This is the end for fassbender career?
Michael Fassbender to Star in Feature-Length ‘Kung Fury’
He kinda deserves it for what he pulled on the Snowman Killer set
It's not possible for his career to end.
He could star in the modern day Battlefield Earth and people would still cast him. They love him.
Fassbender follows the Eric Roberts school of acting, based.
go on...
Why would they make this? It was almost too long the first time.
He's a big reason it ended up such a mess of a movie. He drank too damn much
He literally hasn't been in a good film in three years.
Dude has done too many shit films to redeem himself at this point.
Well, I personally like him. That's why i don't get it.
Why is he making so shitty movies?
I like him in 2015. I have no idea why he's doing this to himself
Also, when is going to end this fucking 80's nonsense?
Is this post-ironic?
How does he keep getting roped into these shit-tier productions
Does he just have the worst agent in Hollywood
This is only the beginning.
The thing is, there's room for a movie that just cribs the cultural leftovers of the 80's, but Kung Fury was filled with surface level stuff that felt like it was made by someone who spent an hour looking up synthwave music videos on youtube with view counts in the millions, and then made a movie. It's unironically one of the most reddit things I've ever seen, and it certainly wouldn't get any better by being 90 minutes
It's been over for Fassbender, same with Bradley Cooper
The short felt too long as it is
>kung fury
this is reddit, this is memes
Why the fuck does he want to JUST himself so badly?
He's already JUSTed himself
look at his fucking gf
>Action comedy
Jackie Chan perfected the genre, so let it die now please
Reddit pranks that went too far
I think he just has bad taste
He was the one at the helm of that Assassin’s Creed movie which was absolute garbage
>Fassbender gets married
>Start choosing shitty roles
I see a connection here...
Ingloruous basterds is literally the only good thing he's been in
>dragons dogma character creator.jpg
>he doesn't know about Shame
Fucking hell, I've seen traps with more effeminate torsos
The only things I enjoyed about it was the term "tricericop" and the knock knock joke.
frank & hunger
in 2 years when they move onto fucking 90s nonsense
The marvel movies are aging badly too.
Cant believe how Irish his accent is in First Class.
"Chorlhz, jaine me!"
There was no optimism in the 90s. Nobody wants that fucking pessimistic shit back.
how is this the end?
>he doesn't like kung fury
reddit it's next door m8
She's sweden right? Why the fuck does she look like mutt?
There was a second season of danger 5 that they can rip off too.
I'd rather have a Danger 5 movie.
Come on guys, this might be good.
These are her parents
alien on the right
Grinch's mom on the left
Guess she likes it sunny
>3 ethnicities
sounds like a mutt to me
Close ethnicities though.