The 15:17 to Paris

It is genuine Kino, better than American Sniper, better than all other movies in the last 2 years.

And critics are review bombing it, IMDb score is awful and it is such obvious bullshit it pisses me off. Their criticism is senseless like even if you dislike a movie such as Suicide Squad which I didn't like, I remember all criticism by critics and 1/10 reviews were saying it was an editing mess catastrophe and impossible to follow. Which was a fucking joke, the movie was at the very least disappointing but as a result of the script, story and characters not because of editing, it was a very simple movie to follow.

Well the attacks on this movie is even more dumb, they are not actually acting bad if anything they are better than JLAW and Cooper etc maybe that scares the shit out them? Also the direction is perfect and the movie works beautifully, these are regular guys happy with life and one day they are faced with a man that is miserable and hates life and they triumph, survive and save hundreds. The movie works. Fuck the media it is obviously conspiring to kill this movie probably because it talks about good Americans and bad terrorists. Their hate is so bad when I read bad reviews on this film it is as if they are mad the terrorist didn't succeed and these guys didn't die.

I hope you don't miss this movie guys and fall for the hate.

Other urls found in this thread:

include pam please


I love Clint, but using non-actors plus his tendency to do everything in one/two takes really makes me feel that this just isn't going to be good. I just don't think he's the right guy to attempt something like that.

Nice rant.

Anyway American Sniper was boring shit. I don't think Eastwood has much going on in his brain beyond "muh patriotism."

Yep I saw it yesterday. Great film, half empty cinema but everyone enjoyed it and stayed until the end some even shed tears and gave a few claps at the end. Fuck liberal controlled Hollywood. My favorite movie of this and previous year.

>gave a few claps at the end
La creatura...

subtle cosplay

First off he doesn't do just one take lol you are literally quoting fake news from plebbit. Second of, they are actually doing a great job, the acting by these guys was better than American sniper. Maybe because they didn't have to act...

>muh patriotism
As opposed to "muh death to America" by you. At least you made my point with your reply. Personally saving people from getting murdered is pretty great in my eyes.

Yeah same. Not a full theater but no regrets from the people who went.

Thanks for mentioning Jenna (Pam from The Office haha)

>First off he doesn't do just one take lol you are literally quoting fake news

>Personally saving people from getting murdered is pretty great in my eyes.
Yeah and there's nothing wrong with telling stories about these people, either. But there's more to a good movie than just "muh heroes saving people." You can be patriotic and still recognize when a movie is shit.

Yeah fuck heroes let's make more gay movies!!

Except the movie is great. Did you even see it? Right.
No, true.
Only fags are brave in current year lol

>Fuck liberal controlled Hollywood

You mean the same industry that funded the movie to begin with?

No I haven't seen it, but American Sniper was shit and that's what I was talking about. You're probably a drunk redneck retard though so you can't follow the thread of a conversation.

>No, true.

Clint funded it. But yeah you totally poked hope into that statement. Everyone knows Hollywood is conservative Republican lmao lame troll.
>I haven't seen it
Then stfu
True, I have literally seen behind the scenes on all his films and he does retakes idiot.

Watched it yesterday, here is my unbiased opinion
Movie wasn't as good as Gran Torino or older Eastwood movies, although its *far* better than that shit flick he did with Matt Damon (?) Hereafter, and better imo than American sniper
What really tired me about this movie is the fact that its literally based on a 2 minute event, and the story it builds around it is, well, generic, since its in fact a true story and those are rarely ever fun to watch
"Actors" were ok, and all in all the movie works, but its just not that good
I dont believe myself to be a patriot, and I know what Clint's doing with this, he's in his 80s and all, but if he really wanted to make a patriotic kino, there's other great stories that span a much lengthier timespan and are much more adaptable, without being less patriotic. I believe he just was connected to this particular one since its a very obvious story of striving for a better future versus giving up.
tl;dr good movie, not great, but better than his more recent ones. I hope he can make a really good one as his sort of swan song though

American sniper wasn't shit but it wasn't great either. This movie is.
Not even gay is brave enough, need to be trans now lol

While I thought it was great I understand your perspective. Good and fair review. If only critics did the same because professional reviews are so off the mark it isn't funny and on plebbit it is just shit post after shit post about him doing one takes and real people can't act without a single person having seen it.

I can't see how anyone could call it bad, good or OK, fine. But bad doesn't add up.

I loved it. First 30min I was a bit on the fence but then it clicked and it made perfect with the build up to the finale. Going to be a future classic.


>I can't see how anyone could call it bad
you can't see how anyone could have a different opinion than you?


>makes false statement
>"I'm right, so you're trolling"

Bad and not liking something isn't the same.

Dude you are retarded lmao
>I'm a good troll because I pretend to be retarded and make obvious lies anyone can debunk right away
Hurr so funny kekeke huehuehuehue

if it had a tranny soldier it wouldve had 98 on rottent

Eastwood is known for minimal takes. He's the wrong director for this idea.

>it's a troll because I don't want to admit I'm wrong!

I don't like titanic. But it isn't a bad movie. See? Not that hard.
>need the last word

>need the last word
that doesn't even make sense here

Ah so now it is minimal takes. Not 1 take. Let's ignore rehearsals of scenes and the times he does more than 20 which he has done even in American sniper. Maybe he doesn't do more takes when he got the take he wants. Anyway what kind of fucking dumbass criticism is this anyway lol I guess all movies suck that had few takes now. You replied 10 times about this so far, definition of a troll.

Please get the last word in kid.

I didn't think the movie was good. Mediocre. That being said, I'm comparing this film to his previous ones.

It's clearly for you types, the "MUH PATRIOTIC, MUH TRUMP GON MAGA" individuals. That's fine, considering liberals have their "MUH DIVERSITY 100%, MUH FLAMING FAGS IN MUH FACE" type movies too. It's only fair you guys get a movie for your personal/political sensibilities.

I said 1/2 takes. One or two takes, not one.
What are you talking about "last word"?" You said something false. You don't become "correct' by simply having a "last word".

>American propaganda with non-actors playing themselves
>almost the whole movie is about their holiday


Redditards are "special" they need the attention and can't be wrong.

Anyway I'm going to watch it a second time tonight. Shame this Kino will do badly because of the liberal agenda and communists.

It's not healthy to claim any criticism is trolling.

>reddit spacing

>not healthy
It's not healthy to waste away trolling but your life your choice lol

>literally cannot fathom anyone disliking his babby tier cinema.

That is actually a genuine checkmark for autism: Inability to recognize that other people hold different opinions on a topic.

Talk about brainwashing and groupthink. Gee Weez

Found the SJW

Is this a joke, or are you intentionally proving my point?

>gee weez
Lol 12?SJW's don't even have a 100IQ

>Reddit spacing
This is TV idiot

got it, didn't recognize early enough

How much are the CIA paying you to promote this film?

it sucked, was boring and Clint should retire already

I believe you OP, it looks like kino to me. But unfortunately, it wasn't released in my country yet.

Anyway, have you seen "Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk"? To me, it was one of the greatest movies in recent memory.

People are starting to see right through propaganda movies like this and the horse one

Lmao you leftists are crazy
>h-his movies offends me PLEASE RETIRE BAN
SJW everytime. Why don't you freedom hating fags move to Venezuela already.

why would a movie about 3 guys doing literally nothing offend me? The movie sucked, get over it

They are sad pathetic self hating spoiled brats in the suburbs. Sad. They hate so much I expect half of them to slit their own wrists within 5 years to killallwhitemen or savetheearth from their carbon footprint kek

Clint Eastwood turns 88 in May, and his narrow nationalist political views were garbage 30 years ago. This movie is jingoistic garbage and you only jerk off to it because you are easily manipulating by marketing.

Soldiers as actors? You can love your country and still call out a bad movie, Kevin.

>turns 88
So what? Ageist?
>narrow political view
To kill a terrorist and save hundreds of French people just going about their business. You are crazy.
>manipulative marketing
I didn't know this was a Disney movie.
>soldiers as actors
They did a very good job. Probably because they didn't have to "act"
>you can love your country and call out a bad movie Kevin
You obviously don't love our country.. Obama.

That's a lot of words saying nothing. Loving your country and your fellow man seems to trigger you much.

>look goy, this African male is a heroic American

Fuck this kike shill trash

Hope Clint gives us one last Western Kino before he goes, return to his roots.

>a lib SJW pretending to be alt right while venting about how he really feels about blacks.
So funny... it is fucked up though that he is being ignored while some marvel fictional trash gets all attention. I'm sure you have tickets already.

>literally can't stop slurping nigger cock
56% kys

Only ones who use 56% meme are SJW's who troll neocucks. How about not saying racist shit at all?! Thanks. America is doing fine and will do much better than Europe with Mexican and South American immigrants vs Europe who takes in mostly radical islamists. This movie takes place in France if you didn't know.

based clint and his based sons will live on for eternity

That black man is a man unlike you larping racist faggot.

I hope this isnt his last movie because Clint doesnt deserve to go out like this...he needs another Unforgiven type movie

I just received a warning by mod now lol TV is going to hell. Probably no different than plebbit soon. Communists ruin everything. Freedom of speech is on notice these days.

If it isn't Disney it doesn't last here. TV is just a board for shills these days. Meh

>Going into this I didn't have high expectations. If you haven't heard, the "stars" of the film aren't actors. They are the guys who actually lived the story. I knew this going into the film, and I was still shocked at how jarring an experience it was to watch regular guys act on the big screen. Don't get me wrong, I certainly couldn't do any better. Not to mention, I haven't done anything in my life anyone should make a movie about.
>So why did I see this? Well I have moviepass and had nothing to do on a Saturday at noon. So here we are. Unless you are in a similar situation I would recommend you pass.


>Disney shilling
I have noticed that, Disney and Netflix 24/7. But I'm not gonna bother posting here anymore if I will get bans and warnings for nothing. This place has shit its bed.

>death to America
Tv 2018
Yeah I'm done. Peace.

>This is truly one of the worst films I have ever seen. It starts with acting and to put it simply, it's just abysmal. Right from the start, the children playing the young heroes just aren't at the quality of what you would expect. The wooden writing doesn't help and plagues the film with countless cringe moments throughout its runtime. Then we move to the heroes themselves, who would have been better served working as consultants for the film to ensure authenticity. They simply aren't good, and nearly every line they delivered was met with a few chuckles from the nearly capacity crowd at my showing. Even if the three were replaced with trained actors, it's hard to see how that would substantially improve the product. The film acts more like a buddy adventure movie for the better part of its runtime, rather than the heroic thriller that was being advertised. It's incredibly misguided and marks an unfortunate low point in Clint Eastwood's remarkable career. You are better served reading an account of the event than wasting time and money on this dud of movie.
>3/10 - Very Bad

mfw Clint Eastwood directing a capeshit movie.

Why not copy paste the 10/10 review, wait that would be counter to your political agenda. Time to get some sleep fucking past midnight. Good night haters and God bless America!

Good night brah. I'm also hitting the sack. Just babysitting PB torrents.
That would unironically be awesome.
Dude post all the positive reviews instead if you dare

>ameriorc movies

>get BTFO
>leave the thread in shame


Am*ricans were a mistake

Rest of the world was.




>not always
>"just 1 take," "I mean 2 takes."
You sure showed him user

Good goy! Respect da troops! Fight and die fuh Israel!

>pol is in da house

>Pol breaking containment again
They can't help themselves, they have no life.

Most are trolls. They don't even watch anything just shitpost during class, in 2nd grade lol

Many of them are Russian bots. Just trying to piss people off and start shit.

Yep I have noticed most SJW's are actually Russian bots. Or they use swedish and polish VPN hijacked computers to put distance between themselves and Kremlin.

>his tendency to do everything in one/two takes
No one said just one take or always you disingenuous fuckhead

>Ninety percent of this film was set in the 3 main characters backgrounds. From meeting in primary school through to entry into the defence forces. The other 10 percent was the actual terror attack, which lasted less than a minute. Of the 3 "heroes" only one was portrayed as a true action taker. The other 2 hid under the seats only to get involved after the terrorist was disarmed and taken down.
>The use of the actual real life heroes playing themselves intrigued me and that is why I saw the movie. However, the acting was very wooden and a bit cringey at times.
>I did not enjoy this movie. I kept checking my watch to see when itvwas ending.

Here's the breakdown:
0-20 minutes: The main characters as kids. Pointless.
20-40 minutes: Them as young adults trying to figure out their career. Again, pointless.
40-60 minutes: Hanging out in different countries. Guess what? You got it! Pointless.
Up to this point, they would interrupt the borefest and literally showed a few random parts from inside the train. No more than a few minutes total. Which doesn't really make any sense because we're still watching these boring characters grow up through out their lives. No need to skip ahead to show a brief clip of the train incident.
60-80 minutes: Getting onto the train, and hanging out in there. Wait, this movie it about a train? Right... I forgot.
The remaining 10-20 minutes are good, but by that point, I'd had enough.
Recommended to AVOID. But if you want to see it that badly, skip the first hour.

It's islamophobic propaganda. Fuck this shit.

So you didn't dare to post a 10/10 review lol chicken shit.

Know how I know you are full shit and haven't seen the movie? Lame troll

Why would I? Take the most atrocious movie and there is someone to give it a 10/10. This movie is objectively bad. Even people who like Eastwood and his ideology were turned off because it's so badly made. The guy is senile headless duck
>I realized about halfway through this movie that nothing was happening; I was just watching a documentary home movie of 3 kids growing up in America and it was not very interesting. There was no dramatic action until the last 10 minutes; no suspense or background of the terrorist leading to train trip. Characters were on a Europe vacation through 25% of the movie with no action. It was just a boring movie. We came home and watched Waco and Strike Back at home and TV was much better than this dull movie. Clint Eastwood's worst film to date...

Lmao still a chicken, you are such a coward man.

>this scared and desperate
Cluck Cluck cluck

Haha he ran away
BTFO noob. Liberals 0-1 Conservatives

I don't understand you. You can go see the reviews by yourself, why do you want me to copy paste it for you, you lazy fuck

>I dont believe myself to be a patriot
t. soyboy