How do you like your vampires, /tv?

How do you like your vampires, /tv?

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like dis


Very VERY gay

With big titties... pretty much any chick from the Hammer horror films of the 70s



oh fuck man

I rewatched this few days back and holy shit, the homolust is strong here.


>Blade,ready to die?


blonde, cute, and flat chested

>not Gemma


she was fucking creepy

Like this

Fought by a rad as hell vampire hunter, preferably a human one but a day walker is alright

Vampires with breast expansion abilities.

I like them to be qt

like the monstrous, amoral parasites they are.

Boring shits?

Mein schwarzmann. Vintage erotica vampire is best vampire.

Have you watched Strain yet?

I have. I like the concept but the execution left much to be desired.

I don't really like feral vampires, which is not to say I want faggy vampires that fall in love with teenagers, but I think a lot of the power of a vampire character comes from their cool monologues about their immortality.

I love the kind of shit where they just name drop historical figures and then look a little sad about how long they've lived.

the extreme response to twilight was making vampires mindless monsters and i don't think that's where the strength of vampire characters is.

Suave vamps are cool

I like 'em irish

you really shouldn't have used cassidy from the SHOW, bro

What do you mean, he's the one character that's faithful to the comics

I liked it at first, but then later, learning the origins for it all just made me dislike the whole thing.

Nothing in the show is faithful to the comics. Casiidy comes closer than Jesse or Tulip, but it's still not the same thing

Female and scantily-+clad

>no Bloodrayne games for decades

fuck you, i'm not counting the side scroller

male and fully clothed for me thanks

So basically VtM vampires, i.e. Camarilla Ventrue and others, and their ghouls.


Also, I feel the same exact way. Feral vampires were a cool concept but after watching 30 Days of Night, I was satisfied. The Twilight series was made for teenage grills hence the emotionally confused teenage looking vampires.

IMO the perfect vampires are the type in Blade, the traditional secret society type. If that's too actiony then a hybrid of Interview and/or What We Do in the Shadows.


this scene is hilarious

Sharon Tate
In other words 12/10

Comics have the best vamps. People who like vampires should check out American Vampire, Day Men, Blood+Water, Ex Sanguine, Dracula: The Company of Monsters, and shitloads of other stuff that's way better than aynthing on tv.

Autist with no sense of humanity, jews.

Like this

Bram Stoker style

>American Vampire

Worst mistake I ever made. Holy shit, the cunt was unbearable to read about, and when she cheated on her dying human husband with the vampire who made her into what she is, that just made quit right there because I knew there would be no actual consequences for her from such an action.


The comic sucks anyway

Off the radar. Vampire films suck ass. Vampires are shit.
The only vampire movies that I thought were good at all were:
Interview with a Vampire
Blade 1
Fright Night (80's)

Screw vampires. They are for chicks, fags, and drama queens.

Last one before I go to work
Skinner just has that effect on the ladies

Humanoid vermin.

Before you go, gimme a way to download Blood & Water and Ex Sanguine.


I agree. I like my vampires being a mix personallyl. They look and act refined and civilized, having knowledge from all the years they have been alove. But they still have their monstruous instincts which of course makes for those sex and disease "metaphores".

I wonder how the series will be

>Comics have the best vamps

The impaling variety

ou can read anything you want online. I don't know how to download it though

I think the part of The Strain's vampire lore I liked the most is the castes, having the original vampires, intelligent vampires and slave vampires.

Scary, but let's not go overboard with the facial prosthetics à la Buffy. It's possible to furrow one's brow without them.

Pretty much my two faves right here.


I have legit cried at his death scene. The noises he made were just so damn pitiful.

In that case Anne Rice has got you covered.

approved by Sup Forums
>pic related will always be the best vampire slayer tho

nah that dude just slayed some muslims

I haven't read the books but something the show didn't have that I think an user said the books did is that those Sun Hunters were all soldiers who died heroically on the battlefield, and in their dying moments the Ancients approached them and offered to turn them in exchange for their services. Pretty neat lore.

Pepe the Implier?
I legit breathed hard out my nose at that pic.

i'll have chloe grace as my vampirefu (let me in/let the right one in)

isn't that considered relevant experience?
I usually call him vlad pepe

My ideal vampires are basically immortal representatives of their time. Not "Howdy pardner" sterotype but their general worldview not changing very much from when they were in their early 30s.

The vampire made in 1905 england being very much Rule Britainia bemoaning the loss of the empire for example.

The kind from Blindsight and Echopraxia, and the eventual third book by Watts in that series.
Been working on my own screen play for Blindsight actually. Generally I don't like scifi, and trust me Watts is certainly not free from cliches and tropes, but his books are a great read.


I haven't seen these and I don't know why I find them so funny as I'm not a Pepe kind of guy usually.
>vlad pepe

>Tfw he did not want to do the movie so he underacted and that's what got him the praise.

are you a Țepeș kind of guy perhaps
pic related was his father
I think that's where Drake the rapper got his name from


>I think that's where Drake the rapper got his name from

god dammit Sup Forums :)




>Țepeș kind of guy
I thought you'd never ask, darling. And Drake's son will be named Drakeyula.

With beards, white hair, a slit in their hand and spaceships

>Drake's son will be named Drakeyula
he even has the bling sceptre and errathang mayne
Vlad was lit
str8 HYPE
/fa/t spikes n shit

>The kind from Blindsight and Echopraxia

What are they like?

I can't decide if things like vampire T-Rexes make comics better or worse than movies


Nice World of Darkness rip-off

If anything, the blade movies have showed me how cool being a vampire must be. All night on raves all day sleeping, pretty great

That rage I feel when I listen to a modern vampire moan about his "curse" of being forever young, almost invulnerable, super-strong and inevitably a hunk all the women wanna fuck.

Oh poor you, you have to drink a few blood bags from the hospital every now and then, what a CURSE

Kino taste

I honestly like the comics, but I enjoy the show for what it is. It hits just as many nails as the comics do, but the nails they hit are just different. It's a good adaptation and everyone in it has been enjoyable so far. Besides Tulip, the actress is horseshit.


Get real, all of you.

Haha totally,!!

Also the Blade Movies always sort of despite the act id consuming blood as something that gets you "high"

So basically you spend all night raving at really fucking cool places, listening to really cool music and taking as many drugs as possible. Of course the vampire slayers are a nuissance, but other than that what's left that can be considered a con? Those vampires don't seem to pay taxes, so it's all advantages

Everybody you care about dies, everything you care about goes away. You're absolutely alone for eternity.

lmao. i stopped watching that show after 1 season, did she go full vampire

that happens to normal humans too. you find new people to love and care about when others die, just like humans do.

get the fuck out with this stupid shit. not to mention you can turn people if you want to

I like my vampires /reddit/


How about the Reapers from Blade 2?
Do experimental diseased vampires count?

In season 4 she became a vampire and then became human again via ingesting the cure in season 6.

The thing with Schrek vamps is, they're never nearly as creepy as Schrek, so what's the point?