ITT: post god tier action scenes
ITT: post god tier action scenes
were they even at the same studio when filming this?
this thread is going to be epic
What is even the point of bringing those two? All they can do is fight each other, and are no use against the rest of the teams.
Hobbit is a better trilogy than LOTR deal with it Sup Forumstards
Thread theme
What game is this?
>And the Oscar for most cuts in a single second goes to....
fuck these jump cuts are making me nauseous
wtf i love bollywood now!
It was so dumb. Like 10 people fighting in an airport. They looked like massive assholes and we should have just nuked them.
You call that a kino? This is a kino!
>this got critical acclaim
kill me
Please tell me this is a rough edit.
What is this, I need this
>written by Steven Seagal
it is. never seen that scene before
>god tier action scenes thread
>mostly capeshit so far
Aloow me to step up our game, Sup Forums
DVD/BD rip
>When it's so retarded it loops around to straight kino
That was a big fight.
kek, that edit with that VVVVV song still cracks me up.
Will Blacked Panther fags ever recover?
you first
Post the one where he's "running" down the hallway.
forgot to add, it's DVD/BD deleted scene
And furious
Are you dense? I don't even want to say the OP is shit-posting, he's just pointing out shitty action scenes.
Deleted scene
Someone has to have the Taken fence sequence. Help an user out.
That scene was fucking garbage. "I hope we're still friends after this."
Seriously? No fucking tension, renders the fight scene worthless.
How can Holywood even compete?
A classic
what xbox game is this?
x box?
it's PS2
oh it kinda looked like halo but worse so i didnt know
>calling Aiden Gillen "Littlefinger"
where do you think we are?
holy shit, CIA was Rathbone? I always wondered what happened to that actor, he was so great in that movie.
dear god this is Bollykino
I gotta know what movie this is, right fucking now!
i need to watch more bollywood films
Isn't this stuntman 101? Why the fuck do they need to fast cut a takedown that someone can learn in 15 minutes in a martial arts class?
I hate that fast zoom shit. Is it to make it look more real and gritty?
movie is Indian but it's not bollywood
It's probably because the suit is super restricting
Bahubali 2
Someone post an Elysium fight scene
If you have no brain, yeah
What was the purpose of nailing these pieces of wood?
Coming through.
>he thought they were trying to kill each other
So they could get a foothold on the palm, dumbfuck.
steps for launching elderly woman and children who cant keep themselves up
>Pajeets are now doing better film than 200 million Marvels
What the hell happened?
>ywn shoot em up while fucking Monica Bellucci
somebody post that behind scenes webm of a cameraman going nuts on a fight scene from Elysium or one of the Bourne movies, I cant remember.
Why did they make her CGI? It makes no sense. She's not even doing anything acrobatic.
Jesus Christ
then what the fuck is the point of a fight scene if there are no stakes?
no one wants to watch for long drawn out 20 minutes bunch of manchildren having a school's backyard fight
You don't hit people/things with your bow. NEVER do that. It's better to just carry a knife or hatchet or stick.
Stop with the ironic shitposting, here's some real piece of fighting kino
Godzilla 2014
I'm guessing restrictive clothes that can ruin the choreography. Especially the cape
Someone should make a joke edit of the Vader Obi-Wan duel for episode 4 in the marvel "style".
Post more MUTOs
She not's but her headdress is CGI
Age of Ultron is one of the best from MCU.
>there is no need to be upset.gif
Why I LOVE Ong Bak, but the fights in both The Raid don't really feel that good to me? Something feels less real, but I can't tell what
>retards will actually think this is the final product
Fantastic. Thanks user