Were you rushing or were you dragging?
Were you rushing or were you dragging?
>movies that are only watchable one time
I still couldn't tell you the answer to that question.
Anyone else /band/ here? What instrument do you play?
Much more patrician instrument
No good teacher acts like this. It is totally unprofessional and you wouldn't last long anywhere prestigious.
Guitar, mainly classical. In a big band too.
Good movie but I found it totally unrealistic as well. He did get fired, but the way he acted would have led to his pink slip a long time before hand
What do you mean? This is one of the few movies that I've watched more than once.
He was the best teacher of all times
This is actually true and it somewhat took me out of the movie, as someone who's worked with/ been in some great programs
Pretty pissed this isn't a Counterpart thread, to be honest.
Chazelle based it on his own experience. Then again, reality isn’t always realistic.
eyes wide shut
i bet the fucker didn't even know himself but only imagining it
i'm not familiar with music scene but in sports it's very common.
The music industry is ganster as fuck so honestly not surprised
He's based on Chazelle's real life highschool teacher. Less oversight there.
But also notice he is not doing this while being a professor. This is for the competitions, which the students at Juilliard are free to quit or not attend.
Different rules for optional stuff.
And this is based on a highschool PE teacher that Chazelle had, just did the music thing as extracurricular activity of which Chazelle was a part of.
Much like this is in the film too; not part of a program.
Sax my man, but I don't have much time for it in college. My friend made it big though, he's at Eastman.
Dragging your ass back to the shower, Bitcher.