Was Lenny a saint?

Was Lenny a saint?

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what is up with the upbeat electronic music they always play.

ruins the show

Yes, he was.

Yes. Is there even other way of understanding the show? The whole premise of the show is about the crisis of faith of a contemporary saint in a secularized world.


I think he was the antichrist

Why does he become a pussy after episode 5

the music is pure kino

he becomes the new testament irl

no because you can't be canonized until you die

a saint is literally just someone in heaven. You are only determined to be a saint if you are "proven" to be in heaven.

Yes but he felt he didn’t deserve it because of his abandonment issues. Which is why he used to have doubts regarding God’s existence.

This desu

I was expecting house of cards in the vatican but instead i got some deep fucking feels especially towards the end.

Did anyone else feel empty when the show ended?

>a saint is literally just someone in heaven

Takes a bit more than that.

That ending speech converted me to Catholicism

No dummy. Sainthood is a thing and takes 3 miracles and a minimum christian level of 30

only canonization
all people in heaven are saints

>all people in heaven are saints
t. Lutheran.

Congrats on saving your soul, user. What are you giving up for lent?

Did he really kill that woman by praying or did he poison her?

Also, was it just a coincidence that th woman could have kids after he groped her?

He didn't kill her, but he asked God to do something about her and God stopped giving her life.


I think she really just realized what the alternatives were and her body said "fuck it, turn on the baby makers"

Based God

Why didn’t he do it before Lenny asked tho?

This show is absolute garbage.
>whoa he's a BASED psychopath BTFO the normies
>wow so artsy, truly this was meant for someone of my intellect, I can't wait to post this on Sup Forums about it was pure KINO

Lenny seems to have the ability to "ask" God of granting him things, all throughout the series. It can be down to luck, but he did that shit way too many times for it to be luck. So yes, he most likely did kill her.

>whoa he's a BASED psychopath BTFO the normies
Yeah you clearly didn't watch beyond the first episode.

I have seen some retarded faggots say that he is a hack and poisoned that african sister

Sure but God doesn't have to obey Lenny.

Go back to your black panther threads plebe

anyone here have a lit gilded altar?

Because Lenny wouldn't have realized he needs Him.

saint literally mean "in christ" and one is in christ in heaven. Fucking look it up.
t. Catholic