Why is Taxi Driver so kino and why has Scorsese failed to make anything as good since?

Why is Taxi Driver so kino and why has Scorsese failed to make anything as good since?

Because it was written by based Schrader, like the other two best Scorsese movies (Raging Bull and The Last Temptation)

The King of Comedy and After Hours are as good. Raging Bull is far better.

Casino and The Age of Innocence are comparable at least.

I've never sen Taxi Driver. Is it the kind of kino I can watch at 6am on a tuesday after staying up all night

Because Sup Forums told you this film is good, and you're incapable of forming opinions.

it's a kind of kino where that's seems boring and picks up slowly because it follows the character from start to finish

I wouldn't advise you do it.

>Because Sup Forums told you this film is good

The departed was better.

Taxi driver is criminally overrated and the departed is criminally overrated. The only reason why this shit is so popular is a bunch of shit taste boomers formed a shit opinion and parrpted it for decades and you slurped it up like my sister slurps bbc because you are too retarded to form your own opinion.

Also while we are on the subject the departed is pure fucking kino and if you don't think that it is Scorsese's best work then youre a limp dick slackjaw faggot. Also fuck the jews.

actually yes

ok I'll wait til I'm more awake. maybe with my boyfriend for V day

Im your new boyfriend. Tell me something nice, you whore

Patrician Scorsese films ranking is as follows:

Raging Bull > Taxi Driver > Mean Streets > The King of Comedy > The Age of Innocence > Goodfellas > Casino > Bringing out the Dead > shit > rest

The Departed is a shitty remake of superior Hong Kong film, Di Caprio sucks in everything too.

Awful choice for V day. Truly awful.

my favorite scorsese is unironically bringing out the dead

Trash ranking.

Also, Departed is very low-tier Scorsese but still definitely better than Infernal Affairs.

lets see your ranking then big guy

It's a good choice tbqh

Top 5 for me, very underrated film

Bringing Out the Dead is just Taxi Driver but good.

You take that back about leo right now you fucking cocksucking faggot. I will backtrace your ip address and suck your dick so good that you will be disappointed at every other blowjob you get for the rest of your life you little nigger.

Leo is the best actor in history. I watch The Wolf Of Wall Street AT LEAST 3x a week and if you arent watching it at least once a week then your fucking gay m8.

Say one more bad thing about leo. I dare you. I fucking dare you cocksucker.

the only reason is because Nicholas Cage is a meme actor now, despite pulling kino performances like Lord of War.

The Age of Innocence > Casino > Taxi Driver > Bringing Out the Dead > The Aviator > Silence > Raging Bull > Kundun > Mean Streets > Goodfellas > Gangs of New York > The Last Temptation > King of Comedy > After Hours > the rest

His others are (mostly) good too.

The Departed>The Age of Innocence > Casino > Taxi Driver > Bringing Out the Dead > The Aviator > Silence > Raging Bull > Kundun > Mean Streets > Goodfellas > Gangs of New York > The Last Temptation > King of Comedy > After Hours > the rest


best: Goodfellas
worst: After Hours
most overrated: Casino
most underrated: The Color of Money
reddit: Gangs of New York

>casino that high

you have a nice little penis

what do you recommend then? he likes movies like this I think

I actually disliked Raging Bull. Taxi Driver was okay but there were so many unnecessary scenes (specially the Scorcese cameo).

Am I the only one who's seen it?

Name ONE (1) unnecessary scene other than the Scorcese cameo.

It's good, but not a favorite.

The only Scorsese I haven't seen is Who's That Knocking At My Door.

What is superior about film is that it takes us through the mind of a person whom supposedly suffering from
PTS caused by Vietnam War. How Travis holds up the Justice toward everything is the mirror image of America at the time. The suisidal gesture is what is all about. This is how I perceive whole film though user. This is great example of how medium stands strong when it has the voice. BTW my personal pick of Martin’s best efforts are; “Raging Bull”, “GoodFellas”, “Silence”, & “Life Lesson”(from New York Stories).

All of the driving scenes.

Anyone who thinks of Cage as just a meme actor needs to watch more fucking movies, guy's one of the most compelling actors ever.

first scorsese movie i ever saw and the only one other than taxi driver that i genuinely like

yes actually

>don't have taxi driving in a film called Taxi Driver

He overacts in everything. Sometimes it fits the role but a lot of times it doesn't.

>you have a nice little penis
Y-you too

They're too long and there's nothing going on.


I know you're baiting but you're pissing me off. FUCK OFF

Please trip so we can filter your garbage opinions.

Bringing Out The Dead is Taxi Driver but for Rudy's NY.

The assassination of the president is also pointless. If he wanted to clean up the streets why try to kill the presidential candidate?

>If he wanted to clean up the streets why try to kill the presidential candidate?
that's why they showed it

He's not a very smart or rational character. That's kind of the point.

>The departed was better.

The Departed was a mess

Remember that Travis is a psychopath, by definition of the disorder.

>Why is Taxi Driver so kino
Nice meme

Palantine represented society to Travis, remember that his campaign slogan is "We Are the People", Travis wanted to lash out at society and people who had rejected him and made him so lonely so he channelled that anger and frustration through taking out Palantine.

That's what I did with the god fathers. I took a nap for a couple hours during part 2 at the intermission part. Then I'm gonna watch good fellas, taxi driver, and raging bull. Might finally check the sopranos out too. And then I'll be done with all the italiano de kino I haven't seen.

don't forget Once Upon a Time in America

The Sopranos is 1000x better than all of those movies combined.

I'll check it out. I love these long movies man, everytime there's one that I really get into I never want it to end.
Yeah I've tried to get into it before. My brother and father love it. Just keep saving it until I can give it my full attention I guess.

I thought Sopranos was pretty good right up until that part where they're in the

well you see, what actually happened is black

raging bull is his best flick

Raging Bull is his worst. There's nothing entertaining about watching a boxer turn into a fat loser.

He's just like me!

This but unironically.

>tries to pay the clerk for letting him shoot the black man


>he watches movies for entertainment

pc rules

Travis didn't want to clean up the streets; he thought that was impossible. He would just "flush it all down the fuckin toilet" if he could.
He just wanted to "save" Betsy from what he considered the evil influence of Senator Palantine. When he fucked that up because of the Secret Service, he decided to "save" Jodie Foster's character instead from her degenerate pimp, by going on a shooting spree through the brothel she worked at.

>When he fucked that up because of the Secret Service,
Go talking with the Secret Service seemed like a really dumb idea if his plot was to assassinate the president? Why blew off doing that?

Travis wasn't very smart

>Raging Bull is his worst. There's nothing entertaining about watching a boxer turn into a fat loser.

Look, just because you're a faggot with no life experience and think Travis Bickle is a hero for being a fucking cabbie who's against (((society))) doesn't mean it's a bad movie, stupid.

Yes. It'll definitely help put you in the Bickle-Zone

He wanted to find out what guns they were carrying.

>Scorsese failed to make anything as good since
>what is Silence
Oh user...

Absolutely btfo

>Travis didn't want to clean up the streets
>"Someday a real rain's gonna come and wash all this scum off the streets"

departed is trash

I thought it did a great job of capturing the perspective of a deranged, mentally ill person

After hours is great and got the acclaim it deserves

>No Hugo

He wanted to clean up the streets, sure, but he cared far more about "saving" the girls than anything. Without them being in the story he wouldn't have tried to kill anyone at all. Killing Palantine would've done nothing to that end. The overall goal of cleaning up the streets was never his prime motivating factor

Hugo is minor Scorsese as a whole but genuinely remarkable in its integration of 3D into its cinematic grammar.

>Points gun at black having fun
What did he mean by this?

He didn't want to save Betsy. Remember he said
>I realize now how much she's just like the others, cold and distant.
after he got kicked out of the campaign office.

Departed is Babby's first Scorsese movie. Fuck off pleb

no fun allowed

In the DVD commentary, they said he wanted to save Betsy from Palantine's influence and - failing that - save Iris from her pimp's (Sport's) influence. He just had to do something. They were talking about how it was supposed to be ironic that he was hailed as a hero when he would have been outed as a villain had he killed Palantine and not fucked up his original plan. Both plans were equally righteous in his mind, and both revolved around the girls as a trigger.
If you're right and he didn't actually want to save Betsy, then killing Palantine was just his way of getting revenge on her, because it definitely does not count towards cleaning up the streets.

>pic related is the superior kino

Okay I can accept that.

What was up with the rear view mirror at the end? It fucked up his theme song for a second

>dismissing The Aviator
kill urself m8

The point was that the darkness, isolation and hatred was still inside Travis, and it will build again.

>no asian actors mentioned on the poster
I don't trust it

That movie feels so extremely sped up if you read the book.
Other than that, kino.

He just wanted to kill himself but go out with a bang. He originally chose the plan to kill Palantine over the one to kill Sport simply because he had the idea for Palantine first. But yeah my point is he really wanted to kill himself, and he tried and failed to shoot himself numerous times after the final shootout. It's why he made that "kill myself" gesture in the OP to the cops as they came in.

Were school shootings a thing in 70s America?

>What is love

>The Age of Innocence
are you kidding me

>tfw no betsy gf

Bye, killer!

He was such a chad when he walked in at first. Then he turned into an autistic fag. No wonder why Sup Forums enjoys this movie so much.