If you absolutely have to, then see them as late as possible.

Franchises are killing Hollywood. People are less open to seeing movies that aren't sequels of something they're comfortable and familiar with. We need to smash Disney where it hurts, right in the ticket sales.

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but i wanna see the incredibles 2

don't tell me what to do !

>Franchises are killing Hollywood.
Capeshit is killing Hollywood.
Fuck Star Wars btw.

but i wanna see solo

The only good franchies are Shrek and Godfather.

If this movie bombs, I’m blaming you

I am going to aee Solo week one in theaters if word of mouth is good.

My little anti Nu Wars protest will be not to buy the Last Jedi blu ray even though Ibalready own every SW movie on disk. TLJ will never see another dime from me for as long as I live.

I'm already avoiding everything produced by Disney if I can. I didn't see RO or TLJ, no way I'm watching a Solo origin movie.

>this embarrassing false flag
I thought you guys were getting good, some soy boys bought your Russian review bombing narrative when TLJ crashed

Just buy a ticket for another movie and then walk into the theater room playing Solo

>Do not see Incredibles 2 in theaters

I’m going to go see Incredibles 2 in theaters

Fuck off commie soygoy. The market speaks.

Why? It's going to be shit. A soulless rehash of the first.

It’s a good thing I liked the first


We can use deepfake technology to change this jew face on young Harrison Ford.

fuck off im hype for IncII since 2006

you can't stop me from seeing incredibles 2

i'm definitely not going to see solo though, fuck that

>Just buy a ticket for another movie and then walk into the theater room playing Solo

If Solo is actually good like Rogue One then I want to support it with my money. If they retcon Han Solo into some beta soy cuck then I wont.

>han solo

Disney animation/Pixar is not the same as the live action garbage, marvlel and lucasfilm. Disney still has respect for its heritage of animation, yes they have churned out spoiled stuff before, but Incredibles 2 is not something they would just hash out. They would have done it when Incredibles was still relevant. If nothing else it will at least be as good as Toy Story 3 which was decent.

>making a happy face means you're a liberal, now
the absolute insanity of meme-brained retards

The last movie I saw in the theaters was Independence Day 2 and only because I took my mom for her birthday, I hadn't been to a theater before that since that overrated Avatar movie.

>d-don't watch disney franchies
>watch our franchises instead

fuck off WB shill

who said anything about liberals?
go back

Didn’t Brad Bird want to do a sequel?

Not even getting near that """Han Solo""" movie, fuck that shit
However I've been waiting for Incredibles 2 since the first movie came out so fuck off OP

Incredibles 2 will be kino though you pleb

Big if true

I'd been waiting on Incredibles 2 for like 5 years and then stopped caring because it's literally a movie 15 (14) years too late like Syndrome says in the film ayy.

same. fuck you, OP. i can only give you 1 out of 2.

fuck you i'm seeing Incredibles 2.

Han Solo can go get stabbed by his son.

He's actually the reason it took so long. He said he didn't want to make a sequel until he had a story worth making a sequel over.

Me on the left

But Incredibles 2 has been like the only sequel I've ever looked forward to.

If you really had any self respect you would get rid of any nu wars shit you have and guard George's stuff worry your life

>good like Rogue One

>Still watching movies at all

Give me one reason you still do this.

already lost any interest in SW, and this guy doesn't even resemble Solo
never been fan of capeshit either
won't see these movies anyway

Let's be honest though the only thing anime is good for are high concept premises.

What's up with the weird lines?

I'll take any kind of new concept over the 50th capeshit movie or sequel.

Won't see Solo (or any other future SW movie), but will go if word of mouth regarding The Incredibles 2 is good. I genuinely loved the 1st one, but after Finding Nemo 2 I'd be happy to avoid another dumped-down-cliche-clip.

Yeah I liked that one about the girl and her motor cycle. Only watched one episode though - the one where they visit a town where murder is legal. What's the show called?

Kino's Journey. The new season is kino

aptly named

>4 fucking Toy Story movies
>Cars got a trilogy and a failed spin-off
>Monsters Inc got a prequel
>finally get an Invincibles sequel
>focus on the baby
the damn monkey paw strikes again

At what point did Star Wars jump the shark?

On most films I would agree with this, but not Incredibles 2. Brad Bird said years ago he would never do a sequel to it until he had a solid story and script for it so that he was eager do make the film. Hence why it has taken over a decade.

>Watching movies in theaters
>Not pirating them

Kung Fu Panda 1, 2 and 3 were all comparatively good

Nah, fuck you. I'll be seeing both.

>Nah, fuck you. I'll be wasting my money on a shitty nu-wars movie
you deserve to be bullied to death if you actually are looking forward to Solo for anything other than shitposting

3 had the most underwhelming boss fight. I guess I was expecting too much for Kai. Especially after 2.

Shitty falseflag thread that's going to turn up as a screenshot on some shill buzzfeed article.
There aren't enough willing idiots on Sup Forums to influence ticket sells in any way.

I am going to see Incredibles II.

Now check out these digits

good joke man, like they would let me enter the theater ALONE. fucking no singles policy is in effect for like 15 years here.
last time I wanted to watch star wars but I couldn't find one who would come with me so I was standing in front of the theater asking passing by people if they want to watch star wars with me and everyone either seen it, threatened to call the cops or just looked at me in disgust.