This is why animation isnt taken seriously

This is why animation isnt taken seriously
i think we can all think of something that is more deserving of an award than this pseudo pixar regurgitated shit
Yet this is what every normie will see when they open facebook and then they will go well crearly this is all animation has to offer, look at all the awards it got and how many people have seen it

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go back to r e d d i t

op you don't even watch any animated shorts that get submitted to film festivals
You don't even know what film festival this was submitted to

I refuse to watch it. It looks very cookie-cutter and a product of mediocrity in terms of substance. It may be technically well made, but it looks like it is so far behind in what it is achieving for animation.

is there something you want to show me there?
how is that an argument?
how is this crappy short any kind of animation achievement

>how is that an argument?
>>I think we can all think of something that is more deserving of an award
Go ahead then, name one

think of a brain dead moron
now picture that brain dead moron coming out of the theater after watching the latest pixar film and sayin yeah i can totally do that only cheaper and as a 4 minute short


double king
the fucking opening animation from sonic mania

>double king

You can't win anything if you don't submit your work to the awards. Did Felix Colgrave submit?

>the fucking opening animation from sonic mania

I thought you were complaining about hollow, corporate media designed to tug on a specific emotion in order to generate cash?

>You can't win anything if you don't submit your work to the awards. Did Felix Colgrave submit?
how could i know that? its still way more deserving
>I thought you were complaining about hollow, corporate media designed to tug on a specific emotion in order to generate cash?
no, im complaining about disney and pixar

Sounds about right. Animation is becoming inbred more and more. People are afraid to break the norms and do something different.

Instead of worshipping Disney like they did in the past they are worshipping Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Pixar, and Dreamworks and treat them like gods. Having to conform to what they say is the trend.

People need to break away from these without turning into Sony animation and Illumination when they fail hard.

I'm genuinely surprised the great animation directors (tv and movies), or even just great animators don't come together to form their own studio. In order to create what they want. There is bound to be investors willing to help them out.

>Animation is becoming inbred more and more. People are afraid to break the norms and do something different.
this thing deserves an anti award

What you're describing is somewhat what Laika does, and they're a financial failure only kept afloat by Nike
At the end of the day 3D animation is fucking expensive and these people need fucking jobs

>Having to conform to what they say is the trend.

No, having to conform to what they say is how you get a paying job.

>I'm genuinely surprised the great animation directors (tv and movies), or even just great animators don't come together to form their own studio. In order to create what they want.

They did. It's called Laika.

>There is bound to be investors willing to help them out.

There aren't. Again, see Laika. Investors don't want art. They want a return on their dime. Untested shit doesn't make money - until it does. This is why surprise hits are copied and cloned and sequeled and milked until people complain there's nothing new.

Every time there's a thread like this, it's all people who don't understand how the industry works. There's a reason they call it the industry.

Laika bleeds money. It's kept alive solely be the son of the guy who owns Nike as a pet project.

As an addendum, a lot of this problem could be solved by greater government subsidy of the arts, like you see in, say, Canada, Britain, and Australia. But in the U.S., we started and stayed with film and TV as an essentially private industry and that's why it's money driven over everything else. Everything.

thats because the only audience for animation is children and stoners
that disney makes movies for everyone is bullshit, they make movies for kids that dont make parents feel like abandoning them in the theater and running away

That was my point. Laika has no investors because their films do not make money.

I thought the only reason they did that was because theyre scared of becoming too Americanized

>a lot of this problem could be solved by greater government subsidy
and then all the money goes to the best friend of the guy who decides what gets subsidised great

America is no longer the center of the animation world or even of much relevance, artistically speaking (it might still make the most money). Not everyone has caught on, though.

in all fairness coraline was their only good movie

name something better with the same level of quality in animation and story telling.

Laika is certainly verging on Illumination and Sony Animation is terms of shit. Not necessary the art talent portion, but the story side. Their stories aren't that fantastic.

They also have shit marketing.

At the very least they are doing something though. They are using their time and abilities to craft fantastic visuals. While being subsidized by someone with someone else's money. Again, they need to figure out their story writing. I liked ParaNorman, but it was only slightly better than Kubo.

How does one short change the way animation is viewed and what awards has it won?


its only gotten so much attention because of viral backlash from smoothbrains who keep spamming it everywhere crying about faggots or how people only like it because it has faggots in it.
you couldn't handle a mediocre animation student getting a shiny trophy to balm their thousands of dollars of student debt and now you've made them famous, congratulations on playing yourself

>pixar boy has a crush on another pixar boy, so sad
>quality animation
>quality stroy telling
i think you got lost in your way to the special needs class

This. It's rare for small studio shorts to be of this quality.

By being something completely different to the expected perceptions of the public at large.

That does not mean that it has to be edgy or contrarian for contrarian sakes. It is in someway a lightning in a bottle situation. If pulled off it'll revolutionize perceptions for decades to come.

>its only gotten so much attention because of viral backlash
>its only popular because you dont like it fallacy

Anything by Gobelins is a good start.

Filling less than four minutes of runtime is not exactly hard.

>By being something completely different to the expected perceptions of the public at large.
this short was anything but

It is when it's animated entirely in 3D

I wasn't say that the short did that, but if a short wanted to change the landscape that is how it'll have to do it. Roughly speaking.

I really should have first answered question by saying that it didn't.

That makes sense, but how does In a Heartbeat make it so that animation isn't taken seriously? If the answer is the same, then any animation that isn't lightning in a bottle is part of the problem. I'm still curious how how many awards it's won because I'm not seeing any on IMDB.

If an animated short can get this much attention just for having gay people in it then that honestly says a lot about the current state of animation in America

how does that make it hard?
there are 12 year old kids making 3d animation on youtube

It's not hard even then.

>how does In a Heartbeat make it so that animation isn't taken seriously?
by giving an award to the least deserving thing out there

The animation is good. People are calling it Pixar like that's a bad thing.

i bet you watched cars4

Again, you have no clue what this thing was even up against
Go look up its competition and show us what deserved an award more

What all was nominated? What award did it win?

I always love how these arguments always come up in regards to anything not starring or made by straight, white guys. Apparently the only way to stay objective is to give it to them and nobody else, because otherwise its' pandering or white knighting or whatever the fuck else. How coincidental.

>If an animated short can get this much attention just for having gay people in it then that honestly says a lot about the current state of animation in America

That pop culture is still so overly dominated by straight white men that any deviation from the norm is seen as something different?

Sup Forums is so obsessed with le jew agenda that they don't realise how the majority of pop culture still caters to them. Film, TV, Video Games, Music, etc, is still made for you, and the bits that everyone else is slicing off is minuscule.

i dont need to
giving an award to this piece of crap when better stuff has been recently made is offensive
if everything else was even worse then nothing should have gotten an award
it clearly meant something since it sits at 24 million views right now
thats 24 million damage to animaton, youtube is killing animation again

Not an argument

Why is anyone even taking OP seriously this dude is clearly retarded

could you please fuck off somewhere far enough that i dont ever have to deal with you again?
i have seen women and asian people make things way better than this

Professional animation quality isn't a bad thing.

There's been all kinds of gay shit in movies and on TV for many years. Brokeback Mountain being a famous example. But every year There's Still More Work to Do, and past achievements are memory holed.

>giving an award to this piece of crap when better stuff has been recently made is offensive

Again, if that stuff wasn't submitted for any awards , it can't give them. Awards panels don't go trolling Youtube for obscure non-industry shit to throw money at.

If people create something, they have to shill it themselves. This is what the industry is.

He's obvious bait. The short is admittedly lackluster, but nothing you would expect from student films (which it its). The reason it gets so much attention is because it has homos in it. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is up to each individual, and your not likely to convince the other side on the internet.

OP is hopefully trolling, but maybe we can help him if he's got some brain problems.



>double king
>opening animation from sonic mania
holy shit dude

>There's been all kinds of gay shit in movies and on TV for many years. Brokeback Mountain being a famous example

One movie that came out over a decade ago? There was Moonlight last year, which got swallowed up by the shrieking of it somehow stealing the Oscar over the actual qualities of the movie, which was another example of what I was talking about.

> But every year There's Still More Work to Do, and past achievements are memory holed.

Yes? And? You're acting like being thrown the occasional table scraps should be enough, which is bullshit.

then student films dont deserve awards

You can't prove someone wrong if he didn't even make an argument. OP just came up here and posted some declarative remarks about the short.

It gets attention because it has homos in it and the animation is really good. I'm sure this isn't the first ever animated short to feature gay crushes, but the general quality of it makes it stand out. That's not to say there isn't better out there and I can't properly judge it against anything else submitted along with it, but it's decent.
Certainly better than Lava.

traditional animation in todays world is more deserving of an award than pixar copycat sogay bulshit
even if its a clip at the start of a sonic game

>One movie that came out over a decade ago?
Are you stupid or just pretending? I said it's "a famous example."

>Yes? And?
Oh, you don't have a problem with memory holing things for political purposes. I see.

This. The big issue is that there are people who feel a need to push something new that caters to a particular group as ground-breaking. Rather than let it evolve or develop with people as an organic cultural icon.

Even worse when the project itself lacks subtlety and hammers its message over people's head.

It won't be a project that is looked back on as a great achievement. Just another foot-note. These things have to evolve within the culture naturally. One project at a time. Just don't come out of the gate swinging, let it fucking breathe some.

I mean this short here did a better job of cementing its message than the subject of this thread.

I think OP just likes to complain. No need to get riled up or anything guys. He's just another angry kid on the internet.

Watch that short here:

As it is the original posting.

>Oh, you don't have a problem with memory holing things for political purposes. I see.

As opposed to what? There's no argument here, just because good things were done in the past doesn't mean there isn't work to be done.

>memory holed
Shut the fuck up, just because we stopped talking about and referencing gay cowboys doesn't mean there was a systematic attempt to cover up its existence. What's wrong with you?

>The disabled dog video
Christ user I think it's good too but that's literally "and then John was the demons" in terms of story

Fuckin hell but of all things THAT

As opposed to not memory holing things.

>Shut the fuck up
I'm sure you would prefer that, since I am saying such inconvinient things.

here is the argument spelled out for you because you clearly need things told to you in a really direct and slow manner
Copying pixar in a 4 minute short is not an achievement on animation and it isnt notorious at all, conformity and laziness shouldnt be awarded especially when an award can give you the amount of press requiered to gather 4 million views on youtube
the people awarding this short either dont know anything about animation and shouldnt be giving awards on animation or they do know about animation and chose to award an undeserving lackluster short when they could have awarded anything else and given attention and praise to something that deserved it instead so maybe one day animation can start moving fowards instead of keep going backwards
the only award this movie should have gotten is a participation trophy

>inconvenient things

thats the point
im making fun of it you dense fuck

>don't come out of the gate swinging

It didn't have a message about what's right or wrong, it didn't need subtly because it's about something simple: A crush.

Yes, inconvinient things. That's what I said. I commend you for your ability to copy and paste text.

>As opposed to not memory holing things.

This is a meaningless statement. Brokeback Mountain came out, it was praised, people moved on. Welcome to human society. Yes, things have gotten better over time for LGBT media. But it can always improve.

Pixar is a benchmark you dipshit, of course they're going to measure their standards by that. Just because they're not doing some new form of animation doesn't mean it isn't skilled or creative. Plus the inclusion of homos on the short ensures that it remains timely ( in animation)

t. Someone with zero self awareness

Right, since you're someone who uses the term "memory hole" to explain why no one around you is talking about a movie from over a decade ago I need to treat you differently.

08/11/17(Fri)08:46:39 No.94575608
Just because we stopped talking about and referencing gay cowboys doesn't mean there was a systematic attempt to cover up its existence. What's wrong with you?

>Pixar is a benchmark
it shouldnt be
pixar is the coca cola of animaton
it tastes good but its bad for your brain

So basically
>Everything I don't like is Pixar

especially as of late

It's memory holing when every year we get this same horseshit about needing to finally do X, Y and Z even though those things had already been done many times before. Every year the past ceases to exist.

Your admittedly impressive ability to copy and paste text is unrelated to my self-awareness.

I never said people need to be talking about Brokeback Mountain right now.

except this is clearly pixar
and you are not pixar, i hate you because you are a retard

So how was Brokeback Mountain memory holed?

Are you stupid or just pretending? I made it very clear that BBM was just an example, in no way did I even insinuate that it's central to my argument.

it is an original short made by independent animators by kickstarter. It uses gay characters, something that big studios dont dare to use, of course it was going to call attention.

>It's memory holing when every year we get this same horseshit about needing to finally do X, Y and Z even though those things had already been done many times before. Every year the past ceases to exist.

That's just retarded clickbait crap.

So the problem is that you don't like it when clickbait media buzzes around something. Your problem isn't with the short, it's with the your perception of the response to the short. Do you realize how removed from anything meaningful that is?

>Laika is certainly verging on Illumination and Sony Animation is terms of shit.

Wait what. Last I checked Laika only had one bad film what happened?

Oh I'm sorry, I must have memory holed it.

It's also a constantly recurring SJW tactic.

>Do you realize how removed from anything meaningful that is?
SJWism is very much meaningful.

You sound assblasted.
I find the short to be nothing special and pretty much normie bait but don't get angry about it user. It is not like it will be remembered anyways.

so its clickbait?
it should have been a short about ten expensive desseerts you wont belve exist instead hten

So your problem isn't with the short. This has more to do with your culture war than anything else. Should have known.

It isn't "my" culture war, and the political significance of the short is the only thing that matters here.

>Wait what. Last I checked Laika only had one bad film what happened?

Laika's technically brilliant, but lacks the writing to really push their films over the top. They're poorly paced and more about moving from fantastic set-piece to fantastic set-piece.