Wonder Woman

Was it kino?

I always forget what her name is, and forget to subscribe, but I love hearing her talk about things.
I loved when she talked about the worst reality tv show ever made


There's something wrong with Gal's looks.

It was good, like 7/10. When people talk about strong female characters, she was done as well as you can expect a modern blockbuster to do

>have some sort of backstory that explains why she has the potential to be strong
>show her weak at first, slowly beginning to hone her skills
>let us grow with the character and begin to root for her
>get into a major battle and have her fuck up
>learn from her mistake and fix her wrongs, change going forward

I think Gal was an odd choice though. She wasn't horrible, but her accent was distracting. So was her fucking head shape.

Jenny a cute!

>lusting after a dyke with fas

lmao white "men"


>She wasn't horrible
I beg to differ. I could barely understand her in BvS (it was like she was just making the sounds and not actually "speaking") and although there was some improvements in WW, her thick accent made a lot of her delivery very strange. Not to mention she's way to fucking skinny to play a convincing Amazon.

A cute!

seek help

nothing like Tuesday morning jenposting lads


her face is kinda off-putting, but the body is nice

SOLID film on the CapeShit scale
On a real movie scale probably a 6/10. Ending was garbage

Girls who like horses are literally always crazy. There's literally no exceptions.


I think it's part of her charm... because nobody here ever has to deal with that madness IRL.

is there a vid of her fucking a horse? asking for a friend.

You think horse girls are crazy until you meet dolphin girls

You're gonna have to subscribe to her Patreon for those exclusive videos!


The only reason Wonder Woman was enjoyable was because it was made like a Marvel movie


I thought Wonder Woman was complete dogshit and hearing people say it was even ok is a mystery to me almost everything about it was stupid as shit

DUDE YES non coastal bros don't know this feel but it's so true. Dated a dolphin girl working at the Miami Seaquarium back when I lived there. Man I have so many stories. From what she insinuated, I'm almost positive she's let one of them fuck her before, and some of the guys there have fucked the male/female dolphins after hours. The male dolphins would always go crazy with their freaky dicks wiggling around whenever literally any woman was there.



Dolphins are horny amd way too smart user. They like to show their dick to human females.

Jenny's prettier cousin is an olympian.