He’s right you know
He’s right you know
Poor dobbo doesn't understand that man wants to FUCK the rainbow pony, not identify with it.
It’s interesting how he draws himself as some miserable hard done by wagie and not say the theatre owner or manager
"If you can identify as a comically wealthy, cat suit wearing king of a fictional nation, you can identify with a white cast"
What did he mean by this?
When will they learn?
as a racist MLP fan this really hit home hard
Brony's are liberals and love niggers same as any other animal.
This strawman is backwards. It's the coloreds who have difficulty identifying with a white person.
Imagine how asians feel.
They have nothing to identify with other than kung fu stars and lucy lu
>the coloreds
>not niggers
fuck off, soyboy
Why do Americans have to identify with characters when watching Kino, as a French I don't get it
Dobson is the absolute worst.
It's a ploy for blacks and whites to complain at each other.
>black people can't relate to white blonde blue eyed......
What's "funny" about this is that he is actually grossly obese.
he's the fucking posterboy for numales
fuck that faggot mayo is great.
>Meet the Autist!
Why does he shit so much on people who share his hobby in favor of people who actually hate his hobby but feign interest just so they can bend it to their whim as a display of power and for a sense of satisfaction? Is it literally a form of cuckold fetish?
if you ever have to make a list of things you like and you say "sleeping" and "eating" you should kill yourself.
this is apparently enlighted thought
I don't understand this"identify with" shit.
I love vidya and movies but I have never "identified" with a fictional character. I'm not even sure what it's supposed to mean.
he's an artist
kek, the guy is fucking sad...
Americans are a mistake.
That's so fucking false
white bois, white people in general is what's going to make this movie succesful
both white bois and white girls love seeing ripped black men on screen, both of them get hard and wet watching them. 400 mil domestically easily for black panther.
He wasn't bullied enough in school... or in college... or as an adult...
But I have nothing else in life.
How does dob keep making a living? I can't even imagine the kind of person who would pay him to draw or enjoy his content.
you have Sup Forums
ponies dont shoot eachother and commit 50% of all violent crimes though
americans have this obsession with "heroes" and "role-models" because they had shit parents (or none at all), it sickens me to think of a child putting up a poster of some "star" on their wall and then aspiring to be just like them. if you had a poster of tom brady on your wall as a kid you're a faggot.
Like clockwork.
Sup Forums BTFO
I hate Sup Forums, I'm just addicted.
You can have multiple role models and idolize certain qualities of each though
I did and I sleep with women on the regular, went to school on a football scholarship, and I'm doing great financially. My parents were abusive shitheads
el goblino...
Wtf, I have a n3ds and IPad Pro in my satchel bag.
A-am I a soyboy? ;_;
he will never get laid.
Neither will you
But Kathleen Kennedy said girls can't identify with Luke Skywalker.
you are an exception
>dislikes negativity
Red flag for some insecure self-hating faggot that hides everything he doesn't like behind negativity sticker.
The have wu tang clan
You forget the other 100,000 who grow up to be fat balding losers who feel football card packs (made for children) for autographed uniform cutouts
Hasn't the bottom dropped out of the comics market and the SJW writers are still shitting on people on Twitter?
Does Big Daddy Marvel step in at any point or are they going to let the SJWs crash the comics industry completely?
Yeah, you're a manchild. Imagine the perfect man, the kind of male you thrive to be. Does he fucking carry a video game console with him?
>makes fun of a girl for being sad over the death of her father
>a furfag thinking he has any moral high ground whatsoever
Oh boy
>has a purse and a gaming toys inside said purse
how about tampons, do you carry tampons also? for your gal-pals?
Fucking Dobson...
Identify with a character? Like little kids who scream "I'm Batman" after the morning cartoons? Come on, that's misunderstanding, no grown-up does that.
Its not a purse, its a satchel bag. Fuck you
Found the queer.
>not using a far more utilitarian backpack
>identify with a character
Cancer that kills cinema
>me and my character can both be feeling
when will they learn?
That ain't nothing to fuck with
I want to cum inside Black Panther
Same. At least I’m in shape
I have yet to hear anyone, white or otherwise have a problem with the all black cast. The problem is the people using this movie for political reasons, and black people using it to justify why they hate whites, as if a fictional country written for children could ever be how an african nation would have ended up if white people never arrived there. I'm sure the movie is a typical marvel movie in that it'll be CGI, colourful and boring as fuck. My problem would never be an all black cast, as I dont need to identify with fictional people, or anyone else, because I'm not a fucking moron that needs movies to teach me.
Yet it's the POC and left constantly screeching "repwesentashun" based on this exact issue
I do. Its taking away another film from whites. When this is successful there will less and less white leads
t. classically trained actor
my character is checking those quints
Seconding that.
The whole race bullshit thing doesn't matter as long as the movie/show is written well.
When Family Matters or even Fresh Prince came on, everyone watched it. Everyone. Not one person ever gave a single fuck that the family was black because it didn't matter. They were just shows about normal families who happened to be black.
Sure, they had the 'racial episodes', but they were handled in a tactful way that didn't feel preachy or like it was pointing fingers at anyone.
You don't see shit like this on tv anymore, and it makes me sad.
>needing to relate to characters
fucking brainlets
what the fuck even is this strawman
if you don't like the black panther, you're a ponyfag?
ponyfags are racists?
all whites are ponyfags?
dobson what the fuck
/mlpol/ will rise again
>bald, ugly, fat faggot with gummy bear alter ego
Yeah, that’s progressive as fuck