It's so sad
It's so sad
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fuck that black and white filter isn't appealing for her.
still would, even if she's look like a grandma now
I'd love to cum on her sagging jowls
Why can't she be obsessed with me?
i dont know why this made me chuckle
Coincidentally muh dick is back too
Thanks John
Am i the only one who wanted to see creed and meredith fuck?
It's a shame she aged so badly but I guess obsession does take a physical toll
What do you think creed says when he busts?
>wow I’m so happy to be here with my husband h-heh
You just know shes called him jim during.
>she'll never let go
Maybe Jenna is actually tired of being remembered by this only show and suffers in silence for having to put on the ring and give statements over and over about a show that ended 10 years ago
if shes tired of it, why does she wear on the ring?
why does she tweet about it
>why does she wear on the ring?
It would be painful...
Maybe it's a persona of her. She tweets because that's what she's known for and if she doesn't pander to The Office fans there's not much else she's relevant. That's probably the only reason why people follow her on twitter.
Nobody cared who she was until she put on the ring
Women crave what they can't have. If its easy its not worth it for them
Awful lotta loyalty for a hired receptionist
she makes me think of a girl who was kind of plain in high school but became really hot afterwards, but didn't have the confidence in collage to get a boyfriend. aside from some exploration and experimenting whilst there, she found it wasn't for her.
she ended up getting her accounting degree, I wanted to "go for it" in the big city. not long after she goes back to being homely and self conscious. A series of setbacks, bad relationships and a stagnant career led her going back to her small town in Indiana and bumping you, user.
You remember each other from high school, you catch up, talking about old times and new and as it happens, you both had a crush on each other in high school.
she always thought you would do well for yourself. you get by, you're stable, you're not going hungry. which is much better than most of the rest are doing.
you begin to go out to dinner, then a second and third time. and before long you are celebrating Christmas together with a tree you both picked out. you decide to pop the question then and there and after a sweet and inexpensive wedding, she becomes Mrs user
these days are blissful, she loves getting up in the morning, waking you up to the smell of a amazing breakfast, you do the chore together, the two of you enjoy doing the same thing together you enjoy your hobbies, you watch shows together, and she gets all huffy when you watch the next episode without her. and of course she has to fulfill your husbandry duties....
she does the books for you and a few local businesses, a great extra source of income. but one day she asks you...
'user, I don't w-want to seem forward but, I don't have much time left to have children, I want to have babies user, and I want you to give them to me"
"P-Please, be the father of our children"
weeks pass by after this and your efforts are a success, congrats user you will be a daddy soon
If I pulled off that ring would she die?
>congrats user you will be a daddy soon
Say hello to Jamals new son
It would be extremely painful
she paid for that interview
...for Jim.
>Nudes exist of that photo shoot but will never be released
Makes him wear a Jim mask.
If he took off the jim mask would she cry?
>but didn't have the confidence in collage to get a boyfriend
Uh.. That's not how courtship works. The male gets the female.
I'm not reading the rest of this I'm sure it's all virgin pap.
It's fucking real holy shit I'm going to have a fit!
Is this the latest member of the JUSTice League
>muh Sup Forums
Jesus dude
I think you know the answer to that question, Satan. But she went on an interview and pretty much said she wants to fuck John, really really badly. When she's around him it's 'magical'. You know John and Emily are getting stoned and laughing their asses off at this shit.
weeks progress further and she begins to show. test reveal the baby is going to be totally healthy. no matter your affections she repeatedly anguishes over how she looks, wanting to look her best, for you user. you don't want to press the issue but you keep telling her how beautiful she looks, she refutes this citing her weight gain and overall moods swings, thankfully most of which you are not at the other end of...
one day she says she needs to talk to you, and she lays it all out for you user. She's had a Cuckqueening fetish since her roommate stole her boyfriend in collage and it wouldn't be right to force you to come home to what she has had to become to bear your children.
she wants you to go out and have sex with other women, the idea of you user, sleeping with other women, giving them the same she pleasure she received while you but your seed in her, while she sits at home, with child, wondering about every detail.
"is he going to cum inside her? who is it? is it someone we know? what if I talk to her at party and I have no idea?"
the questions she resists to ask herself but when she does, always puts her over the edge....
"what if he knocks up another woman?"
the hormones, the humiliation, the frustrating and the fantasy, and the denial of ecstasy bring her to the boiling point.
after she has the baby, everything goes well, the baby even has your eyes user. she hits the gym like a woman possessed, wanting to be back in perfect shape for the last the part of her fantasy, the part she wants the most, the payoff, when she steals your back and cements her her place as "Your woman", at least until she wants to do it all again....
don't even know why I wrote this, guess I've always wanted to give something like like an attempt.
was this peak amy adams?
every cunt sucks
is this autism?
Just watched Blades of Glory and jesus, this woman just can't sell a chemistry even in a comedy movie.
Are you alright buddy?
Holy fuck dude you are such a virgin. You know nothing about women, children, or relationships. Fucking painful shit bro.
Yes, but she can still get it.
not really, I just want people to be nice to me
amy adams is a multipeak range. we are now at peak milf.
Well maybe you should stop being such a whiney faggot
>The male gets the female.
the man strives to impress and entertain for free a woman and the woman selects the men she likes, then she dumps them
cute story user
It's time for John Krasinski to step up and just tell Emily Blunt that they're having an addition to the family; and it's Jenna Fischer. Big Love that shit bro. It's the only viable solution.
Imagine John rolling up on the red carpet to awards show, Emily on his right arm, Jenna on his left. The reporters and photographers ask;
>John is the office coming back?
>John John, is this a marketing stunt?
>Is this a prank?
Then he just says "No", smiles and simultaneously squeezes both their buttcheeks in front of the flashing cameras, Emily and Jenna both giggle, they all walk off together.
Why would he do that when he can just bootycall Jenna any time he wants?
Can you just not...okay?? Just roll with it.
What is he thinking?
You need to let go, Jenna.
Jenna stop, Please. You're embarrassing yourself. John is with Emily now. Your relationship was based on fiction. John slept with you because he could and now it's time to let go.
You'll never have John, you're also too old to 'trap' him with your stale eggs. I'm saying this to be truthful, you are done.
>7:10 AM
>wake up on Valentine’s Day
>3 YEARS after your sitcom ended
>your husband, the father of your children is lying next to you
>the first thing you think to do is post this
who will play them in the inevitable biopic
I want to punch his smug face.
I'd also be smug if I was banging Emily Blunt
Pls don't bully Pam
I can't watch the Office on comedy central without feeling overwhelming depression. Thanks Sup Forums
Calm down Lee.
>the Office on comedy central
what the fuck
Jenna pls. This is not happening. Just stop.
I would be too if If my wife looked like this, made more money than me and spread her asscheeks for me regularly and had my babies.
yeah.. i'm thinking she's back
How do we save Jenna, bros?
It's beyond ridiculous, you can't write this stuff. It should be a meme but it's fucking real.
I'm legit excited about Blunt/Krasinski horror movie, gonna go see it in theatres
>yfw Jenna was the monster the whole time
her tits are amazing.
You really expect me to read all that?
>not casting Jenna as the monster/ghost/whatever
i bet her pussy smells really bad. like asparagus and limburger cheese.
I want to doggystyle her so bad
I want her to doggystyle me so bad
Friendly reminder that Pam is pleb trash and Karen is the choice of true patricians.
Definitely, get a girl who looks at you like this. She'll be yours forever, or at least a very long time.
You take that back user, Jenna is pure.
That chin
Oh no no no no
Holly is the patrician choice, Karen is just slambait
I wood berry every fucking inch of my body in there.
>wanting a literal retard over a motivated, caring waifu
Some people...
only if you want your children to look like puerto rican mulattoes
If John walked up to her in a chili's one afternoon and demanded she go into the bathroom for anal., how fast do you think she would do it?
I'm never going to have biological children user because my genes are shit, we could adopt a qt Chinese daughteru.
>literal retard
it's almost as if you didn't understand her character or something
she a psycho bitch, at least pam was sub
i think she would already have been gape training for weeks/months/years while slipping him subliminal messages to come fuck her in a chilis one day
>at least pam was sub
>not wanting to get pegged in the ass and then the mouth by Karen wearing a latex catsuit
Pleb trash spotted.
F-Dom is the most basic bitch soyboy shit there is
>not wanting your childlike wonder waifu to do deranged lewd shit with you not because you asked her to but because you both legitimately enjoy doing it
>but because you both legitimately enjoy doing it
>implying we both wouldn't legitimately enjoy this
Nice try.
it doesn't matter if you both enjoy f-dom because you're still a soyboy for wanting f-dom
get a load of this faggot.
That's retarded.