Other urls found in this thread:
>things film embryos say
watch more film
Great actress wasted in an awful role in a shit movie
Why does this almost feel like raimi posting
everyone will remember her as admiral SJW
people will travel to her grave in youtube videos in the year 2040 and say 'This is where the purple haired lady from starwars is'
>watch more film
>Great actress
I wouldn't call her great. Name one film she's great in?
I doubt it, honestly. Nuwars has no staying power.
Twin Peaks
Laura Dern is probably the best actress in that piece of shit. She was just given a terrible character.
>Twin Peaks
Literally the last thing she was in.
You think she was great in that? Really? Great?
>i watch Twin Peaks for Laura Dern.
Dern couldn't act her way out of a rape dungeon.
Exactly. Plus her face looks like a foot.
>Laura Dern is probably the best actress in that piece of shit.
That's a pretty low bar user.
Inland Empire
>Because Carrie's too close to death to do this much acting, we'll never get done on time waiting for her
>Have fun being a hamfisted replacement for her that will inevitably make everyone hate you
Blue Velvet, Inland Empire, even Jurassic Park if you wanna go there.
>admiral SJW
Thought we settled on General Gender Studies
October Sky
Inland Empire had her turning in a fantastic performance.
oh fuck a b-b-b-b-bblAKC PERSONNNN EEEEEEEEK
I’m a Lynch fan and I still think Dern is a mediocre actress at best.
Even in Twin Peaks she was totally outclassed by the other older actresses, Naomi Watts and Sheryl Lee in particular
this but unironically
>Jurassic Park if you wanna go there.
Really user? Really?
>Blue Velvet
You think she was great in Blue Velvet? Her part is not very complex.
>October Sky
Once again a tiny role.
alright, great is an overstatement, but she's not bad.
I thought Holdo was a decent character and played decently enough. Her being an anal by-the-book staff officer worked as a great foil for the charismatic and impulsive Poe.
>as admiral SJW
Holdo was the standard boring-ass nobody second-hand staff officer who has to step up when something bad happens and keep the ship steady (which they do because they are a boring nobody autist who takes their job seriously). How the fuck is that character SJW in the least bit? Colored hair on a woman fucking triggers you that badly?
It's pretty sad nowadays that if Alien or Aliens would be released now Sup Forums would rip the shit out of both of them because they are literal retards hopped up on identity politics.
>Admiral Gender Studies
this is literally happening to alec guinness
>muh consequences
>if you doubt my leadership I will slap you and shoot you with my stun gun
shes actually a good actress
There are no small roles, user. Only small actors.
Tbh that sort of supporting role is exactly what purple admiral chick could have been in a non-retarded non-quipfest film.
>alright, great is an overstatement, but she's not bad.
I agree user. She's not bad in most things. I just would never call her great in anything.
>t. buttmad 'im a feminist' roastie wth coloured hair
>There are no small roles, user. Only small actors.
I just rolled my eyes so hard I almost stroked out.
Not that anyone could tell based on TLJ.
Is this a real scene from the film? Can someone post a webm?
The actual line is
>Refusing to comment on Inland Empire because you got BTFO by Based Dern Chad
Once again a small roll and are you really saying she's great in it? Or just passably good?
>Refusing to comment on Inland Empire because you got BTFO by Based Dern Chad
Calm down. I just haven't seen it so why would I comment? It's not as if any of us have seen every Laura Dern film. She's been acting for almost 40 years.
>Refusing to comment on Inland Empire
Because only like 12 people have seen it and it sucks.
did nobody say Jurassic Park yet
TLJ is so bad that it won't even be fondly satirized like the prequels are. TFA is okay but is now poisoned by TLJ's problems by proxy.
But she literally did the exact opposite of what you said. She intentionally left everyone in the dark and antagonized Poe who was simply asking for direction, and her lack of command destroyed moral to the point that there was a mutiny. There is no logical reason as to why someone would act in this way.
I went with Admiral Hodor.
People don't even remember Padme anymore, they think anyone will care about this bitch?
She'll always be Ellie from Jurassic Park for me
Nah, she’ll always be Ellie Sattler to most people
Fuck you, Albert.
>this gets posted in every thread
>but autists on Sup Forums will still get ass-blasted if you suggest their hatred of TLJ has anything to do with Sup Forums racism or misogyny
Just like how everyone remembers Christopher Lee mainly as Count Dooku or Donnie Yen as Chirrut Imwe.
>700 million less than Force Awakens
Solo will save Disney, right guys? RIGHT?
Padme was an awful character.
>Name one film she's great in?
“Smooth Talk”
>1.3 billion dollars? Thats a flop xD
t. Sup Forums
>crying about Sup Forums.
>Still the highest grossing movie of 2017
>the 2nd movie of both previous trilogies dropped ~30% from its predecessor
TFA was a cultural event, TLJ was just another star wars movie. It did fine. Solo and IX will be the true test of the brand's longevity, but Solo is shaping up to be a justice league tier disaster after all the expensive reshoots and releasing in a crowded summer market.
So was General Purple Hair, and that bitch wasn't even a main character in the 1 movie she was in, versus the 3 that Padme was a main character in. The only characters people will actually remember are Vader, Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, Threepio, and R2-D2. And maybe Boba Fett.
No one else. Ever. We've literally been through this before with an entire new Star Wars trilogy. No one fucking cares. Someone might namedrop Darth Maul to win epik nerd cred or whatever, but Laura Dern's character is as memorable as Captain Panaka from the Phantom Menace.
You are one thin-skinned faggot.
The Last Jedi is the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull of Star Wars. It doesn't even deserve to be compared to the prequels it's so bad.
based heino
>Projecting this hard.
>Getting angry too.
>(((first world))) nations will have "leaders" who are inepct crybabies
>keeps projecting
>that awful reddit greentext
What is Sup Forums doing to you kids?
Donnie Yen is the bad guy from rush hour
>N-n-n-no y-you're p-projecting!!
A new low in political discourse.
People say the prequels made Jedi look good, and these new movies have made me appreciate the memeworthy quality of the Prequels. I'd rather hear the ridiculous banter between between Obi-Wan and Grievous on Utapau 4000 times than anything from these new movies.
>Army or not, you must realize, you are doomed
Why do autists get so fucking triggered by this?
>700 million less than the previous movie and the biggest second weekend drop ever? What a hit!
t. shill
You're supposed to misquote me, not prove me right.
I actually like the prequels. I am just saying that if someone likes The Last Jedi after ragging on the prequels they have no credibility. (Not that the movie's defenders are particularly credible in the first place.)
prequels are bad movies from a fundamental, basic standard of filmmaking. You just don't like the last jedi because "reeee ess jay double (you)'s ruined muh gary stu Luke Skywalker"
>A bloo bloo blooooo
>1.3 billion is a flop
How's that custodial job going?
did someone escape the Sup Forumsmblr containment facility?
>Admiral Gender Studies
.3 billion is a flop
Now you get it
Don't cry, Sup Forums.
the ground snapping back into place or whatever isn't actually in the film right, i haven't seen it in forever
Her liking black cock is empowering and disney wants empowered women. She's a good actress but that's nor why she's in the movie
TLJ made less than half the gross of TFA, and yet it also cost more to make and they spent more on advertising.
Toy sales have flatlined across the globe. Retailers are doing desperate fire sales and yet the products still aren't moving. It seems that disney killed the golden goose.
>Projecting this hard.
Why did so many people hate this movie? I mean they really hate it. It's deep rooted, personal hatred.
not him but
do you know how much the global marketing cost was for soy wars 8?
they had shit EVERYWHERE and I mean EVERYWHERE. It'd easily be 2, 3x the budget for a normal movie
its a flop when u consider all the costs + the inital purchase + soylo reshoots + zero toy sales
It's not hate, it's just fun to see the biggest franchise in the world crash and burn
*deep breaths*
It did more than crash and burn. It destroyed a 40 year legacy.
No, dumb redditor, this is a flop.
I've seen these sales. Let me tell you something, even at $1 they still can't sell that stuff.
SW is its own genre. a genre where only one company dictates which direction theyre going.
now imagine that company running said genre to the ground. with no other companies allowed to make media involving the genre without their permission
they literally divebombed a whole industry worth of people,things,ideas and etc just to get hollywood brownie points
>But a vocal minority of its fanbase refuses to move on, trudging along in a feeble attempt to manufacture their perfect individual version of Star Wars for the satisfaction of their wet dreams. The Force Awakens may have been dangerous because it reinforced reminders of the old, but the backlash was strong, even though it utilized structural similarities and plot developments for the sake of mystery-box subversion. Many viewers hated Abrams’ film because it exposed their reverence and mythologization of the original trilogy to an absurd degree and refracted it back in the characters’ personalities. Cries and whimpers of “It’s the same thing as the original Star Wars!!” might as well be re-worded into “I didn’t like it because it gave me exactly what I’ve been worshipping for the last thirty years!!”. While The Force Awakens, in a sense, weakened those who have never moved on from the original trilogy, The Last Jedi leaves them in the blood-red dust. It soars off into the galaxy with a fresh twinkle in its eye and a comical, sly reverence for Star Wars itself and not the version so many people have fabricated in their fantasies. The characters have been freed from their ties to Original Trilogy characters, and while they will always carry them within their hearts. Johnson showcases that no progression can be unearthed without change, and change is the opposite of stagnantly committing to ancient fandom favorites just because that’s how they’re remembered. The truth hurts for the personalities in The Last Jedi and the audience observing it play out across the screen; they have realized their stories are just that. It’s what you take away from them, and where you go from there that matters. This gargantuan space-opera train is finally back to square one freed from the constraints of its sickening fanbase and bursting into hyperspace towards the future. Time to let go
I didn't like it because it was badly written. The Force Awakens had Han being a sad old man who dies, then they just did that again with Luke. They probably would've done it with Leia in the next one if Fisher hadn't died, and there's no reason eveything from the OT had to be useless. People complained about TFA being a rehash of the first movie, and as if to spite those critics they decided the Last Jedi needed to rehash shit from the other two OT movies as well, and then also shit all over fan theories.
It's a very vindictive movie, and needlessly so. It misses the point of Luke's character, but that would've been fine if they'd had an actual direction to go in. They didn't, however, so essentially they were given the keys to one of the most beloved characters of the 20th century and then crashed the proverbial car. Not to mention nothing happened in the movie at all besides Luke's death.
im legit not reading that shit without some reddit spacing