Are there any good movies directed by children?
Are there any good movies directed by children?
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What's the /lit/ equivalent of kino?
I think the closest you'll get is something like Axe Cop
Heidegger/Terrence Malick
I think it's rare full stop for any director under 30 to be good. Happens but those people are exceptions.
holy... I want more
David Foster Wallace
Bolaño and Proust
*blocks your path*
As I said it happens but guys like Orson are definitely the exception.
Reminder that he made Citizen Kane when he was 24
Do you not know what rare means?
I don't get it
Post more if you have it. My first instinct was to mock it, but it’s interesting in a way, and I think it’s fantastic that some kids somewhere are actually being asked to do something creative in school.
>I don't get it
>naming your child Nail
Fuck you Nathan. You've accomplished more at 9 than I will in my entire life.
His mom's an asshole
unironically kino
unironically better than Rupi Kaur
Movie adaptation when?
>not know how to spell Nael
Water falls from the bright air
It falls like hair
Falling across a young girl’s shoulders
Water falls
Making pools in the asfalt
Dirty mirrors with clouds and buildings inside
It falls on the roof of my house
Falls on my mother and on my hair
Most people call it rain
>Child makes observation
>naturally wants to understand cause/effect/meaning
>Hollywood conditioning kicks in
>oh well just turn off my brain and enjoy the (((experience)))
Smart kid
real human bean
So you can laugh when hitting him.
Jesus, just how retarded can a single person be?
user... easy on the insults
Is this movie good? Is this the only scene with her?
yes it's quality, and yes
fuck that's deep
I miss being a child and not being suicidal
This could pass as some avant garde artsy poetry shit.
OPs sounds kino as fuck.
Remove the drawings and you can absolutely trick /lit/ into thinking this is some deep poetry shit and telling people who disagree they're plebs
/lit/ unironically loves that poem though, and knows it was written by a kid. You don't have to trick them
I never really "got" poetry, just talking about something in a obscure way, I remember that in school I had some passing interest in Parnassianism because it seemed they were onto something, but asymmetric, free style and non sense poetry is particulary aggravating for me.
Why would that be "tricking" anyone?
It is actually good, no matter from who is it from
Feelings user, not much from what is said but HOW is it said.
Much like Tarkovsky films are considered as visual poetry, when you look at it from a plot point view it's all fairly simple, but the execution is what it makes so special
It's good but you can be sure there isn't an ideological background since they're kids. Meanwhile I can absolutely see /lit/ pseuds assume this is some criticism of post-modernism on an allusion to the struggles of the lower class or some other similar bullshit
I agree. When poetry uses fancy words I think "this artist feels nothing, they are just trying to sound fancy". If they don't, I think "this artist has no way with words, why should I bother reading this?".
Songs are different because the music makes up for it.
What did he mean by this part?
The romantics are a good starting point. Read Keats
The issue is that poetry got so much up its own ass in terms of form that you have to have a deep knowledge of shit like dactylic hexameter and enjambment to understand why a particular poem subverts the medium in an interesting way. It got hyper technical and intertexual.
>liberals consider this high art
Nah it's about whether the author is cool and therefore deserving of praise or not.
I voted for Trump and I think it's an exceptional portrayal of the child-like innocence.
Now please shove that iphone up your ass
>not much from what is said but HOW is it said
masturbatory retards like you are why this receives praise
You don't see the beauty in white?
>Mom, do you see me?
>Yes, but I don't want to.
I see that any time I look at my walls. Beauty is by its very nature exceptional. There is absolutely nothing exceptional about these. They are masturbation.
In what way does your pic have anything to do with my post? Le abstract empty post modern art is somehow a representation of execution? What?
Yes art is absolutely about how are you saying/portraying something, you can write a poem about a tiger getting out of a cage in a million different ways, just like you can make a film about a tiger getting out of a cage in a million different ways, the execution is the most important element, not plot points.
I saw a piece like that at the Holocaust museum in DC. I thought it was about art's inability to deal with a tragedy of that magnitude. Or maybe divine silence (it could represent the trinity). 2deep4u maybe
Or maybe they put up empty canvases by mistake. The funny thing is you might praise them and then find this out or you might never know
>>not much from what is said but HOW is it said
That's literally what poetry is. It's the same as being a good speaker. The are some people who can impart the same information, but in a much more interesting and charasmatic way. That's poetry.
>In what way does your pic have anything to do with my post?
It's not about what's on the canvas man, it's about HOW it's there (or isn't)
>It's the same as being a good speaker.
Try and have a good speaker read something written by somebody with disabilities. Stop trying to dismiss content because it's somehow superficial. If someone takes a shit on the sidewalk that's not provocative art because it makes me FEEL something, almost everything does. Content is essential. Poetry is the same. Of course it's often based on emotions but the words have to convey that by their meaning
>My candle burns at both ends;
>It will not last the night;
>But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—
>It gives a lovely light!
>lol YOLO
Can't you see the importance of how something is said rather than what's said?
Aesthetics is content when it comes to art. How retarded are you? Most great art sounds like a platitude when reduced to its thematic essence
You guys know that these weren't actually written by kids, right?
Hmm... YOLO. You only live once. So often said yet so rarely deconstructed. Do we actually live once? Or are we forbidden from knowledge of other lives? If we knew of more lives would our actions in this one matter more or less? Would our choice to create or end life be affected? I think "lol YOLO" is a stunning dismissal of temporal responsibility and a window into the notion that we must live now, in the present
>It's not about what's on the canvas man, it's about HOW it's there (or isn't)
What? I didn’t say or even imply anything like that. I said the execution is what matters, how it's portrayed, not that you don't need to give any effort in portraying something.
You lack basic reading comprehension skills.
Why does the intent of the artist matter if it made me think about the meaning I imparted his/her piece with?
Because as I said above, a bum taking a shit on the sidewalk makes me think too. But it's not exceptional, it takes no skill, and anyone praising it is mentally ill.
What does a bum taking a shit make you think of? Do you sit up late at night contemplating his turd hitting the concrete?
Nah you just don't get my very simple meaning user. The execution of my posts matters, not their content
>Content is essential.
>Poetry is the same.
I mean you have the evidence right there in OP's pic. The content is a tiger getting out of a cage, but what makes it special is how it's written and layed out for the reader. And it can be portrayed in a million different ways, sad, happy, cheesy, extremely detailed in 500 pages or in just a single sentence. Execution is the key.
Do you sit up late at night thinking about a blank canvas? If so I think you should see a professional. I feel the same about it as about the shit - a sad indictment of my surroundings.
>The execution of my posts matters, not their content
Yes, and so far the execution of your posts is only portraying a reading comprehension lacking "nah" ameritard brainlet
Yes it does, because you're not making any fucking sense due to your poor verbal skills.
>but what makes it special
there's nothing special about it at all. Stop breathing your own farts.
It made me think about a deeper and more meaningful subject than how to get away from a homeless person crapping in the street.
>you're not making any fucking sense
sorry you're not able to grasp my point
>ameritard brainlet
damn, that's a deep critique right there. You must be a professor or something
>It made me think about a deeper and more meaningful subject
If so you're incredibly easily stimulated and I'd argue you don't need to see that piece at all, you can be inspired by any blank space or indeed by oxygen itself
The meaning of art emerges from context.
A blank canvas by itself is meaningless (really, anything by itself is meaningless), but in the right context, it rly makes you think.
My diary desu
>reddit spacing
>reddit mentality
if anything by itself is meaningless then everything in the "right context" is meaningful which is why those pieces are again, worthless
Then I guess everyone in this thread is just pretending to like it and you are the only one who has the correct opinion, right?
The first Blade Runner is just a simple detective story, but again what makes it special is the execution. Same for any great film or filmmaker, films by Tarkovsky or Kubrick are great precisely because of their execution, not the plot points.
I used to cry listening to Wagner when I was a little kid. I think some people's brains just work differently when it comes to perceiving and interpreting art.
>Then I guess everyone in this thread is just pretending to like it
I have no doubt they have tricked themselves into liking it or have been told by others they trust that they should like it
this was a great /lit/ thread
Wow, two non sequitur in a row.
None of your points logically follow from the previous one. How can something meaningful be worthless? Are you a nihilist by chance?
You know, paintings are just blobs of ground up rock arranged in the "right context".
This amount of mental gymnastics delusion is just sad user, really sad.
I guess my posts really made you feel sadness, I'll take my payment in buttcoins
>Wow, two non sequitur in a row.
I mean I basically copy pasted the first one from your post but ok.
>How can something meaningful be worthless
because like I said anything can be meaningful and worth derives from exception or scarcity
Yep, "Kids"
Meaning is exceptional and scarce.