You ready for more anti-German propaganda?
You ready for more anti-German propaganda?
Maybe they'd be portrayed more favourably if they didn't lose the fucking war.
yeah yeah those germans were good goys
Anti-White is the new Anti-German.
oy vey, I can't wait to hear again about the 6 quadrillion jews that were turned into soap.
I smell another oscar...
Those poor, poor, oppressed nazis.
that's right and youll suck it up like the good goy you are. I cant wait til the destruction of Europe and the US is complete and we can rule over you goyim like the stupid cows you are. well see who the "stupid kike" is then, wont we?
Will it have more Janusz KamiĆski goodness? Also, what's the point? He already made one of the most distinct looking films on that theme. Unless WW2 will only be a backdrop to his new film, he's just repeating himself.
Sweetie, this is a film board. There is no need to display your lack of even superficial film knowledge. There are special hugbox and echo chamber boards for retardinhos like you to post on
Maybe he can save the jews from being incinerated this time. The black had their fantasy with BP, why can't kikes have theirs?
Oh god...
The jews will be played by palestinians and the nazis by jews. Be bold Spielberg, you can do it.
Just like dunkirk? Yeah no.
So the book isn't even out yet and they're already making it into a film? Is this some sort of state sanctioned wave of propaganda
>A book that tells a story from 70+ years ago
>The story in question has not been told in all those years
>These stories were just "discovered" by some woman all these years later
>It just happened to be discovered during the height of YAAS SLAY QUEEN mania
>A freaking Spielberg movie is already being made about it and it hasn't even come out yet
This is obviously bullshit.
History triggers alt right every time kek
Nice try Steven, but Malick is already making anti-Nazi kino
they were exterminating the real enemy: the jews
>a brand new story to make jews rich
*fake history
>largely based on first-hand account of Jewish women
>most were written in Yiddish
>the author, who discovered these first-hand accounts, is the granddaughter of a holohoax survivors.
These kikes must really think the goyim are so stupid... and they'd be right.
ugh anyone who believes this shit is beyond repair
>first hand accounts
I trust this artist
Gosh, that woman looks so pristine, whoever she is. I'd marry her.
>More "It was real in my mind" tier fan fiction
Fuck these kikes and their ridiculous lies
Sup Forums
when does the blockbuster about roller coasters into ovens come out?
>Those krauts were good bois getting their life together. They dindu nuffin. They wuz the kangz of Europa.
Is Sup Forums literally nigger tier?
>You ready for more anti-German propaganda?
Hell Yeah!
I hate Spielberg, and no, I'm not some Sup Forums browsing autist who hate him because he's a jew.
I hate him because his movies are generic, safe, by the numbers blockbusters that lack any substance whatsoever. His only good movie was Saving Private Ryan and even then, it's only because of the battle scenes because the middle of the movie is forgettable as fuck.
looks like kino is back on the menu boys
No one likes G*rmans, Fritz
You know, user, that's a really funny way of saying "in the last twenty years since the Internet became accessible to just about everybody, we have worked mercilessly to find out what you probably knew but didn't want to address - that the Rothschild Family, George Soros, David Rockefeller and a host of other soulless individuals have been working non-stop for the last 250 years, from generation to generation, to destroy every non-Jew on this planet and create a paradise for themselves, and themselves only."
I'm pretty sure that's what you meant, right? Right?
Pro-tip, sonny. There's no "middle ground" anymore. They control the banks. They control the media. They control your "entertainment" that you talk about here on Sup Forums. They control everything and use unethical and immoral means to continue controlling it.
You're with them, or you're with us. Take the Sup Forums pill. We have a cosy fire and marshmallows!
Book releases with big buzz and hype can often sell the movie rights way in advance to the actual publication.
The thrilling sequel to Masturbation Machine Monsters
Dunkirk is the only Hollywood WW2 without any pandering propaganda whatsoever, just an honest portrayal of the british soldier perspective trying to survive.
I don't think we'll see a WW2 film without a single mention of germans or "le nazi" in Hollywood for a long time
>it's a world war 2 episode
>a feminist jewish tale of fighting against opression
holy shit,they couldnt get more oscar baity than this
No, I am ready for more German genocides. Germans should be exterminated.
This is essentially the plot to the book "Stilleto" by Daniel O'Malley, With the Chequy being the Jews and the Grafters being German.
At the end they reconcile and realise the stories passed down by their ancestors about each other are what is stopping peace.
>ITT: Trigerred Germs and underage amerishart Sup Forumseddit larpers
G*rmans can suck my fat American cock
what is there to say/show about ww2 that hasnt already been done?
Nazis can suck my fat American cock
Imagine having to wake up and live this life
>either with us or against
>they control everything in the world with their own paradise
I'm think I'm gonna go with them. Thanks for the offer though Hans.
This time it will be anti-German and anti-Polish propaganda. Right after israel is butthurt about Poland the ultimate jew Spielberg are making world war II movie.
Cool blog post can you link your tumblr?
Can we have a WW2 movie on the nanking massacre or something other than the fucking holocaust for once it's played out.
Most of the world has no idea what Poland even is, stop trying to be relevant, Prshzweski
Problem, Shlomo?
your life isn't that different, you're just on the other side of the fence
>what is Letters to Iwo Jima
You just outted yourself as a nazi pleb
I'm ready for a flood of faggoty-ass pearl-clutching from grown men on Sup Forums, OP. That's what you meant, right?
Sure hope this is pasta, cos this is the cringiest fucking post i've read whole week, holy shit
How about the true story I just discovered written in Yiddish among my grandfathers possessions, about the time when all the Jewish children in Auschwitz rose up and took on the nazi guards themselves, with weapons they fashioned with rocks and scrap metals and they reverse engineered the rollercoaster to take them back out, to settle a new home in Hollywood.
Cast him
The principle from Ferris Beuller's Day Off
>You ready for more anti-German propaganda?
Every white and thinking person should be anit-germ*n
>Declared the Second World War
Blatant propaganda.. Unreal.
Fuck krauts
>Sup Forumsacks actually belief this.
Spielbergo should make a film about the Battle of Stalingrad
>redditors actually believe Sup Forums actually believes that
what goy you are forgetting the 6 gorillion oyy vay
>the world
>war with Poland = war with the world
the weak should fear the strong
after the sickening and shameless farrago of germanophobic racism that was "1941" I think it's safe to say nothing is too low for spielberg
>The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France
WTF I love Hitler now
They were allied with Japan, what were they going to do?
>The Declaration of war by France and the United Kingdom was given on 3 September 1939, after German forces invaded Poland
I'd wish, more like anti-Drumpf
Nazis were the first soyboys
They can't keep getting away with it!
>"He had evidently made up his mind to attack Poland whatever happened; and although he now says he put forward reasonable proposals which were rejected by the Poles, that is not a true statement. The proposals were never shown to the Poles nor to us; and though they were announced in a German broadcast on Thursday night, Hitler did not wait to hear comments on them, but ordered his troops to cross the Polish frontier the next morning."
>While some sources claim Hitler still wanted more, to create Lebensraum, or "living space", for Germany, other sources claim evidence of hostility on behalf of Polish partisans toward ethnic Germans in the Danzig Corridor (territory lost to Germany as a result of the Treaty of Versailles) which may have served as a motivating factor for the German invasion
No. The reason Hitler declared war on the US is because the US was already unofficialy part of the war as they subsidized the German enemies, sank U-Boats and did everything in their power to suffocate Germany. Eventually it was Hitler's belief that either way the kike Roosevelt would have found a way to convince the American people of going to war with Germany.
15 nominations and 7 wins confirmed
Why are jews portrayed favorably even though they lost the Holocaust?
well, yeah, id take a muzzie over a fr*nchie any day
Reminder Hitler ended up killing more white people than jews
And we dont care.
Who was in the wrong here?
Watch this short video and you will know everything about krautus