Was Justice League the highest grossing flop in film history?

Was Justice League the highest grossing flop in film history?

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That's the The Last Jedi


who else was legit sad we didnt get snyders version? i enjoyed MoS and BvS. much more interesting than Marvel movies. Yes, they have a lot of fucky moments, but at least they did something unique and different and didn't look cheap.

i was to be honest. if you watch mos and bvs and then watch jl you can see its clearly not made by snyder

It was never going to be good anyway. Because DC didnt want to flesh out the characters due to time constraints. And Snyder makes horrible fight scenes.

>snyder makes horrible fight scenes
>what is the batman warehouse scene
>what is superman vs zod
>what is batman v superman fight scene

c'mon. you think they're horrible? as opposed to what? Marvel movies? lmfaooo...

>DC didnt want to flesh out the characters due to time constraints
makes sense
>Snyder makes horrible fight scenes.
fucking retard kill yourself

Justice league made less money than the following movies
>Beauty and the Beast (2017 film)
>Despicable Me 3
>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
>Thor: Ragnarok
>Wonder Woman (2017 film)
>Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
>Wolf Warrior 2
>Kong: Skull Island
>Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
>The Fate of the Furious
>War for the Planet of the Apes
>every mcu movie except The Incredible Hulk
>almost every big movie in 2017
*also the upcoming mi movie

this paste has been posted before and i pointed out war for planet of apes grossed only 450 mill

i don't remember batman being on john carter

Is this embarrassing slip in movie history
>meant to be DC’s avengers and make over 1 billion
>couldn’t even pass 800 mil

yes zackie boy but war for planet of the apes didn't have 300 mil budget

you retard i was just pointing out a mistake fucking fanboy faggots like you deserve death

The fight scenes in Marvel movies tend to have a lot better choreography. And are often emotional. In Spiderman the green dude kills himself and spiderman finds out who he was. In civil war iron wants to kill caps buddy, but eventually loses. But cap wont kill him. Iron man calls cap unworthy and cap lets his shield and role as hero go to help his friend. Hell, even in Thor Ragnarok they decided they couldnt win and had to flee and watch their planet be destroyed.

In Superman someone gets thrown into a building a couple times and then sups gets upset over some random people. In BvS the whole arc with the monster could have been scraped and the fight between batman and superman ended by realising their mothers had the same name.

In the entire Batman vs Superman movie Superman was just a punching bag.

what mistake? war of the planet still made more money than JUST League

I think it's time to take your meds zack.

>every mcu movie except The Incredible Hulk
Ant Man

>being this retarded

>Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
I absolutely fucking forgot there was a new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. What went wrong?

TLJ wasn't a flop. It was disappointing at the box office.
People need to stop misusing the term "flop"

>I have no arguments - the post
ant-man break even point - 235 mil
JUST League break even point - 56 mil

ant-man wins

this, i wish it had been a flop


I was fucking devastated. The intro montage broke my heart. Message received. Loud and clear.

Bruce’s warehouse scene in BvS and Clark vs. the Kryptonians in MoS buries the entirety of the MCU. They literally do not have one scene I’d even offer up as a fair comparison. It would just be too embarrassing.

That's what you get for hiring a MCU director but not buying reviews like Marvel does.

the warehouse scene plus most of the solo batman stuff (especially when the cops find the asians scared shitless locked up in the basement and the rest) in bvs and even a couple of scenes in TJL were pure Batman kino.

Did you pick up on the subtle iconography Zack dropped in there specifically for the Batman? It took me a while to spot all of it.

>The fight scenes in Marvel movies tend to have a lot better choreography.

How did we go from this

to THIS!???!?

Is it supposed to be him blocking kicks with his hands like that?
Looks absolutely like the kicks have no weight behind them at all.

Fuck yes. I'm not watching that pos movie again unless it's an extended/director's cut (or fanedit).

What the fuck even is that?

Christ, this scene is just so fucking good. The choreography, the camera work, the soundtrack, just fucking everything.

This post is all fucked sideways.

The Chad Director Action Choreography of Visceral Hits

The Virgin TV "choreography" that looks like a play

This is only accurate up to Cap's first flick
Everything after that is full Quiptography

>was going to be 3 hours long
>Cyborg, aquaman, batfleck and wonder woman had nearly 40 mins of character scenes cut out, Cyborg all but erased as a character
>almost every scene from the original trailer removed
>cut the movie to an hour of snyder's footage, mostly the action scenes, then hired whedon to come in and rewrite the whole movie
>supes was supposed to be resurrected at the end, after a desperate battle with Steppenwulf that made the league realize they needed help for anything past that level of power
>supes was supposed to become insane/confused and fuck off to get the black suit at the end of the movie as the tease for the next one
>rewrite it so that supes is resurrected in the middle of the movie, completely removing the League's purpose for even forming and have him save the day by beating the fuck out of Steppenwulf effortlessly and having quips with the characters
>add more "comedy" dialogue and reduce Batfleck from the serious guy to the sometimes-serious, mostly awkward stutter sitcom dialogue character "leader"
>Whedon then fucks up the more iconic shots in post by throwing them through a blur tool or changing the color entirely, even zooming the frame in
>fucking Danny Elfman
>release a fucking two hour Marvel sitcom with some Snyder scenes interjected into it in the hopes that it'd attract the Marvel crowd, but it doesn't have the "feminist" appeal of Wonder Woman, so critics are still allowed to shit on it and audiences used to BvS and MoS are repulsed by how bad it is
>Marvelfags don't approach it because they only follow the herd of manchildren and their cosplay cows anyways
>lose a fuckton of money and kill your franchise in terms of style, tone, story and metaphor
Is WB just populated with insane people or actual retards?
The fight scenes in Marvel movies tend to have a lot better choreography. And are often emotional
user why do you go on the internet and lie

Where is this from?

I have a real bad feeling it’s from Black Panther.

>what is the batman warehouse scene

I dig it to the point where Batman takes a close range shot to the head

>what is superman vs zod

Two dudes throwing each other through buildings for 15 minutes, followed by the most contrived ''dramatic'' ending to the fight

>what is batman v superman

Batman relies almost entirely on kryptonite and gains the upper hand by sheer luck. Followed the the second most contrived ''dramatic'' ending to the fight

Whedon is a hack. Hollyjew loves him because he is a cuck that grabs his ankles when any producer looks in his general direction.

How did that dumb motherfucker think he could just change the aspect ratio and the color grading without making it all look like a cheap tv show? Was it deliberate?

Civil war was terrible. I don't even remember it.

he looks he's crying wtf

marvel movies are so dull

When this planet is ought but a cinder and the stars have all come to the ends if their long, long spans, the light of my burning rage, undimmed by time, shall still remain.

>Batman relies almost entirely on kryptonite and gains the upper hand by sheer luck.

I know. It’s almost like a dude dressed up like a bat had next to no chance in a fight against an invincible, god-like alien. I wonder if that occurred to any other characters in the movie.

You'd think that a character that is supposed to make up for his lack of power with ingenuity would come up with something more than a pair of speakers and some green rock that he can't be sure will even work.

It was beyond a logistical flop.
It was so bad it actually negatively affected the cast's and crews' lives.
Every single person involved is worse offJUST than before that movie

Have you ever seen a Snyder movie?

Snyder was actually forced to reshoot his own film aswell. The real JL was deemed "unwatchable" by retards like Geoff Johns because it was actually going to be exciting with a Superman doing Darkseid's bidding. But now we have a story where Supe literally saves the world alone with some quips. And no Darkseid because fuck that. I have a feeling they were at first forcing Snyder to shoot a film he didn't want to and then when he was growing tired of it he was just replaced with a Marvel hack.

He knew it would work. Luthor made it a point to give him every chance to find that out. Hell, he even invited Bruce to their labs.

Cavill at least has MI

Should've said no to those reshoots instead of pretending nothing was going on.

Nevertheless it was out of character for Batman to have practically no contingencies. If he hadn't gotten lucky with the grenades, he'd be fucked.

For main arc Bruce, you’re right. This was end of arc Bruce, whose death wish is front and center.

He spent most of The Dark Knight Returns obsessing over his own death, too.

Probably. Unlike TLJ, JL actually lost money.

>Should've said no to those reshoots i
And now you've violated the terms of your contract and get sued for breach and lost revenue.
But somehow I'm not surprised you don't know anything about that.

Ben Affleck had producer status though. Surely his word would've carried some weight.

Still has to shoot whatever they tell him to. It's a legal contract.

Plus actors get paid a fuck load for reshoots. Why would he say no,

The Last Jedi is only going to make, say, $350 million in profit instead of the $500+ million Disney wanted

Justice League actually lost WB money, possibly more than $100 million

But Snyderbat explicitly stated that his purpose is to take down Superman. Being dead does not get it done.

I could understand if he'd be willing to martyr himself to kill Supes, but instead he walks into the fight poorly prepared. Could've at least had kryptonite gauntlets on him.

Disney will still be in the red after acquiring Fox (assuming Comcast isn't bidding). They'll have to make more before making a profit.


I dont think you know what that means

>The Last Jedi is only going to make, say, $350 million in profit
Say less, that wasn't a normal movie with a normal marketing budget

>one movie has to pay for the entirety of the Fox purchase (that hasnt happened yet)

Nigger what?

That's with like a 225 million marketing budget.

Also, counter intuitively Disney can spend less on marketing than a lot of other studios. They own a ton of media already for one.

Something has to pick up the slack for Soylo coming out.

Is it edited or was it that bad?
Any snyder movie with such a bad scene would get hanged
It s crazy how much shit marvel can get away with

The ones that don't have Whedon as a director are a bit better, but not by much. Whedon is really a TV director, and it really shows.

>The fight scenes in Marvel movies tend to have a lot better choreography.
oh hell no, you're not going to pedal that bullshit in here with a straight face with shit like BP vs Winter Soldier.

I said that the non Whedon ones are a better, which is objectively true. Not that they're good.

They made another Fast&Furious after Paul Walker died?

He (consciously) believed him to be a threat. He (unconsciously) knew he wasn’t. From his perspective, victory removes the threat. Death reveals it to the world.

What Bruce didn’t know was that the only reason Clark would even fight him in the first place was because he was being coerced into doing so. Had Superman gained the upper hand, Bruce would have had to (finally) consciously admit that Superman wasn’t his enemy, and that his entire “war” was never about legacy or protecting anyone, but purely about revenge.

In my opinion, that’s the weakest part if the entire movie - Supes not keeping his distance and trying to reason with Bruce, but even that is understandable considering that Supes was already convinced he was dealing with a guy he’d have to cow into submission before he’d even hear anything he had to say, and because he’d just been sent there by a guy who knew his identity and told him that if he didn’t go through with the fight, he’d kill his mom. That means that guy is pretty decent at spying on people, which probably means he’s got eyes on the fight somehow. He may or may not have, but the important part is that it puts Superman in a position where he really can’t afford to call him on his bluff.

Pic related is how I justify knowing that Bruce was psychologically conflicted about what he’s doing. That entire dream was his unconscious mind warning him how by turning his back on the “angel” in red and blue, he was allowing his own obsessions to consume him. That’s the point of that “pointless” dream sequence, continuously cited as such by “critics” who’ll in the same breath utter such aphorisms as “show, don’t tell.”

of course, they had 8 9 and 10 planned even before his death

Are you sure this isn't Rush Hour?