yeah.

with her, yeah

yes, with her

she looks odd. why does Sup Forums love her so much?

mummy pusy

Yeah, something weird about her but not bad

based mummy poster

i would lick her special place if she wanted!



La mummia...

No, she looks enough like a son


Why were her toes blue?

she's hygienic it would be very delightful for both parties

Anybody else like The Mummy movie?

hotter in star trek

I wouldn't toilet train my daughter

Why not?

Yeah, I think I'd impregnate that, given the chance.

Can't fuck my son.
I mean I could. But I wouldn't.
Because that's gay. Not into the gay stuff. Not that that's bad. They can do what they want. I'm just not into the immoral incestual homoerotica.
So I wouldn't have a son. Although you can't really tell what would come out if I empregnated my daughter. That daughter being your picture. The girl. From the mummy movie.
I haven't seen it. I mean I don't know. I probably wouldn't go out of my way to see it. Eventually when it pops up on Hulu maybe I will. I do like Tom Cruise. Yep. Good guy. Cool guy. Have you seen him fly a helicopter? Pretty darn cool. Does all kinds of tricks. Crazy. He'll be flying in the new Mission Impossible movie.
Definitely going to see that. Looks cool. Imax? Maybe. I hope it comes out in Imax. Ghost Protocol was cool. Scared the shit out of me when he lost grip and began to fall. Split second, I felt as I was the one. Who was truly falling. But I wasn't. Cool though. That it had such an effect on me. Good movie. Yep. Good. Good stuff.
... yeah. Brad Bird huh. Incredibles. Fun movie. Now, he had a son. He kept trying maybe after Violet. Brings me back to my first point. See, I would copulate with Violet. And perhaps the girl in the Original Post. Seen here Would I keel trying to have a son if I had her? Probably not. But, because I would be having intercourse with her and because she is so old she wont know the concept of contraceptives, so I won't have to wear a condom. No stopping mid coitus. I simply ejaculate in her vagina. What she does after is her perogative. Probably use her tissue paper. Or cotton balls. Girls, huh? Always hogging up the restroom. Yep.
Oh yeah. She would become pregnant. If she had not gone through menopause and become barren. THEN there's that 50/50 chance of having a son. From my daughter. The mummy. Or another daughter. Whom I would have intimate relations with. Yep.
Is Brendan Fraiser ok?

Look at every girl Sup Forums spergs over. They’re almost hot almost attainable women that have one major flaw (in this case she has a fucking manjaw the crimson chin would be jealous of). This is classical beta behavior. They convince themselves this mediocre almost hot but kinda ugly female is so much better than X supermodel. Just enjoy the display of pathetic beta behavior.

Just finished this and thought it was pretty good. The middle part was absolute "Happening"-tier "What? No!" type dialogue but the ending twist was actually really cool to see in a stupid way. Seems like they are pushing ahead with more of the Dark Universe with Gal Gadot as Bride of Frankenstein in late 2019