Lmaoing @ murica

Went to see this movie. It wasn't very good but I got what I wanted out of it.

Anyway it was rated for kids 7 and up. I come home and notice it's rated R in the states :D Fucking burgers :D

I mean it is the year 2018

What the fuck is it rated R for?
It looks tame from what I’ve seen of it

was probably the most disappointing experience i've had in years. was looking forward to a great fresh premise and then you get.............. that

It is very tame, nothing really happens.

Naked people lying on operating tables in a non-sexual manner but they're completely naked. There's zero violence or blood and no sex scene or anything like that.


Yes it was a mess thematically and the plot was god awful. My motivation for going to see it was just to see a movie about tiny people because as a kid I always dreamed how cool that would be, and at least it delivered on that so I'm not THAT mad. The ending was really terrible though.

After the first 30 minutes you could just forget about them being tiny, except for the giant butterflies at the very end.

don't worry it was also rated 18+ in such developed countries as Malaysia and Singapore xd

..except Singapore changed it to 16 after review

there are penises. PENISES



The shots when they were going through the forest were nice, and there were some funny touches that weren't referenced in the dialogue but you could see in the background. I liked the giant portable TV they had in the ghetto for example.

They also cut some out of the movie that was also in the trailer, the giant bottle of vodka for example.

Yeah I was waiting for that to show up. I never ever watch trailers but I saw that clip on instagram and it simply wasn't there. Disappointed because IIRC it happened outdoors and seemed like a good scene for some size gags.

>tiny people can only survive really because normal society's infrastructure
>in the last 15 minutes of the movie drop that society is going to collapse in a few years because SUPER gobal warming
>movie ends without warning with no further development of this

... okay

I didn't really understand the moral dilemma about going to the shelter either. They treated it like a huge sacrifice. If I were there I would've been like "thank fuck I happened to be in the only place on earth prepared for this". Who wouldn't want to go down there?

Also was the 12km walk really the thing that broke the camel's back? Everything else was fine but I HAVE TO WALK?? I guess another decision made so Americans could relate amirite xddd

mfw there are no giantess scenes

there's the quick scene with the female nurse handing over the new arrivals

>Also was the 12km walk really the thing that broke the camel's back?
I did not get it either, was an 11 hour walk really too much to handle?

Macrophiles I guess

"so you're telling me the world's about to end, and I'm offered a spot in a nuclear shelter built to last for thousands of years and save mankind... but there's no mobility scooters? I'm out"

not good enough to add to the bank. Missed opportunity.

The character was pretty strongly established as not being able to stick with anything.

The moral dilemma had to do with running away underground and leaving everyone else to die instead of trying to make it as good as possible for everyone else for as long as possible.

Also waltz was right, they were definitely going to go crazy.

I guess an 11 hour walk then banging horny norwegians for the rest of his life was too hard compared to a slow death after getting a boat ride back then fucking a vietnamese cripple with a speech impediment.

I agree with the last sentence, but if he came to a realization that Waltz was right then it wasn't very clearly presented.

The second part is what I understood the movie was trying to say, but it just didn't work for me. Like he couldn't find people down there to help? There were elders in that community too. It felt really forced. Like that one community was the only place on earth where he could help others and going elsewhere to help others would be selfish?

Also that shelter seemed pretty spacious and comfy, like a rural town underground, not a cramped fallout style vault. It didn't seem bad at all. I honestly assumed that when he went to talk to Waltz and his pal about the plan the reveal was that this is why they came there in the first place and Waltz already got them tickets inside. Maybe the girl couldn't come and that's why he would stay or something, but not them just refusing and thinking it's crazy.

Not worth. Dude where's my car still has the macro crown

kek singapore is a far more civilized country than whatever euro shithole you come. far less crime I guarantee.

That's literally rape

Good measure seeing as how Qatar comes before Singapore in that ranking.

Can I get further descriptions of the nudity pls? Does it show Matt Damon penis?

>being naked in your own home is illegal
>singing is illegal
>chewing gum is illegal
>spitting is illegal
Having a bunch of retarded laws and a huge police force enforcing them does not make a country "civilized" user. The heart of human civilization, Dubai.

Yes but not in close up. He's lying on an operating table among many others in a wide shot.

Is it cute?

It's a couple of pixels. I'm not an expert on cute penises.

Well your no help

He looks flabby in the movie anyway, you are not missing out.

I heard Matt Damon was the last one they shrunk and he still had the smallest penis in the room.

I looked up how big a pixel is. Is his penis the size of two pixels on a computer screen, or two pixels on a giant scoreboard? I need to know whether it's 3 inches long or 2/75ths of an inch long.

>flabby penises aren't the sexiest penises
Know how I know you're a breeder?

Depends where you see the movie

Flabby penis is good, regular penis on a flabby body is not.

i'm making matt damon act it out at gunpoint

It's gonna be great

yeah, i don't know. was he crying this much on screen? i can barely understand this faggot.

It's an emotional rollercoaster for sure

you're lucky he wasn't there in person when you watched it. the brown mess bubbling out of his butt was probably disgusting to see, but you don't want to know how it smells. how long is the crying and shitting himself in the fetal position scene? i'm getting bored and frankly kind of grossed out.