Which kino should I watch alone at the cinema tonight, Sup Forums?
Keep in mind, I have only been watching capeshit for the past few years so my attention span for oscar shit is probably lower than it used to be.
Which kino should I watch alone at the cinema tonight, Sup Forums?
Keep in mind, I have only been watching capeshit for the past few years so my attention span for oscar shit is probably lower than it used to be.
I, Tonya.
neither, trust me, they're shit
the one with Aussie Jaime Pressly
I Tonya was a lot of fun
I haven't seen Darkest Hour but it looks less fun
I, Tonya was pretty good, solid 7/10. I haven't seen the other one, looks like generic oscar bait a la Lincoln which was putrid shit
Darkest hour.
Old man who keeps a giant phallic object in his mouth 90% of the time or margot robbie in skimpy outfits... Real hard choice there, I have to say.
I, Tonya is really good. Fast paced. Goodfellas style movie.
Darkest Hour is okay but you will only really like it when you are into the details of WW2 and british politics of that time.
according to Artroll White, "I Tonya" is puerile filmmaking.
>le attractive woman made to look like an ugly wench
Wow radical filmmaking.
stuff like lincoln should be year-defining work but instead ends up being transparent bait always disappoint me so much. lincoln was like a more boring version of this years 'the post'
People complain about capeshit but there always were shitty blockbusters, now they are all in the same genre which is fine, you know what to avoid. The actual death of cinema is that the "prestige" movies are just as generic and paint by numbers. I think I liked I, Tonya so much because I was expecting another oscar bait biopic and it was a fun white trash flick
>ITT: I have only seen i tonya
darkest hour if you want a film instead of a sitcom tier comedy
I tonya. Kino
Not that piece of shit gary oldman flick
Don't watch the bullshit Churchill ball licking poz propaganda my man. Watch anything but that shit
why do the british hate Churchhill?
because he was a zionist banker shill who dragged the country in two world wars it didn't need to be in and every military operation pushed for was a fucking disaster. At Gallipoli my family lost two, not to mention he got so many aussies killed they pushed extra hard for independence. Pic related is Ian Douglas Smith, the last true and decent leader of anglo's anywhere in the world. Churchill's just a figurehead the powers that be shill to provide some acceptable controlable nationalism. He was a fat useless fucking drunken swine and indicative of the decline of the character of the British ruling class.
Margot Robbie has a baby pussy and needs many cummies. Mhmm yes it does. It does it does it does! Oooooh, its so runny. I can feel it in my tummy. Makes my insides feel funny.
I, Tonya is unironically pure kino
I haven't seen I, Tonya, but Darkest Hour is available to torrent in web-dl quality. So watch I, Tonya.
>why do the british hate Churchhill?
U wot
Any Britain who loves his nation as despises his modern state fucking hates Churchill. Open your fucking eyes you dumbass we won WW2 but lost the Peace. Germany dominates Europe still and now we don't even have our empire to fall back on.
>muh empire
Don't you guys have enough pakis as it is?
You fucking halfwit. I'm talking about our kinsfolk in the settler colonies or Rhodesia, Canada,New Zealand, and Australia. India was out of the empire by 1947, we sold the rest out when we joined the EU and orientated our trade and diplomacy towards Europe instead of them
I wasn't necessarily disagreeing with you, but Churchill is unanimously liked by the populace.
I saw both with a firend about 3 weeks apart. I, Tonya had a primarily female crowd of ages 20 to about 38. Darkest Hour was all middle age groups. Darkest Hour is probably the better one to see alone but I, Tonya is more entertaining.
Its just the true state of being. Germans are just superior to Brits and will always come out on top at the end
He is only liked bt young uninformed nationalists and boomers who swallowed the post war lies wholesale. Ask your Grandparents and their friends (if they're older than WW2) and the response is ussually mixed from "he was okay i suppose" to "that warmongering bastard". When you get them talking most older folk know something is very amiss in modern Britain, they just keep it to themselves to avoid offending the hyper sensitive youth. They like the quiet life
And yet there you stand, a completely cucked nation with almost no hope of real survival in the future. "German" turks are still turks, they arn't giving birth to your next generation, they're using you to look after theirs. Next time we'll shatter you back into the holy roman empire. We've won twice so far. You think you'll win the next one? Polands coming tooled this time too. You burnt all your Bridges with the refugees Claus. when you can't economically bully any more, you'll see what you have wrought
>Next time we'll shatter you back into the holy roman empire
Dude if Brexit goes bad (as it looks like) the holy roman empire will look like heaven on earth compared to the UK
Oh no we won't make any money to pay for all the nigger welfare! Keep pointing out economic strength if you like, it blinds you to the fact it's pointless unless its in the service of YOUR nation and YOUR future generation. In Germanies case you make a shit tone of money and just give it to the animals that hate you. Google "cosmopolitan nationalism" to fully understand what neferious engineering has been played on the once great Germanic peoples. Break the conditioning Kraut, once we lived in harmony.
In which a thread about movie suggestions digresses into politics, racism and name-calling.
We didn't make a highly politicized poz propaganda piece that paints one of Britains worst politicians as a national hero. We just pointed it out. No ones bitching about I, Tonya
Darkest Hour was nearly good but it's ruined by that subway scene
That subway scene is just the most noticeable slant of the bias that underlines the whole film, and indeed filmaking as a whole today
Lincoln was so much better than the Post. All the old timey wheeling and dealing makes up for the schmaltz.
Bridge of Spies is better than both and a legit great film