Whats the /tv consensus on January Jones?
Whats the /tv consensus on January Jones?
She's aging terribly
Her tits are awful.
pig ugly and boring to watch
cunt prolly stinks
>White genocide is a good th-
Genocide is never a good thing.
Resting bitch face.
She has no range and has the charisma of a rock.
That's not resting bitch face, this is resting bitch face.
needs to do panty scenes in last man on earth
Her tits are so terribly disappointing. I wish I'd never looked them up desu.
plz no bully
Nothing more satisfying than making a resting bitch face girl smile though.
Yes this one did not go well did it juranoid
she cute! CUTE!
one of the most attractive people ever desu senpai
She was perfect as Betty, I think that role made me initially think she was really that retarded irl.
She was also the hottest girl Don ever had.
I hate Betty so much that I'm not even attracted to her anymore.
>born on God mode with all cheats enabled
>be such a massive gaping cunt you destroy your career
>get tits out in movie no one saw
>they're horrendous
>anyone with google never thinks you're attractive again
January is roastie BTFO incarnate
Her tits would have been amazing before she put on all that weight for Mad Men and then lost it again.
poor mans Alice Eve
Absolutely based.
It was a fat suit. She just has disappointing tits.
Lol literally no one talked like this in the early 60's, especially not women.
>before she put on all that weight for Mad Men
she had severe mental problems and that scene was supposed to be shocking/weird as fuck
Finland is a shithole
Why are you complains about her tits?
She’s almost 40 with a kid - they look good.
Check out her topless scene in Sweet Vengeance. No shops, no tricks, no filters, no pushup bras,etc. She has googly eyed tits.
One of her arms is pressing down the other
Her arms are nowhere nears her tits.
I know it's not easy but you need to accept that you're waifu has wonky tits m8
These threads are made by a Finnish NEET shitposter who is too stupid to reset his router (or is too poor to afford a real internet connection) so he shitposts literally every day on Sup Forums using his iPhone/iPad.
Every time you see a thread opening with a low quality picture of either Katheryn Winnick, Bridget Regan, January Jones, Evangeline Lilly, Scarlett Johansson, AnnaSophia Robb, Elizabeth Banks or Jessica Biel with an iPhone filename and the use of phrases like "squee" or "fämälämäzoid" or "no bully" or "there are many fans of this actress on this board", it's this one lonely mentally-ill NEET Mongolian spamming his C-list waifus from his ghetto phone.
What he needs is urgent mental health treatment.