Countries that have never made a good movie (except for Funny games and Run Lola Run)

Countries that have never made a good movie (except for Funny games and Run Lola Run)

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Germany was the first country to have really good movies, then ww2 happened and all the good filmmakers fucked off to hollywood. Germany never recovered. I'll change that.

Funny Games is an Austrian movie.


You stupid cunt
Der untergang, das leben der andern, goodbye lenin and die welle are all mastrpieces

T. Dutchie

Didn't we have a thread a few days ago with hundreds of post about German Kino?

The american Funny Games is unironically better.

uhh germany has great movies you fag

Austria is German you retard.

*blocks your thread*

Apparently they used to make the best kino, top quality stuff

And then Hitler came and destroyed their film industry because he deemed it degenerate. Their movie studios were also run by jews

Give us back veerhoeven you faggot



This. Hitler was a culture destroying cunt.

>except for...

germany is austrian*


more like *sucks your dick*

so it wasn't really the germans making the films then was it? I'm sure it was top quality stuff though like this:

nothing good has ever come out of germany
they only consume and destroy it's like america 2.0

Germany is eastern?

The film is jewish


can't believe raimi is still getting work

The kraut shows his true face

Das Boot motherfucker.

They did nothing wrong cuz they preserve their race, and deporting the shitskins will make the place more safe for the kids, women, and anyone.

What's the point of letting one through if he was planning to kill the all?

He killed dozens...

He will follow up on that. That guy died anyway.


Yeah, they said the same thing the other time they used Zyklon B too
Remember that

>Fassbinder dead
>Donnersmarck and Uli Edel faded into obscurity
>Herzog and Tykwer jumped ship years ago and now work mostly abroad
>Wim Wenders getting real old and tired
>Haneke isn't even German, he's Austrian
>most critically acclaimed films of recent years are "Toni Erdmann" and "Aus dem Nichts" - the former being an episode of the Office as interpreted by pseudo-intellectuals, the latter yet another film about fascism, a topic that had allready been overdone by the turn of the century.

The amount of good films made in Germany has become totally disproportionate to the size of the population and its vast cultural legacy. Really disheartening.
Ich persönlich mache das Filmfördersystem verantwortlich...

What's the name of this show?


ITT: Plebs who haven't seen Olympia and cant acknowledge its top of the line beauty because "Nazis lmao"
Youre the same kind of people that hate on "Strike!" because Eisenstein made it as propaganda I fucking swear
Regardless, Germany is in the top 5 movie industries in the world, as far as quality goes

Will you be fine with your young daughter being knocked up by that nigger? Want to take care of that niglet, who will not look nothing like you and your family? :^)

italy is the obvious choice

nothing but absolutely terrible horror movies

Good bye Lenin? Why are you such a kino Brainlet?

What does preserving ones' own race have to do with using harmless delousing pesticides on temporary wartime labour camp inmates?

I know 99% of you will not watch a single movie of this list but here are some good german movies from the 2000s:
Crazy (2000), The White Sound (2001), As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me (2001), The Experiment (2001), Solino (2002), Hotte in Paradise (2003), Good bye, Lenin! (2003), Herr Lehmann (2003), Head-On (2004), Downfall (2004), Kebab Connection (2004), Antibodies (2005), The Free Will (2006), Wholetrain (2006), Tough Enough (2006), Reclaim your Brain (2007), The Baader Meinhof Complex (2008), Chiko (2008), Without You I'm Nothing (2008), The Wave (2008), Berlin Calling (2008), When we leave (2010), Picco (2010), Rammbock: Berlin Undead (2010), Homevideo (2011), Stopped on Track (2011), Life is no Piece of Cake (2012), Shifting the Blame (2012), A Coffee in Berlin (2012), Home from Home - Chronicle of a Vision (2013), Nordstrand (2013), Generation War (2013), Finsterworld (2013) Stations of the Cross (2014), Tour de Force (2014), Victoria (2015), Herbert (2015), Terror (2016), Toni Erdmann (2016), Goodbye Berlin (2016), Point Blank (2016), Hands of a Mother (2016)

I don't care.
First off I don't have kids nor do I want to have kids. I may or may not have a bastard in the future but who knows. I won't stick around to find out who the kid marries

Secondly, I'm not white.

In this ever changing world you have to look after yourself to survive

>The Wave (2008),
I read that book in school what a pile of shit, it's like 2 minutes after teaching a hand gesture they start beating up kikes

>not white
checks out

>paying for your wifes son

Check and check

why would I do that? our kids even come color coded

>why would I do that?

Let's just call it.. your trademark

I thought it was conquering brown countries

So is Toni Erdman good or no?

Pretty good

Germany makes plenty of good movies:
Im Labyrinth des Schweigens
Traumschiff Surprise
Goodbye Lenin
Der Untergang
Das Boot

>German movie set after 2013
>Theres white people in it

Just doesn't add up frens.

Has Portugal ever made a good film? I just realized I don't know a single thing about their film industry

>think of your white children's future! they'll get raped by niggers 100% It's a fact
Fuck off with your retarded appeals to emotion you fucking faggot, people have been saying this retarded "brown people are gonna rape your daughters" shit since before the 60s, it was retarded then and it's even more retarded now

>RLM nearly had biokids on the wheel of the worst

hope they snag it on the reroll

The only one that amazes me is the Netherlands. It's a medium sized European country that has absolutely never produced ANY great film. Even fucking Southeast Asian shitholes occasionally produce some kino.

You mean like Syria and all those muslim/african immagrants? You have a strange way of conquering, seeing as how it's the other way around

pedro costa has made some good films but other than that I wouldn't know

Top kek. Where is it from?

>one (1) historical instance

Soldaat van Oranje

Lol allemaal kanker films mijn vrind

Kanker op, homo

This pleb doesn't know Alex van Warmerdam and his KINOS

Prep your bulls :^)

You should go to the Dutch film festivals. It's a bit... artsy but the films are great.


They were german citizin.

Still in high school I see, or achterbuurt jongeren.

Yeah, how about NO?

fuck you buddy.

the rabbit is me

secret lives of other

goodbye lenin

The Eduaktors.

German cinema is good shit asshole.

Gast ga jij nou serieus een beetje uit de hoogte doen omdat iemand met kanker scheld op Sup Forums? Ben je soms 12 ofzo?

Definitely a vmbo tler

Wow zo slim, zo beschaaft, ik ben blij dat jij en je schone taalgebruik zich op dit forum begeeft :)

you living shit
go say that anywhere else but this nazi shithole board you coward

Go fucking watch das boot

I've only seen Chinese Roulette and it was interesting. what else do you guys recommend


Also OP is a giant fucking pleb who never experienced DEFA-stuff like the superb Kaninchenfilme.

>he doesn't know the stuff really happened
top lel kamerad

Only uncucked German is fictional lol

why are jews so triggered by other ethnic groups fostering collective identities? rules for thee but not for me huh. not that i agree with that guy's post

Yeah, never thought of this but pretty true.

What language does the word 'kino' come from again?

Every German film is by verbatim kino.

Not really, kino is just the house where films are shown.

Wings of Desire
The Lives of Others

kino is the word used for cinema in germany/some slavic countries

None of these faggots ever won an Oscar. They are only pretentious cucks

in russian kino literally means cinema
as far as i know this term comes from russiam filmmaker Dzigo Vertov, who characterized it as movie that relies on conveying meaning through imagery and montage, rather than dialogue


Nobody in Germany calls a cinema, kino.
LHS is the abbreviation Germans use.
For example
>anyone up for watching a movie in the LHS?
>have you seen blade runner at the LHS lately? It was a great experience.

hitler trips

Shut up nigger if you don't live in Germany.
Whats even LHS? Do you mean Lichtspielhaus? Thats a word that was used before WW2. Of course we in Germany saying things like:
>You want to go to the cinema tonight?
aka in german:
>Willst du heute Abend ins Kino gehen?


Me and all the people i know use "Lichtspielhaus" as in "Hey lass mal ins Lichtspielhaus - da spricht heute der Führer"

Why are you lying? Also what the fuck is LHS supposed to be? Did you try to abbreviate Lichtspielhaus?

>he does not know Das Boot
kys immediately you degenerate swine


Umm actually sweetie Triumph of the Will is pure kino
