something feels really off about this depiction of caesar
Yeah the real Caesar (pic related) had white hair
And no, not because he's older here. He was born with white hair, just like Leslie Nielsen and Steve Martin
Nordcuck propaganda
i bet you think alexander was greek too
It certainly is not what plebs are used to.
Is the wrong color.
It's because any seemingly realistic depiction of Rome would be off, because we really have no idea what they looked like other than remains being scientifically examined; as well as the busts.
Everyone is British because of Shakespeare's plays and people naturally think of British people with shit like this because imperial propaganda had that much of an impact
Nobody wants to listen to a bunch of wops and their atrocious accents
>we wuz macedonz
Skopjans please leave.
Et tu, Brute?
Well I mean if you have naturalistic busts like you do with these people you have a pretty accurate idea what they looked like.
>because we really have no idea what they looked like
What the fuckity fuck. Rome left ruins all over Europe, that stand until today, and what the fuck is Rome the city, Pompey, etc.
yeah but we don't know what they look like
Oh let me guess they were fucking swarthy niggers with jet black curly hair and gigantic lips right? Shut the fuck up retard.
we can neither confirm nor deny
Well that's obviously what you're getting at so why not just come out and say it you dumb fuck historical revisionist. Do you think they carved busts or made mosaic murals that looked nothing like themselves?
con script fathers,
Shakespearian plays regularly had women playing men. Having a black dude play him is hardly a problem.
>Steve Martin
>born with white hair
What the fuck are you smoking snownigger?
What if romans were just really bad at art? Actually everyone was a chinese woman but their artists could only do white men.
his face doesn't match up well enough
Charles Dance would have made an amazing Caesar
>Do you think they carved busts or made mosaic murals that looked nothing like themselves?
it's certainly a possibility. after all, we don't know what they look like
That's hair dye you dolt
White woman is still white. A black man isn't and can never give birth to white people. Therefore gender is a lesser seperator than race.
Haha no fuck off, Hinds did a brutally good job in this series
Sure it is faggot.
Just like your mother's pussy is dyed pink to mask all that wear and tear from black cock.
Yeah, he wasn't a blond twink that got anally raped by a teenager.
Peter Cushin
what in the literal fuck
his depiction was great don't get me wrong, but his face fits as much as Sean Pertwee's take on the role
Wow that actually does look very similar to Charles Dance
>cuts out mark antonys speech at caesars funeral
>Skips basically all the battles
>Huge time skips in general
I love the show, but there's a lot of things that could've been done a whole lot better.
we needed more atia and severis scenes obviously
Yeah the real Caesar wuz black. Also it's pronounced Kaisar
what the fuck kind of reasoning is that ffs
lol is that Eddie George?
yeah they should have done what the rest of those shitty forgettable sword-and-sandals flicks and shows did and blow the whole budget on the same mysticized warrior porn with the no character depth. Every cent they spend on your shitty testosterone fantasy is a cent that takes away from the set, the actors, the intrigue, the characters, etc. Characters from action shows are cardboard caricatures, Rome makes their characters human and you cant do this if they're just props for the next battle, Rome isn't about the battles, it's about roman life, and they would have sacrificed that angle if they spent all their money on battles. Instead they built one of the best sets in television history and made a character drama full of lovable characters that people still talk about to this day.
yeah I get that they have budget constraints and these are huge battles with hundreds of thousands of people but it's crazy how Actium and Marc Antony's downfall basically happens offscreen
they didn't have the budget
there was plenty of filler in this show faggot
cause caesar was bald
>everyone posting the busts that were copies of copies made centuries after his death
This is the bust that was actually made during his lifetime. The face is way less idealized and his hairline is OH NO NO NO. Those portraits are basically the ancient equivalent of photoshop.
not really though, the first second was well-paced and the second season didn't have any time for filler whatsoever since they had to shove so much exposition in.