damn :(
Damn :(
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Imagine abuela's roastie, it's gotta be like two chicharoons with grey hairs
Is this movie at all good or is it another slick boring predictable shitfest from Disney that people will forget in a few months?
La creatura...
Kek wtf
It's the most average, formulaic and safe Disney pixar film I've seen since Cars
tfw watching that scene remembering your nana who had alzheimer's
F Messi
book of life was better
It's really good, top 3 pixar for me
really good fav pixar after toys 3
That's what I thought
I'll skip it then
ok be a faggot
fucking racist
This song and soundtrack was so disappointing after Moana
My grandpa died before my dad was even born
I wonder what he thought of this scene when we watched this together
t. Ben Goldstein of Salon.com
The sad scene was really really forced. I still cried but only because im a pussy. Also this was the pixar movie with the most cliches by far.
they're mexican so it doesn't apply. it only applies to WE WUZ VIKINGZ AND ROMANZ AND SHEEIT white people
Wait a fucking second so will Hitler and Stalin live forever happily because everyone will always remember them
At least it didn’t do
>record scratch
>freeze frame
>”this... is me.”
like ratatouille
mexicans are just as bad
Pablos and Carloses of Sup Forums, which one did you like more? Book of life or Coco?
It only applies to burgers
kek they realized brown girls are superior and now laugh at neo nazis while munching on enchiladas
And that's fine!
Stop being racist
What do you mean? Have you not seen all those cartel videos from bestgore. If anything they still are savage aztecs
says the white cuck whose people literally stole everything from other cultures even word aryan
Hate me, but me..
pliss dun crie
Book of Life had a more precolombian feeling afterlife whereas Coco’s was a ducking Mexican slum.
Coco wasn’t trash.
iz zo gud
Too bad the first half of the movie was boring and terribly paced.
They have to go back.
Jajaja lles la clancha XDD gracias disney y por favor maten a donald trumpf
I cried on this scene, I'm not talking about tearing up,I'm talking about crying loudly like a baby while people stare at you for being heartless monsters that don't understand the feel of losing your gran gran.
>terribly paced
This has never been a proper complaint and akin to whining about unpredictability
I like the visuals but I wish BOL had a better plot. Felt rushes towards the end.
best version
who are you quoting Pablo?
yes pol definitely has to go back
You have to go back.
your mother when she was chocking on my brown cock faggot
go back from where?
small objects are well known choking hazards
is that why your dad has to take her to the hospital everytime they are together?
how would you know, do you watch from the cupboard or something?
You won't guess the twist at the end omg.
hint: betrayal
I cried too but the movie wasn't really that good
>tired old cliches , like the family pushing the kid into a job he doesn't want, villain unknowingly revealing his evilness in front of a microphone or a screen
>city of the dead design was uninspired as fuck, DUDE A CONCEPT BUT WITH BUREAUCRACY LMAO, same shit as Monsters Inc or Wreck it Ralph or any of other cartoons, another uninspired cliche at this point
>soundtrack and songs unmemorable as fuck
>kinda sad that the only dead celebrity Mexico has is some fucking "female artist"
There were brilliant pars and I'm glad I watched it but overall I didn't think it was that good
it was old cliches i agree but was executed very well and i really liked it even though i dont care for animated movies
Ratatouille was kino you fucking pleb.
If done right this is great. It worked really well for Ratatouille.
the idea of losing a relative to alzheimers is a really good subject for a disney flick but the rest of the story was really underwhelming
also I didn't really feel the "love" for mexican culture or whatever. the lion king might pilfer surface-level stuff from ""africa"", mixing traditional elements with the typical disney musical fare, but there's a real sense of appreciation for the concept. elton john+african big drums=neat
I never felt they really gave a shit about ranchera music or creating a cool synthesis
>Unironically liking spic shit
You have to go back
>soundtrack and songs unmemorable as fuck
I was singing "Remember me" for a week after seeing this movie.
>city of the dead design was uninspired as fuck, DUDE A CONCEPT BUT WITH BUREAUCRACY LMAO, same shit as Monsters Inc or Wreck it Ralph or any of other cartoons, another uninspired cliche at this point
You really don't get the Mexico-America border thing? I thought it was really good.
>kinda sad that the only dead celebrity Mexico has is some fucking "female artist"
They have a lot, but they're only famous in Latin America.
I agree with the other complains you posted.
it's extremely average
don't listen to the shills
i like book of life, but is like a combination of mexican colombian and spanish culture, and i fucking hate that they didn use original songs.
>7 answers
>5 say it's good
>2 say it's average -not even shit.
>Okay, you two are right, fuck this piece of shit movie.
So that's what being alt-right looks like.
>kinda sad that the only dead celebrity Mexico has is some fucking "female artist"
el santo
pedro infante
jorge negrete
>make a good point
>fucks it up by relating it to the alt-right somehow
That's not the meme at all you stupid Reddit fuck
mfw people i know who havent evolved and act like they just jumped the border instead of being born here actually forward this stuff to me. i know to know why