So Frankie Muniz claims to not remember filming "Malcom in the Middle"

So Frankie Muniz claims to not remember filming "Malcom in the Middle"

Is it a reasonable theory that he is just trying to repress the memory of getting molested?

Other urls found in this thread:


This is is thought to be Deweys actors post


>Is it a reasonable theory that he is just trying to repress the memory of getting molested?

Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know. can you repeat the question?!?!

It is reasonable, I guess. If something becomes exceptionally routine, some people tend to just tune out. I know I remember certain events from high school, but I'd hardly say that I truly remember it.

He says he has memory loss. and does not remember ever filming it.

sure, although do you remember anything about that show? it exists but maybe it's just forgettable


Malcolm in the middle is comfy as fuck

so basically they weren't actually fucked but just got their dicks sucked?

is that so bad?

Why do people just let other people molest them? I would throw hands at any fag that tried that with me

I'm feeling sleepy. Let's all go to sleep anons

They were young and on a popular tv show, I can think of many reasons that I'm sure your smart enough to think of too even though it's still fucked up

You say that like Brando didn't fuck every nigger in show business

He had a stroke while he was in a toxic relationship with some crazy bitch

But you won't see us saying #metoo.. nuh-uh we'll swallow it all up. What a life

How would you feel if you woke up to me vigorously sucking your dick?

if you say anything you;ll lose your show

I don't give a flying fuck. Beats having my dick sucked by a dude

You fucking moron. Of course it's bad for still developing children to be adult men's playthings. It'd be amazing if any of them have normal sex lives not least permanent psychological scars.

Possibly, but he did have a load of brain haemorrhages or something

There have been rumours about what was going on during Malcolm in the Middle. not saying bryan is a kiddy diddler, but producers probably did something that has fucked the kids up permanently.

Sounds very likely. It certainly fits based on what he said there. If he's working some shit job why doesn't he say this publicly now especially now that everyone is getting exposed for this shit

If it was Bryan Cranston he'd have been exposed during the whole #metoo bullshit, especially when he was shitting on Spacey

Is it possible that he was drugged so he wouldn't remember being molested?

I don't believe this at all, too much detail given about his background.

idk man i probably wouldn't mind

a mouth is a mouth

not surprised if true, he has been conspicuously absent

>he thinks pizzagate is real
kek. Go back to infinity chan retard. Better yet to shoot up a pizza parlor

yea im sure its completely normal for a restaurant to have countless photos of little girls on their social media account in weirdly sexual positions combined with captions that made no sense that gets hundreds of likes from no-name accounts constantly

man, I'm getting sleepy. Anyone else yawning?

Are you cute?

Watch Mysterious Skin.

>non causa pro causa
Are all pedes 12 year old mongoloids like you?

t. samefag pedo


>they weren't actually fucked

just because he didnt elaborate on it doesnt mean it didnt happen. IMO theres a high (almost certain) chance it did, and not just once. These (((people))) dont stop at half. why would you stop there if you had all the power in the world and no morals.

Pedowood is real

do you think it happened to him too?

most likely just the schizophrenia

that sounds more like the oldest one that would of been 19 or 20 (technically not an adult) when the show started

That was the internet conspiracy trolls posting that shit. Dummy.

>hehe n-nothing to see here folks! its all TROLLS! russian hackers! trolls!

>20 (technically not an adult)
what did user mean by this?

Nigger, I was on Sup Forums when they invented the whole thing.

Looks like a washed up Ben Shapiro

You’re right, clearly there are no hackers in Russia who target the United States... that would be crazy! No what’s really happening is secret pizza-based pedophile rings. Have you SEEN the Facebook likes?!

>heheh its all faked! nothing to see here!!

I was on /pol during that time too you nigger, Fuck off

why would hackers invent a pedo story? for lulz?

your disguise is showing, pedo

anyone can write anything online, this especially is just crying out to be identified with lines like "the actor who played our dad is probably better known for another show" gee I wonder

You apparently missed the the beginning then. After they formulated their stupid plan, every thread afterwards was trolling to make the vulnerable and retarded believe it.

He's 30 and had 2 strokes he probably does have a fair about difficulties.
That and he was also a prick

none of that happened. You are pulling shit out of your ass. /pol was full on pizzagate investigation for weeks.

His parents got him out of the biz. Went to college, film school.

There is a video of him being interviewed about his role as Anakin and he seems very pissed about people harassing him over his performance.

He wanted to get back into the biz but he was typecast and connected to a lame movie role.

I barely remember him being in Malcolm in the Middle in the first place.

Whatever happened to the actor who played the oldest brother?

He tried to make it as racecar driver and some sort of X-games type dude but he got into accidents. Had strokes.Claims he had temporary long term memory loss. Like Alzheimers.

AFTER it invented it. Dumbass.

Christopher Masterson? He probably thinks
>well I'm nobody but at least I'm not my brother the rape man

fucking retard, /pol is literally the top 3 most populous board on Sup Forums. Even if it wanted to self troll itself+ others it wouldnt have worked because of how many people there are on at all hours. Your story makes no sense. Pizzagate took everyone by surprise .

the episode where Hal teaches Malcolm how to skate.

so you're saying /pol did a month long operation where not even 90% of their own board knew about it?

lmao not even old Sup Forums could have done that

That's what makes it so [pathetic. They literally thought no one would remember them doing it.
"Oh look Paneta mention pizza in his emails...everyone knows pizza child porn reeeeeeeeeeee1"

imagine being able to watch your own show all over again for the first time.

Maybe it was the three strokes he had fucking up his brain? Conspiritards off yourselves

Do you give good head?

Its podesta.

no one actually posting during the election push would forget his name.

you're a fake false flagging hollywood kike PEDO.

Cheese Pizza is a known term for child pornography, and has been for years, idiot

>Cheese Pizza is a known term for child pornography
On Sup Forums only. Dummy.

Everyone acts like Bryan shits out golden nuggets.

Do you honestly think he didn't fell up one of the kinds? I don't think he fucked them, but I can guarantee during season 3 he took Reese aside, pulled down his pants, placed his cock between Reeses boi booty cheeks and rubbed it hard. Probably busy a nut on his tail bone.

He's literally had several strokes. His memory is shot to shit in general.

I don't think the dude can even act anymore even if he wanted (protip: he doesn't want to). Guy is concentrating on his health.

How do you think Sup Forums pedo's knew about it? Through other pedos

>Attempting to guess the OP's identity defeats the purpose of this subreddit.
>Also any post accusing the OP of lying is against our subreddit rules. We treat every post as if it were true, because we would rather let 1,000 fakers post than allow 1 person to feel as though they are not heard or believed.
>As any post occuring after the posting time of this that either attempts to doxx the OP or make a fake post allegation will be temporarily banned for 48 hrs from /r/confession.

>This is your only warning.

fuckin reddit

Holy fuck I'm dying.

>expecting a bunch of kids under 12, all of which were fairly small for their ages, to be able to defend themselves against grown men

you seem to know a little too much about this

Its just common sense that two groups of pedophiles would use similar keywords. Happens with drugs as well. Completely different groups of people will end up using the same slang.

why should I care if an actor/actress was molested during his/her job?

>not saying Bryan is a kiddy diddler
People wouldn't have thought the same about Spacey either. Cranston probably is, whether you want to admit it or not.

Are you a grill?

More like someone wanted everyone to believe it was Deweys actor

Except as someone pointed out, Cranston was open about smack talking Spacey, so someone would've come forward to call him a hypocrite.