No One will read this but you know it's true
Black Panther Blues; Our fucking History and Culture was taken from us
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capes are modern mythological heroes
black people have nothing so black panther is important
he is to blacks what superman is to amerifats
the hero of a newborn culture that doesn't have a mythology full of gods and monsters so they need to create one
by your fellow Africans
>capes are modern mythological heroes
The absolute state of Mutt culture
How do these stupid niggers fail to realise they have been given white culture, the greatest culture of all time, but they fail to accept and join it.
There's some legitimacy to it, I won't disagree with the central concept. However, I believe he overstates how much African Culture was erased in Africa - it can still be found. The problem is African Americans have no interest in it. Case in point: the films soundtrack; all American style hip hop with no influence from African music whatsoever - not even African Hip-hop. Do the research, there are things you can find out about the ancient Africans and their gods.
As for Black Panther - yes, T'challas existence as an AFRICAN hero does make him unique to other figures, like Blade or Spawn, who were African American. In that aspect, T'challa is the first truly African superhero.
But T'challa existed before this movie. So where was the interest for the comic?
>whitey done destroyed our culture
The unfortunate truth is that his ancestors were likely put into slavery by his fellow African brothas. If that's the case, the tribe they belonged to was most likely wiped out.
Really, he's lucky slavery was a thing. If it wasn't, his ancestors probably would've just been killed.
>even native Africans dont have any connection to their culture because they live in post colonial nations
sorry wut?
The overwhelming majority of africans dont even speak a european language.
Name them. The slave trade would have never hapenned with the kike boats. And you know all that racial propaganda about africans being animals, who controls the media?
Stupid bastard is acting like EVERY african on the west coast was taken for slavery, that the entire record of the native history will be completely uprooted because of the slave trade. The culture is there for you to research and explore if you want to, but nah that's far too difficult
Is this unfinished or the final product?
It's unfinished
Why are these people so quick to hurl pegoratives against unseen readers? I could see how it might be a tool to cow a potential audience into agreement (nod respectfully or you're a piece of shit!), but it seems just as likely to cause an audience to simply dismiss the writer as unreasonable and insulting.
>we don’t have fairy tales that can be turned into dinsey movies
What about the movie Princess and the Frog? What about voodoo? These people will never be happy
im swedish. thor isn't really a big deal here for our people. stop being a fucking pussy about it.
So what, a good idea would be to retroactivly forge a culture? To completely fictionally create a myth for africans to adore?
And what the fuck do you know? Have you studied african culture? I know for a fact they have legends and heroes and all sorts of stuff, it's just that noone gives a fuck. Including you, you hypocritical dimwit. You're just using "muh slavery" as an excuse to create purpose of just another fucking superhero movie.
Capes are stupid, read some Tintin nigga
OP image is not wrong though
cont.. And wouldn't having your mythology and culture raped by capitalistic swines for profit be worse than not having any at all? I'd prefer not having any culture than to have mine exploited for money.
Because that's what it's all about: Money. You're beeing fooled, OP.
Wut? 1/3 of the world is a minority? I can’t keep reading this shit. If negroes want to go back to, why don’t they go back?
the West African societies from which the slaves were taken were not destroyed though. They still exist, and in parts of the carribean that culture survived even the transportation.
The reason american niggers dont know this culture is because they are 72% (black) amerigoblins
Real African mythology absolutely exists and still lives on today, the problem is that it mostly comes from oral traditions that can't really be written down without losing important story elements in translation so most people won't know about it unless they go out of their way to study it. If anything the blame falls on Africans for not developing a written language that can be translated over into something that other cultures can understand.
And just because a mythological character still exists in fiction doesn't mean anyone really has a cultural connection to the mythology behind the character. People have heard of Thor, but the norse mythology that exists today is butchered and watered down because most of the records of it come from christians who understandably weren't interested in carefully documenting the beliefs and practices of filthy heathens.
>A look at what could have been
Not a fucking chance you delusional cry baby nigger.
He's kind of right the West is Eurocentric (duh)
I know what makes something French or German, but I have no idea what makes something Nigerian or Kenyan.
Slavery isn't even relevant 2bh. African culture and history was destroyed by Africans themselves, because they can't read or write so they never kept track of what the fuck was happening in their countries.
English or French or whatever history wouldn't exist if nobody had been recording it.
>It's white people's fault that most of don't have a basic grasp of history or geography
Do you want to be a mud-eating nigger or an upstanding American citizen?
More seriously if you want to meet that traditional African culture nothing is stopping you from going there and learn it for yourself. You will understand it isn't yours.
a rare cool swede
>2 people get married
>a Zebu is brought forth
>the "priest" cuts its throat with machete
>blood spilling all over the place
>the priest collects some in a cup
>the husband and bride have to drink a bit of it to seal the deal
Nice culture.
actually a decent point, though a horribly sad one that a marvel movie is the best thing they can cling to
Wow, a well articulated nigger.
Almost too ((well)) to be true
Fuck them.
Supes is an adopted son with American identity and Values.
These fucks are identifying with a fucking African.
They clearly can't get past their own black skin.
They need to fuck off. Go back to "Black Krypton".
They'll soon discover just how high their standard of living was here and how great their freedoms.
Especially after we EMP all the tech we GAVE THEM.
Well most of the slaves were taken from West Africa so here's some reading materials
That poster has been accused of “digital blackface” a few times. He’s most likely not anything near black
I read it. Interesting read.
African culture is so shitty and underdeveloped. And that is a fact. Just deal with it and move on.
Yep, we bought them on the open market, and we were the only buyers who didn't exterminate or castrate them.
The rest, a vastly greater number, all went to the arabs and dutch, and their bloodlines don't exist anymore.
We're getting a guilt trip simply because we have the cultural predisposing to feeling regret about past wrongs.
Even though we were the ones who erradicated slavery in our hemisphere.
None of these fucks are saying word one about the ongoing slavery in Libya and Saudi Arabia right now.
Not saying one word about the current Chinese colonization of Africa.
No, because those fuckers are way too scary to pick a fight with.
Pay attention to this Soy Boys and Bleeding Hearts, these shitpeople don't respect any form of weakness.
If you aren't dominating and scaring them, they think you're being weak. And they take advantage of it.
We owe them nothing. They've had long enough to become non-hyphenate Americans.
They're actively clinging to their non-American ethnicity now. They have to go back.
as others have pointed out, the author draws the wrong conclusion.
they should be rejecting bp precisely because it is constructed artifice, unreflective of actual afrikan culture.
a made up fantasy is worthless as a means of spiritual reflection, because it can be altered and erased on a whim.
as such, they should be looking to reinvest in afrikan identity - since there is plenty left on that continent - and to develop that instead of prefabricated wishfulfillment
Western culture was preserved because we wrote it down and made many copies of it. You can't expect culture to survive without widespread literacy.
It doesn't exist because they never recorded any of it and just absorbed what was brought to them not just by colonization but also by trade.
I went to a small town in a south african country and to my surprise there was a mosque there, and most of the people identified as muslims. Then I learned that the mosque was built by some paki traders, and I found out first hand that these "muslim" africans don't know the first thing about their supposed religion and don't give a shit either.
They are such liars. African culture is nothing but violence, oppression and enslavement of your own kind. Look at how gangs operate... That is their heritage. Mud hut dirt cookie eaters live the same way. That's what it means to be African and everything else is a lie that the West allowed them to believe. Niggers would have never been shipped around the world in boats to be slaves if they weren't enslaved by their own kind and sold off.
Niggas in America sounds like a 90s album.
You are free to research the african culture of the past and present all you like fucking idiot.
Turns out it isnt all that impressive.
Someone should inform this confused soul that American Gods is a currently running TV show based off of a successful book that features an African deity as a prominent character.
Or that African folk tales have already been adapted into animated Disney films.
They would prefer to just complain.
What Playstation 2 game is this cutscene from?
nah... Toltecs, Mayas and Aztecs are gone, but people still talk about them because they make big things, they have a great legacy. Literally, africans don't have anything of value.
They're new versions of the Moses and Hercules stories.
This is not a new concept. Superman literally follows the template to a T.
Built into the story are the lessons of wielding great power wisely.
Something Westerners need as part of their educations and thinking, because they are very very powerful as a collective force in the world. With equal potential for great and terrible works.
Black Panther is pure pandering shit though.
It's just telling a bunch of evolutionary losers that they can magic into not being losers.
That if they hang around some magic space metal for fifty generations they'll be better than their genetic superiors.
Does any stupid asshole going to see this movie as an inspiration actually sit down and think about what that magic space metal may represent?
Could it be exposure to the west? Exposure to the west's education systems where we will literally tell you how we make all our amazing white people shit if you'd just sit and listen and engage in constructive investigation?
"Naw, youse juz gamin' uz. Dat shit gay. Aym gon be a rappa, boiii!!"
No, they had their chance. They could have sat. Been humble. And learned. Learned how to build an advanced culture like we do. Then, as an advanced black race, the only one in existence, they would have then had their "Black Panther" moment, where they get to struggle with the idea of sharing their self-realized wealth and civilization with other blacks around the world. Knowing that it's going to be a great struggle to drag them up to your level. Because yes, a majority of them are stupid fucking niggers who'll pull you down before you can pull them up.
>Literally, africans don't have anything of value.
ants are by far the most talented builders in all of Africa
I would have seen black panther
But the niggers all babbled about KANGZ
And the SJWS whined racism
So I said fuck it!
I'll watch Beverly Hills Cop instead
>African tradition making for the special cultural traits that mark off the Negro as it is to bear in mind the slave past or high pigmentation. To rephrase the matter, it is seen that the African past is no more to be thought of as having been thrown away by those of African descent than it is to assume that the traits that distinguish Italians or Germans or Old Americans or Jews or Irish or Mexicans or Swedes from the entire population of which they form a part can be understood in their present forms without a reference to a preceding cultural heritage.
>Yes, ok so maybe African-Americans do have cultural traits, but what about shared mythologies like Thor!?
It's called developing and preserving a written language and its accompanying literature.
>Since the 20th century, the study of prehistory is considered essential to implicit exclusion of certain preliterate civilizations, such as those of Sub-Saharan Africa, pre-Columbian America, Australian Aboriginals and New Zealand Māori.
>the absolute ignorance of uneducated amerifats
nice argument you contrarian faggot
>Black Panther Blues; Our fucking History and Culture was taken from us...
No it wasn't. It's still there. It's still shit. Please return.
You may have to fight off some Chinks, but hey, you dey great Kang Warriorz, right?
Go on, go fight for your land and history and culture, you whiny black faggots.
>These fucks are identifying with a fucking African.
Like some white mericans identify with King Arthur or Roland or Beowulf or Hitler.
Everyone bought slaves from Africa. EVRYONE. Portugese, spanish, belgians, arabs, dutch, jews, brits. The only ones who didn't where the Chinese, but they're colonizing Africa as we speak.
Everyone used/sold slaves throughout history, Africans, Vikings, Romans, Ottomans. Do they not teach this in American schools??????
American here. The only thing I was taught in school was how to clap and that filling out the survey on a McDonald’s receipt gave you a pretty damn good coupon
Who knew that all of Europe and all of Asia existed exactly as it does today since the beginning of time and never experienced things like different tribes, different borders, different cultures trying to overwrite each other and people conquering and enslaving each other.
Europe progressed, Africa didn't.
>black people have nothing
just go to the store and buy something with your ebt then kek
the sad thing is this will happen to whites as well when (((they)) succeed in their plan
pretty much this.
The internet exists, i bet the United States has some museums for African cultures. It's up to them to reconnect to their past
>Case in point: the films soundtrack; all American style hip hop with no influence from African music whatsoever - not even African Hip-hop.
fucking this to the max; really fucking odd stylistic choice that suggests the makers have only a superficial interest in africa.
You know black people could care about human culture instead of pretending their a fucking different race
The problem is that their former cultures are too embarassing to actually acknowledge.
Who would want to celebrate drinking cow's period or cutting your own flesh or sewing female genitalia?
Because this is what their "cultures" amount to, prehistoric memes(literally) surviving too long.
I meant species*
Disagree with his assertion that all black culture got destroyed - there's plenty of it about, legends that are still told, etc. Things survived pretty well in East Africa: Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia (before the civil war/starvation). The real problem was they didn't have anything written down. Oral traditions can be made to work but you have to get them down on paper asap before the Belgians and the French really go to town on you.
Should note it can be done: the Maori have retained a lot of their culture because they took to writing very quickly and wrote it all down themselves.
maybe the niggers should have invented writing
>blacks on suicide watch when they realize that only 300k slaves were brought to america and they cant blame white people for their fuck ups
Africa is short on written language that's why so much of its history is lost but even then other people recorded a lot of it but it's such a massive continent anyway it's not as if there was ever much progress there anyway and I think oral history is passed down to this day
His culture wasn't destroyed, his connection to what should have been his culture was.
But Wakanda doesn't have any culture, it's inspired by existing ones, but it's an amalgamation, without any actual meaning. It's just mimicry.
I kinda get what he's saying, but Black Panther is still meaningless as far as culture goes.
>dreams of a broken people instead of black people
>a look at what could have been
So he chooses to identify with a fictional and meaningless culture instead of studying actual ones or even his own ancestry.
There are plenty of great monuments from African civilisations. The buildings of Timbuktu, Great Zimbabwe, the ancient churches of Axum and Laibela, the Pyramids... It's got a really interesting history.
Who Killed Captain Alex has better fight choreography than this. I say that with no irony whatsoever.
Imagine being this much desperate to protect cape shit.
Just give up. The general public thinks its laughable. And it is.
There is no interest. There never will be interest. All of this, black panther and all we are talking about ? Will be forgotten. Just like every other fad. And thats all it is.
You really think these people give a fuck about culture ? They are looking for something to latch on. Because they dont know any better. As soon as the next big thing comes, everyone will jump ship and completely forget in probably 1 year.
>I'd prefer not having any culture than to have mine exploited for money.
Well, good thing that you don't actually own culture, because that's not how culture works. It's not under some copyright for you to claim, it can be used for entertainment purposes as well.
Stop being so triggered, commie Swede.
Of course he isn't Muhammad wait till the first muslim hero
You know not having a written language could have something to do with this.
>Rather, they have the history and culture of a post-colonialist nation, drafted by European nations drawing indiscriminate lines to conjure up entire nations where dozens of tribes likely lived separate from one another.
Yeahhh, sorry for trying to put order in a shitshow of a continent and trying to elevate African countries in the modern era. We should have let them instead half-naked in their mud houses.
>We don't fucking know our particular African history...
It would not be a problem if they had used written language, build monuments, create arts... Like almost every fucking civilization in the world.
As usual, nigger whining like a piece a shit because he can't do what everyone else is doing.
By the way, lots of european countries were colonized by others european countries and we're not complaining because it was a good thing (aqueducts, roads, bridges, ...).
Is that a black african legacy now kek
Appending black onto African is redundant.
eyy, lemme get a cigarette
>comic book made by a White man is Black culture
Imagine the level of absurdity that goes on in this person's head.
Lmao, that's some black fragility.
>this connection to the past goes beyond "white cultures", other minorities have still managed to retain a portion of their history and culture. Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish
The Egyptians were not black you ignorant nigger. Africa is fucking HUGE.
They were black, if anything the lower castes that worked their asses out. The autocracy and spiritual leaders were not euros but they could not have been blacks either.
>They were black
Stop trying to steal the history of others.
>The autocracy and spiritual leaders were not euros
No one is claiming the Egyptians were euros, they just were not black.
>a well articulated nigger
>"If your English all your culture"
Nah lmao
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Black Americans? It's a fucking film. I doubt actual africans or blacks in other countries are having such a massive identity crisis over this shit. Fucking hell, it's a movie. These comics have existed for decades. Did any of these people even read Priest's run? This just looks pathetic.
>all American style hip hop with no influence from African music whatsoever
What? The OST disc has plenty of South African artists on it, the film's composer traveled to SA and Lesotho - and sampled all of the drum recordings used in the actual film from there. The composer himself talked about how difficult it was to work in these elements with the European string arrangements but in the end felt it was vital to do. In fact, Lesotho was used as a major influence for Wakanda in the film as it was a country that didn't have to suffer Apartheid which SA did, a tiny landlocked nation surrounded and almost forgotten by the rest of the world, which with all the violence occuring in SA at the time, was much preferred for their residents.
It's nice to sound smart, but you've done no research yourself when you've made those claims.
>We have no clue where we are from
Is it really that hard to trace for an african american? I mean white Americans can do it? Niggers in other countries that moved can do it? Jamaicans don't have an issue with this, none of the carribean islands seem to have an issue with this. Why do african americans cry about this so much?
.t soundtrack guy doing ass damage control
So you've been proven completely wrong and nothing left but a meme.
t. faggot