Louise Keller, one of three to give Black Panther a negative review and the only Top Critic to do so, has had her Top Critic status removed and the Top Critics' rating is back to 100%.
How peculiar.
Louise Keller, one of three to give Black Panther a negative review and the only Top Critic to do so...
Other urls found in this thread:
i really, really hope this shit backfires and people show a finger to Disney
don't hate movie itself, but FUCKING HATE most idiotic marketing campaign ever
falseflaggin worse than brianna wu baka
It's a shame people won't be able to tell you're just joking (I assume americans)
OP meant top critics
Top Critics, friend.
I'm not joking. Two days ago it was at 95%, 2% lower than the 97% of All Critics.
The Wayback Machine wouldn't let me select Top Critics or I would've also posted that.
mb boys, can't read
I've never bothered with rotten tomatos but how can it be at 100% if the average top critic review is 8.5? Shouldn't it be at like 95% or even lower?
The 95% means that 95% of critics gave the film a 6/10 or higher.
Ahh I see mate, Cheers for clearing that up. I just had a look through Louise Keller and she seems to have gave the film a 9.7.
Doesn't change the fact I want to see the movie but I don't think critics should be being pressured or forced into rating a movie higher than they think it deserves because of public pressure etc.
I'll probably wait for it to be released on UHD Blu-Ray to see it
It's 7/10 or higher.
imagine being this butthurt over a movie
any proof that she was a top critic?
It gets even worse.
>had to edit the headline to fit Sup Forums agenda
>not to mention giving the author a stereotypical jewish name to further push the MUH JOOS MUH CULTURAL MARXISM
Here's the real article: businessinsider.com
The good thing is that no one can deny Disney buys reviews now. This is too obvious
the left are the real nazis
hot, brave take
>What are jokes?
The point is that people fall for it and comment on it before finding out its edited.
>i-it was just a j-joke!
the state of Sup Forums
This Louise critic got her top critic status removed after giving a bad review to BP though, no joke
Why am I not surprised?
Your fucking brain is malfunctioning from paranoia. Not everyone who understands a baiting joke is Sup Forums. I know it's hard to wrap you're head around since you've only been here from the 2016 election onwards, but we make some racy jokes here.
The joke is that people fall for the fake headline.
hers is still up though. I literally just went there and checked.
Pantera Negro
>we were just being IRONIC it was just a JOKE
>no way I was trying to further my Sup Forums agenda!
Sorry that you got exposed
The review wasn't removed, what was removed was her top critic status, so the top critics score goes back to 100%
why do you stupid assholes give RT clicks, no one cares. No one
Are nogs so insecure they can't take a little constructive criticism towards their fictional superhero movie.
Good. Racists shouldn't be considered top critics.
See this is the point where you realized you were wrong, and tried laying on your stupidity really thick so that people would think you were only trolling. The truth is you were just dumb.
>Where Wonder Woman soared, Black Panther struggles
So much for your "Top Critic"
How do you even become a top critic anyway? Your internet publication advertises RT on their site or something?
I don't understand.
If that image isn't a joke then what is it?
I don't believe you
>Village Voice critic is a "Top Critic"
>top critics score
the fuck does that mean?
carefully chosen opinions, well that a good thing
what could possibly go wrong?
how is it propaganda? what is it hoping to accomplish if it's propaganda?
Read the thread
Discrediting of investigation into Russian interference in our election
OP that is a very old pic.
It's a good thing to have considering 70% of the "critics" are retarded bloggers that don't even watch movies
Top critics are professional long time critics from reputable sources. Even if they are retarded, they are still better than most.
FFS read the thread first
>op talking about top critics
>post the all critics rating
Learn to read.
We're gonna need EMPs on our voting vessels to prevent Russian electrical infetterence in the next election.
But that would only work if it wasn't obvious that it was an edit
It's literally at 97%
Even if this did happen it would just go to 98%
>I fall for retarded fake headlines on Sup Forums
>People don't actually read critic reviews
>Anons can barely even read the thread
>Louise Keller
Where is the proof he wasn't working with the Russians?
Check mate, racists.
It being too stupid to be successful propaganda doesn't make it not propaganda
actually I was pointing out its no longer 100%
Also I cant find anywhere it says she lost her top critic status after this review
this guy wasn't a top critic you stupid fucking retard
>bu bu bu your pic is new
no it's from all the million old threads on Sup Forums posted about this
>what could possibly go wrong?
Top critics being removed from the Top Critics because they disagree with public opinion
This didn't happen though
ITT Niggers who can't read
Here, you dip
>Average score: 9.1
Jesus Christ it's even worse
no top critic here fucking either
just stop, she never was a fucking top critic
just pirate it....
>ITT: people believing bullshit without any source
This person was never a top critic
>OP literally says the name of the critic that lost top critic status
>"This OTHER guy wasn't a top critic you retard"
why do you lie to america?
im gonna go ahead and say something controversial
She was never a top critic.
because it was removed dickhead
I think you're the stupid one
Someone post the ridiculous reviews and headlines, please~
we aren't talking about him
it's about Louise Keller
What you think doesn't matter.
I know this is is bait, but it's hilarious how Sup Forums justifies spreading and falling for literally fake news
>If liberals do it it's disingenuous and dangerous muh Jews
>If we do it it's only because it's believable and could actually happen.
>This is a movie whose political theory matches its stunning special effects.
>Black Panther is a story we haven't seen told before in popular cinema - a story about black people completely untouched by colonialism, who exist entirely outside the global systems of institutionalized racism.
>[Director Ryan Coogler has] raised the bar even higher here. Visually, Black Panther is unlike any movie I've ever seen.
>What you don't expect from Marvel is a thoughtful story steeped in political parallels and the historical baggage of racial discrimination and suffering. That's what makes Black Panther unique among a teeming movie universe of extraordinary beings.
>Looking, sounding and feeling the way it does-wearing its anti-corporate, anti-fascist, anti-racist heart on its sleeve-it's a movie that, for sure, knows what's up.
>It is black excellence exemplified that will leave audiences yearning to inhabit Wakanda forever.
it's not going to be good is it
>assblasted Sup Forumstard this mad he got caught spreading propaganda
fuck off, she's not a top critic in this archived version of an unrelated review from january either
i know this is going to make me unpopular here but i have to say it...
>this mad about a joke
jfc reddit
Proof it's archived?
>this mad he got btfo
>backpedals into the "it's just a joke" line
sasuga Sup Forums
>cant tell anons apart
def reddit
>what was removed was her top critic status
Prove it
>i said hes btfo so hes btfo
youtube comment tier
And there it is lmao. Proving that you're just as much of a blind ideologue as the Sup Forumstards.
OP is a fraud.
I used the wayback machine to find other movies she'd reviewed and see if she was a top critic at that time.
She reviewed ladybird and in 2017 was not a top critic. OP is spreading propaganda.
Hello Ivan
You are on shitpost central. Literally everyone except you knew it was fake
Hopefully she'll go to jail for this
just a (((coincidence)))
Sorry I believe in facts
Thanks, mate. OP btfo. Incredible how many retards didn't even get the topic
Why people care so much about that whatever website? Weird as hell.
well said redditor
You're right but she isn't even in the picture. Bad screencap to prove a point.
Your panic doesn't change the facts
>buttblasted idiot can't take a joke
You need to go back
yeah im a redditor, so WHAT!?
At least theyre not bigots!