Ed (White) Powers gives a rotten review to Black Panther

>Ed (White) Powers gives a rotten review to Black Panther
>everyone loses their shit
>50+ articles are written and published about it (most of them are written by whamen)

What the fuck is wrong with this world bros? Is this the darkest timeline

Other urls found in this thread:


Disney took it personally when Last Jedi got bad audience score
They want to make sure it doesn't happen again
Little know that people liked Star Wars and would be more critical of it whereas no one fucking reads comics and thus don't care if the movie is mediocre

>(most of them are written by whamen)

Why am I not surprised. I unironically don't believe "da joos" meme, but I'd be willing to believe that women are single handedly destroying modern civilization.

>unironically not believing in the Jews memes

I bet those must be A LOT of fucking coincidences.

Faggot an hero

*fringe far right viewpoint*
*feigned outrage*
*replies calling me a soyshill SJW redditor*
There I just saved you an entire autistic thread.

*sips soy*

There I just saved you the entire week for you.

Fuck No Bullshit and his pussy ass lisp.

I already called the Irish Independent and their sponsors to let them know what a piece of shit they have employed and threaten a boycott if they don't fire him

>it took the Sup Forumsbabby 7 minutes to think of that

this coddling is getting out of hand.

I already called the Irish Independent and their sponsors to let them know what heroes they are for speaking up against the pc culture that is plaguing the world today.

Oh no

It strikes me how bad the reviews are. I've read all the negative ones, and a bunch of positive ones to make a comparison. Holy crap, nothing about the movie itself besides a basic description of the plot. Nothing substantial about the actors, nothing about pacing, editing etc. I mean, maybe I am not lucky. Is there any good reviews you can recommend? Thanks in advance. So far it's just hype and nothing more. Just like a rap song.

women are just more easily manipulated then men by the jewish sjw propaganda.
i bet you if the jews tried to manipulate the masses with pussy, money or power men would be 95% of their victims.

The funny thing is that 3/5 is NOT a rotten review, it's a possitive one.
Literally losing their shit over nothing.

BOMB AUSTRALIA NOW! Those racist, toxic, problematic, shrimp-munching kangaroo fuckers!

Imagine giving a comic book movie a 3/5 and getting called a racist because of it for the rest of your career.

Shutup you fucking faggot you make the rest of us with sound reasons for hating this movie look fucking stupid



Imagine being falsely accused of racim because RT is so retarded it made a mistake.

What the fuck happened to article titles? And it's a good thing/Here's why/etc.
Well, at least you can't accuse them of hiding their bias... and that's a good thing? Maybe...?

French review that just came out, can't be bothered to translate myself.

>Black Panther gives the unpleasant impression of an old and empty product, particularly ugly and soft, and a heartbreaking corny. After Space Trips Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Thor: Ragnarok, Spider-Man's revival teen movie: Homecoming and the magical dimensions of Doctor Strange, Ryan Coogler's film refers to the darkest hours of the MCU. At a time when, by overconfidence or pure cynicism not even camouflaged behind a beautiful package, Iron Man 2 or Thor: The world of darkness was coming.
>The first adventure of the black panther is one of the most sordid Marvel, and the worst origin story of an ever larger universe. Here, there is not even the second degree of a Thor or an Ant-Man, or the visual ambition of a Doctor Strange, to hide the limits of a scenario calibrated to the extreme, which looks like an interminable (2h30) corridor of dialogues and telephoned adventures. There is only one ugly company very fragile, which finds at no moment its identity between the pseudo-political discourse, the colored and magic universe, the warlike aspect, and the birth of a super-hero dedicated to become an important part of the Avengers.
>On the other hand, there are a handful of action scenes that are as ugly as they are little inventive, with very poorly managed computer graphics, choreographies that are too classic, and a lack of imagination, as the Wakanda is endowed with a pure technology. science fiction. There are disembodied characters, from monolithic T'Challa to grotesque parentage figures, through second roles sub-written to the point of being regularly arranged at the level of extras. There are embarrassing actors (Chadwick Boseman, Forest Whitaker) or embarrassed, little served by a writing of an appalling platitude.

Dats raciss

>Even humor, the centerpiece of the Marvel formula and eternal lifeline for movies, is a spectacular failure. By lowering this slider to give way to the politicized superhero, since black, the film finds itself opening the floodgates in short perfectly artificial brackets, especially with poor Letitia Wright who embodies the Wakanda version of James Bond's M. At the turn of a close-up on toes, a gag in full battle or a replica supposed to humanize the hero, the discomfort is real.
Another problem: the speech that wants to be serious Black Panther. While it is obvious that the plot attempts to simplify a twofold vision of the fashionable world Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, the point of view is both rude and strangely confused. Killmonger is portrayed as a wounded man, rejected by his community after his father was killed by his uncle, and who wants to share the wealth of Wakanda with the rest of the world. Because he grew up in the United States after being abandoned in a poor neighborhood, he developed a thirst for justice and a desire to help the poor with the power of his country - which is perfectly folded on itself .
>The kind (and ultimately insignificant) Nakia (Lupita Nyong'o), the one that T'Challa likes, holds the same noble speech at the beginning of the film. It will be necessary that Killmonger, incarnated by Michael B. Jordan, turns to the wicked destroyer in two excessive scenes, with the usual plan of domination of the world, to go into the nails. Or how to turn an interesting talk about class struggle and interventionism into an ordinary blockbuster program.

nice fake


Damn, I can't believe that all members of the outgroup believe this and think like this about everything.

Kek. Nu/tv/ will fall for this

Freedom of speech, critic and comedy are things which I'll always defend, even if they are used by retards to postulate their shit or things I disagree with. If you don't have nothing to counter them giving facts or even surpass them in their witty critic/comment/joke but using retard stuff like muh feelings or other related retardations, then you are in the wrong, left or right.

They are "official" blogs "sponsored" the publications

Nah they didn't make a mistake. Reviewers have a control panel where when they submit their content they can choose whether it displays as fresh or rotten. That way people who have a weird rating scale (like 1 to 3 stars, 1 to 4 stars, 1 to 5, 1 to 10, 1 to 100, letter grade, etc etc etc) can all submit

they're fuckin PRAWNS cunt
enjoy ya boon flick

But a 3/5 will always be fresh, even if the guy submit it as rotten. It's in their own rulebook. They fucked up.

post link to french review

If you think about it only in terms of clicks and ad revenue from articles it makes sense.

Ghost Rider 2 was better than this movie.

>women are just more easily manipulated
Or maybe they are just enemies like jews

>muh darkest timeline
>crying about internet culture 2 centuries after the birth of Christ
You're the problem

only have men for keeping them down for so long no?

Has Arnold reviewed it


come on man


Who tf do you think used the good aspects of their characters against them and this civilisation?

They are as miserable as they have never been before.
Men on the other hand have reached peak soy levels. What an embarrassment this society is.

> Slow start
> Dragged out final battle
> Villain's motivation is obvious and his plan convoluted
> Tone issues
> Action sucks
> CGI varies massively

>Carrie Goldstein

pls kys

When will the pushback begin? How much longer are whites seriously going to take this?

>Ed (White) Powers
I don't know why I found it so funny

I just got back from seeing it in the UK

literally the only reason not to like it is for bias political reasons

also inb4 the gorilla tribe become a forced daily Sup Forums meme

At least another generation.

2 of 3 negative reviews are actually by women

I wish this was true


Are you suggesting that Sup Forums look at the articles in a broader sense instead of taking them at face value? Where's the fun in that?

Whites won't exist in another two generations. Your race is eradicating itself at a good pace. This is much cleaner than what you did to the Jews. Having the race destroy itself doesn't allow for sympathy later on in history. You'll just go extinct.

The sad thing is they aren't reviewing it at all, they already know what they will score it without seeing it.