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LGBTQ+ african americans also need representation! Is Disney an alt-right Nazi?
These "people" are never satisfied.
imagine being a janny on Sup Forums and having to frantically monitor an anonymous anime imageboard and purge wrongthink like some sort of soviet cheka because because everything surrounding this piece of shit movie can't help but make you, your nigger-loving ideology, and your pet niggers look goofy as fuck
In all honesty,they should make Black Panther gay. Imagine the collective orgasm they would have.
its never enough
I saw a video where they caught 2 guys buttfucking in africa, so they chained them together and put a tire around each of them like a tutu then burned them both alive.
Would pay to see that in theatres tbqh
Niggers hate faggots though
back people hate gays tbqh
Disney probably didn't want niggers to chimp out
Yesss good. Let’s drive the LGBTQIBBQ wedge in there as well.
Let’s fuck these left-wing sjw freaks start physically tearing each other apart
only if we get to see black some qt white twinks
This is a ticking time bomb when blacks realize they wont get gimmiedats from the movie profits.
Imagine being a brainwashed Sup Forumstard that sees everything as Jews trying to take over or white people being made extinct like goddamn Spongebob capturing all of the townspeople in nets because he thinks that he’s on the moon and he’s catching aliens, and refuses to believe anything else.
blacks are notoriously homophobic. In many african countries you can literally be brutally killed by mob justice for being gay. They gang rape teenage girls to "correct" lesbianism.
>>muh african queer utopia
haha no
I wish they would just make every single character a black trans female Muslim lesbian in every film, repeat it until it's just absurd and the normies are fed up of it
>screencap clickbait headline
>post on Sup Forums
>instant replies
Enjoy your AIDS, Disney.
Get that uninclusive shit out of here
imagine lying to yourself so abrasively and often that you deny the fact that there's an assault on white people globally being spearheaded by jews despite being immersed in western culture in the current year
imagine policing your own perception to that degree
>Imagine being a brainwashed Sup Forumstard that sees everything as Jews trying to take over or white people being made extinct
That's just reality.
And the left knows that,otherwise they would try it. It's bad for the diversity and enrichment movement to have bigots in them so they tiptoe around that issue and act like it's not there.
Why is Wanaka LITERALLY Nazi Germany?
I hate white liberals. Most black people hate faggots so good thing they didn’t add “lgbtq representation”
Why do Americans say these and not those? The people are far away no?
Disney ALMOST had a LBGTQ scene in this movie. Of course, it turned out to be another vaguely gay implication like the Beauty and the Beast remake and Star Trek Beyond.
Imagine being outraged that you have to post political content on the Politics board instead of the Television & Film board
This is simply ignorance of the actual circumstances. What's the best way to clue in these people?
Americans are fat enough where everyone is near each other.
Gays arent a people
I can't help it the English made their language so retarded.
Imagine being so immature you have to frame current political climates in fucking spongebob episodes
What, somebody who is half sexual? What does that even mean?
racist af article desu, how dare they criticize OUR movie
That actually happened.
Blacks are actually incredibly conservative in everything apart from race issues(and even then, it’s only really racism against blacks they care about, they will use Latinos and Asians for strength in numbers but when they get the opportunity to speak up for them they go all “#notyourmule”).
>arguing about using of an definite article over indefinite
Literally retarded
lol I can just say I'm gay and then be part of their group
next week I can say I'm hetero and tell gay men to fuck off and eat pussy only
the next week i can say I was confused and start back up sucking dick with them again
fuck gay groups
It's not a matter of maturity. There's plenty of that in Sup Forums. He's reciting the basic response that's been established: "Wrongthink is flat earth conspiracy theories, etc." You're not going to get through to them by just insulting them. That's how we're supposed to interact with bluepills. Because it's ineffectual. Divide and conquer, yada yada
Fox plays "the badguy" in the modern political narrative. All the major mainstream outlets are serving the same interests behind the camera. Trump serves the same role
Its supposedly the middle ground between asexuality and normal sexual interest.
Basically its a label for retards who think theymre cooler than everyone else for giving themselves a label
He's not framing a political climate you dolt. He's just making an analogy for that one poster.
>blacks are notoriously homophobic
Niggers hate fags.
So just people with a low libido or something.
I don't really think that needs a label.
I wonder if there'll ever be something like supersexual, aka a sex addict.
coming summer 2019
Imagine having your entire worldview based on hatred of people with different skin color
Must be hard to be obligated by your own moral grandstanding to force an agenda on the general public that is unwanted and unprofitable
It means you want to fuck best boy
not mutually exclusive
whoa whoa whoa lol
There is already hypersexuality, and yes one can be addicted to sex.
Libido isn’t something that’s the same for every human being, it can also fluctuate with age/diet/excercise etc.
Of course low libido is always a symtom of many mental illnesses
>not realizing that the people who force their identity issues into white culture are the same ones pushing gay shit, and for the same reason
We can reason with these people
>Imagine having your entire worldview based on hatred of people with different skin color
Yes, the base of my worldview is a pure hatred of arbitrary characteristics and NOT truth/science which prejudice and bigotry follows.
You watch too many cartoons, user.
And That's A Good Thing!
You're only attracted to Demi Lovato.
Just looked her up and ew, she hit the wall. I'm not even going to post a picture because I don't want people to throw up.
Wrong. They'll want stuff for them but say "haha whitey deserves it" because they are selfish and incapable of true empathy, just like women are incapable of true reason.
Did you know jews invented the LGBT and feminist movements to undermine racial minorities. Who is the largest benefactor of affirmative action? WHITE WOMEN
>all those easy (you)s
why is Sup Forums so predictable?
You mean the infographics that you post all day in your little echo chamber of a board? You do realize that those aren’t supported by any actual research, right?
Also, nice ad hominem, but I don’t watch cartoons or drink soy milk. Sorry to ruin your perception of people that don’t agree with you.
>it's on an infograph so it's wrong
Brainlet much?
>live in a 96% white country
>constantly see Sup Forums crying about how the white race is going extinct
>they fail to realize it's just america
>admitting you get all your knowledge from Sup Forums infographs
kinda sad desu, you're the kind of useful idiot that stormweenies target
>it’s on Sup Forums so it’s right
Brainlet much?
Strawman much?
Not really
Honestly this really does seem like the most sensible answer to the question.
Or Demi Moore.
>they are selfish and incapable of true empathy
It's not like us goyim are saints on Earth. You're reciting exaggerated jewish propaganda intended to keep the races at odds and distracted. There are many highly conservative black racialists who are up to the task and would help us against the NWO
Fox News is retarded
So Black Panther didn't keep the 100% on RT because it wasn't gay enough?
>You mean the infographics
The cited statistics from reputable sources, yes, I mean those.
>your little echo chamber of a board
Do you know what echo chamber means?
>Also, nice ad hominem
Damn, this dude knows what logical fallacies are. Clearly his brain is frickin huge.
>just like women are incapable of true reason.
I can't wait for the inevitable black vs tranny vs feminist civil war that has been brewing withing the left for years
Their rational abilities are juvenile at best.
>The cited statistics from reputable sources, yes, I mean those.
Sup Forums infodump images misrepresent facts all the time. The Black-on-black crime graph that Trump retweeted being the most prominent example.
>Do you know what echo chamber means?
I do and it applies to post-2016 Sup Forums. You let the Magapedes take over who are convinced that all wrongthink is part of the longest shill raid in Sup Forums history.
absolutely based post
>because because
Who chimps out the hardest though? Niggers? Or leftists?
Consider the following
Variety of riots through-out history
The French Revolution
>Sup Forums infodump images
>post-2016 Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Tell me where the big bad Sup Forums touch you user
imagine being so livid you spend your time replying yo said political content bringing attention to on a Television & Film board
Where is the fecal fetish representation? Looks like Disney missed out on another opportunity.
Tell me you didn't come to Sup Forums in the 2010s frogposter
One can only dream
Nice russian fake accounts...
The Sup Forumscuck is immunized against all dangers: one may call him an incel, redditor, autist, stormweenie, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Sup Forumscuck and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Like it’s his fault that Hollywood became a propaganda wing of the DNC.
Terrible CGI. They're not even trying.
Your daily reminder from a historyfag, Nazis were left-wing according to every interpretation of European Conservativism
No user that's your line when Russian interference in the 2016 election comes up
same can be said for you Sup Forumsoid
Your daily reminder that's not true
>[Hitler] was wholly ignorant of any formal understanding of the principles of economics. For him, as he stated to the industrialists, economics was of secondary importance, entirely subordinated to politics. His crude social-Darwinism dictated his approach to the economy, as it did his entire political “world-view.” Since struggle among nations would be decisive for future survival, Germany’s economy had to be subordinated to the preparation, then carrying out, of this struggle. This meant that liberal ideas of economic competition had to be replaced by the subjection of the economy to the dictates of the national interest. Similarly, any “socialist” ideas in the Nazi programme had to follow the same dictates. Hitler was never a socialist. But although he upheld private property, individual entrepreneurship, and economic competition, and disapproved of trade unions and workers’ interference in the freedom of owners and managers to run their concerns, the state, not the market, would determine the shape of economic development. Capitalism was, therefore, left in place. But in operation it was turned into an adjunct of the state.
Ian Kershaw, "Hitler: A Biography"
Wait. Do liberals love the FBI now? What about those racist FBI crime statistics?
>mfw Sup Forums is a bunch of closet leftists