Hey look guys, SJW's are never happy.
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you...
Hey look guys, SJW's are never happy.
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you...
Link to source.
...or else this is yet another shooped headline bait.
Wakandan fags are probably hanged or burn alive
Holy shit I'm alt right now, thanks to seeing this.
>its le bait! The left would never make headlines like this!
>yet another shooped headline bait.
ahahahahaha you naive fool
What a redpill. The left is fucking DONE.
Why the fuck are all these media outlets talking about Wakanda like it's a real place...
...it's really fucking horrifying, the entire body of these articles make no reference to the movie, they speak as if they were talking about real places and events, they are literally trying to convince the reader this is an actual location in Africa right now.
But blacks hate fags
wakanda is such a "advanced" nation, but there are no gays? no transgenders? no gender fluid orgy pits? And most weirdly of all, no cheetah fucking furries??
this is PROBLEMATIC. Im literally shaking.
Will Sup Forums ever stop crying about feminists and 'SJW' boogeymen?
>SJW's and feminists are not real and have zero influence on anything at all
No actual source links.
You guys are trying, right?
Based Sup Forumstard strawmanning. Your next line is "Why are you bringimg up Sup Forums?"
read the thread jamal
Miss me with that gay shit nigga
Well it's so retarded, I have trouble believing it.
The state of this world disturbs me.
What is it like having Sup Forums live rent-free in your head?
Wakanda is the black version of Kekistan
Because they think wishes come true.
I honestly can't see me living to a ripe old age. What the fuck has happened to society? When the fuck did it all start going so wrong?
i'm actually really upset that they claim wakanda is wealthier than other places, that's obviously not true
I think we were invaded by real aliens at some point.
Lyndon Johnson immigration law was a mistake, then Nixon took the US off the gold standard, quality of life has been dipping since then
Probably a lot like having sjw boogeymen living in your head rent free.
This isn't a case of never being satisfied. This is just them going down their normal checklist, and noting that one of the tasks on their agenda is absent.
Pretty much this.
>SJW's are not real
Riiiiiight, oh and Trump is gonna be impeached any day now, right?
>We need Black Panther to make lots of money to show that black movies can sell
They don’t even think logically
Because they do think it's a real place. Just like they think black people being real citizens is a reality. It's the liberal dream. Examples of degeneracy that's sells the lies they tell themselves.
Look at the rape fest in europe with the poor immigrants. They allow muslims to come in and rape THEIR FUCKING CHILDREN and turn a blind eye. Of course they are going to pretend that Africa isn't a shithole and blame it on themselves. Of course they are going to shill for a fantasy capeshit film and pretend it's the second coming of obama.
Liberalism is the constant state of lying to yourself about the true state of the world.
"boogeymen" implies that they aren't real so no, that user wasn't strawmanning you fucking idiot.
Please. You can categorise humans down endlessly into smaller and smaller groups and then claims they aren't fairly represented. What about actors with asthma? What about dyslexic actors? That checklist is endless and hence they'll never be satisfied. It's the victimhood mindset at work.
Well, for them, that is logic.
> At the 10th anniversary of Black Panther's release, Disney reveals SHOCKING detail that T'Challa was actually bisexual (and why that's AWESOME!)
Retconning and revisionist history is one of the best ways to quell these lib freaks
Soyboys have a thing for inserting fiction into reality. Like little kids do.
I think it's a matter of pushing whatevers in liberal vogue.
You could probably satisfy them with a gay, female, black, tran, muslim. I think this satisfies all the popular things which is all that really matters for them.
>Why the fuck are all these media outlets talking about Wakanda like it's a real place
[citation needed]
god that would be amazing if at the end of the film black panther is reunited with his long lost love and it ended up being a dude. the reaction that 90% of the black guys in the US would have would be priceless.
It’s basically a victimhood Ponzi scheme.
To grow they have to find new ways to get offended, but it will collapse when they can’t sucker new people in
Are you blind?
realistically speaking how hard will this shit crash? at least antman appealed to some gooks to get some cash in sorta breaking even but this shit?
>muh representation
fuck off this isn't congress
i thought I wouldn't enjoy this movie but I have short haired/bald women fetish so I think I'll be alright
What is this skull shape called?
If you're implying the headline you posted is talking about it like it's a real place then you're fucking retarded.
Le "gene therapy will fix it in 200 years" face
Did you not see the 2 other headlines in this thread? How about reading a thread all the way through before commenting, Captain ADD
Is social justice an elaborate troll? They've been behaving as parodies of themselves lately.
None of those are talking about it like it's a real place... you're literally retarded
>Not LGBTQ2+
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Cry for attention yes.
same here
They do know Africa is the least gay friendly place on earth besides maybe saudi arabia
Why are you obsessed with SJWs?
>None of those are talking about it like it's a real place
Nice damage control, shill
Ok then, explain exactly how those articles are even remotely implying it's a real place.
Why do you shill for free?
Progressives are never satisfied. There's always another pathetic emotional cause just over the horizon. We need another world war.
>white people dying out
>expects there to be any civilization left in 200 years
It's reads like a fucking WikiTravel article, stop pretending to be retarded
Maybe it's so that niggers will leave to Africa to find it?
Why do SJWs have to inject their AIDS into literally every aspect of life for the past four years? Be as degenerate as you want to be in your own little world and leave the rest of us fucking out of it; no one is stopping you.
Right Libertarian is correct desu!
Ok reddit, all you had to do was copy paste the thread title in google and it would have come up.
Yeah no, it obviously doesn't.
Imagine being so butthurt about a movie that you have to make up reasons to hate it.
Regressives. Fucking conservatives are the progressives these days, that's how fucking backward things are.
Imagine being so butthurt people not liking a movie
Nah, won't crash. Being an MCU movie guarantees a minimum of viewers, i can see it doing Ant-Man numbers easily at this point.
>gets mocked for literally making up reasons to hate something
>n-n-no you're just butthurt!
Wow, you sure showed me
Why easy ? Just because there is a bunch of black they figure you can put fag and trans alike ?
if you think this isnt going to be a massive success you're more retarded than the people on Sup Forums that thought Wonder Woman would flop
This movie is Ghostbusters 2016 and The Last Jedi all over again: You so much as say you don't plan to watch the movie and the entire media and their shills will accuse you of being Hitler.
It really does frustrate me. I mean it would be so easy-judge a person based on merit and their character, not their race.
but something weird happened in the 2010s, where the conservatives started doing that, and then the liberals of all people inverted it and started doing the racist shit conservatives used to do.
how the fuck are the liberals now the bad guys, what happened to them?
>You can't actually dislike this film, you must be making up lies, this movie is perfect in every way
Sure thing, House of Mouse
He is not making up any reason.
BRAAAAP-posting has gone too far.
the left was done the second they decided to give those dark savages rights.
It's amazing how the leftists have done this formula:
>Make movie
>Use the movie as a coattail to ride and shill your SJW bullshit regardless of the movie itself
>People call out SJW bullshit for being bullshit
>Leftists accuse you of hating the movie despite nothing being said about the movie itself
Hourly reminder that leftism is a mental disorder.
>start travel agency
>sell vacation to wakanda for cheap
>fly people to shithole africa land one way
Imma be rich
I feel kinda bad that modern progressives and feminists basically ousted actual liberals from the left. Where are we supposed to go now?
they are nothing without the fight so they will never be happy
Most of Sup Forums has been unanimous about how the campaign to promote WE WUZ KANGZ around this film has been total garbage.
Yet in only the last 10 days there has been a huge amount of leftist trolls shilling this and using every Shareblue tactic I have seen on all other sites.
They are literally sending people over here to defend this crap. It's so damn surrreal, I did not even see this for TLJ
Friendly reminder Trump's policies are mostly the Democratic party platform from the mid 90's
To your cuck shed, cuck.
(and that's a good thing!)
You're a sub 70 IQ caveman you fucking dolt.