>Episode 8 shot in Ireland
>Obi Wan shot in Ireland
>Rian Johnson trilogy being shot in Ireland
So this is it? Nu-wars is just going to be shot in greenland areas from now on?
George Lucas directing would be kino tho
>Episode 8 shot in Ireland
>Obi Wan shot in Ireland
>Rian Johnson trilogy being shot in Ireland
So this is it? Nu-wars is just going to be shot in greenland areas from now on?
George Lucas directing would be kino tho
Based George to the rescue.
It's true bros. The master has heard our plea. The Creator has returned.
>Obi Wan spin off
>Shot in Ireland
Yeah because everyone loved that dull island where miserable Luke ended his life...
You think we'll get to see what Sheev was doing prior to ANH? Maybe even get some flashbacks with Hayden Christmas.
Sup Forums‘s dream comes true.
Hopefully Iget to be an Extra. If I do I will report back happenings.
If George is directing and not writing it'll be kino, if he's also writing it'll be about the same level of the rest of nu-Wars
George Lucas producing/directing might be the only thing that would get me to see it.
They spotted him at a restaurant and made up a story. George said multiple timmes that he retired, i honestly don't see him getting involved.
The absolute state of lucasfilm.
>Be Star Wars
>Go to Ireland
>Get shot
I thought America was supposed to be dangerous. What the fuck are you Micks doing? Did you shoot Kathleen kennedy too?
Is there a single group of people that are bigger cuckboy fucking faggots than Lucas apologists? Did he use all of his Disneybux to hire you fat fucking losers to try to make everyone forget what a talentless piece of subhuman shit niggerloving trash he is that fucking ruined cinema? GLIDF fuck off back to whatever preteen permavirgin factory you slithered out of.
I un-ironically love Ewan and am glad he will come back to Star Wars. I remember there were rumors of an old Obi-Wan story about his adventures with the Tatooine underworld during his time there
How many movies will they shit out about one specific character? Yaba backstory when? I head that chick from Cheers in hungry for work.
What about Episode 8 though? Just think about it, the Empire's military tactics have evolved for 1000s of years, they are experts in every sort of engagement in space battle. Yet when a bunch of the Empire's ships come out of hyperspace behind the rebels in Episode VIII, they have absolutely no idea how to deal with the rebels.
Why didn't a couple of the the Empire's ships jump to lightspeed directly in front of Leia's ship? Then the empire could attack from multple directions, wouldn't this be standard practice in this situation when the Empire has more than one vessel?
The rebels literally went on holiday to the Rivera during the battle, and fucked up the F1 race at Monaco, while the Empire had no idea what to do. F1 teams need children in the pit lanes as only a child's fingers can manipulate the small parts of advanced engineering, this is not exploitative at all, those children go on to have careers as pit men and whores. How fucking stupid are Star Wars fans? Even Lucas wouldn't have done something as stupid as this, this is absolutely retarded.
They've already got a director though
>Be irish
>Get shot
What do you think could actually make it good, anons?
We all know a western motif would be best, but what would the framework be?
>American Graffiti
George is a bad director they said.
ways to spot a redditshit:
he thinks a prequel can ever be good.
George come back
George should cast Riley
>Obi Wan shot
Looks like Riley finally offed him boys.
He had some involvement in the production of Solo, might have sparked something.
>movie comes out
>it's a piece of trash with a heart of gold
If Lucas directs this I'm going insane. The Star Wars universe will literally be saved.
Nice false flag, Plebbitor
How do you know it's true? The news reports on this only say that George was seen "near the filming locations".
Steal my girl will ya?
>Obi-wan movie
>not shot in Tunisia
It's trash
I'd unironically take it over anything Disney could shit out on their (((Geonosian))) movie assembly line.
Nothing smart happened because Rian wanted to sneakily just copy Empire but in such a retarded way fans would immediately defend it being completely different because "YEAH BUT NO ONE SUCKED ON ALIEN TITS IN EMPIRE SO IT'S COMPLETELY DIFFERENT"
It's just a rehash of the Empire tailing Han, Leia, C3PO and Chewie in the Falcon all over again
He had no involvment in SOYLO either, he visited the set on the day Ron Howard started filming, that's all.
>“He had intended to just kind of stop by and say hi, and he stayed five hours. There’s even one little moment in a scene that — I can’t tell you what, sorry — but in the scene on the Millennium Falcon where George said, ‘Why doesn’t Han just do this.’ It actually is a funny little bit that will probably get a laugh. And Ron happened to be by the monitor and not inside the Falcon and he goes, ‘Oh that’s a great idea,’ and ran in and said, ‘George wants us to do this.’ So that was pretty cool. I think George felt pretty great about that. He could revisit these characters, and I think he felt so comfortable, obviously with Ron being there, that it was just fun for him,” she said.
>mimimi I'm a faggot look at me
Obviously this is the typical case of that person that you never want to meet because you know they will stay over for hours and hours, and that you can't just tell them you are busy or in any way hint that you don't want to talk to them right now, because you know it would hurt their feelings.
Most commonly happens when that person has some mental disability or is an elder, like George Lucas here.
the black we wuz pilots movie was pretty fun to watch while drinking
fuck off kathleen
Oh come on we both know that's exactly what happened. I can almost smell the facial expression on everyone back on that day, in the Solo set. That "oh fuck it's Lucas, there goes our day..." face.
No he didn't, you dim retard
Why can't people read beyond headlines?
He had a set visit and made a suggestion. He wasn't "involved" with that production. Good work toeing the Disney marketing line
Fuck, Disney execs are pretty good at managing disasters. This would be the right move indeed.
>Obi Wan shot in Ireland
>Go to Ireland to shoot something that takes place in the desert
Yeah, makes sense.
Yes. Lucas's visit is publicity for the movie Solo
The movie takes place in the great countryside of Tatooine, never seen before in the movies
If Disney just stuck to one-off character exploration side stories without mucking up the mainline saga there'd be no fucking problem. If Soylo was a decent, then there could be an Obi-Wan movie, Boba Fett movie, Sheev movie, Vader movie etc.
But these faggots need grist for their political mill so none of these movies will ever be good because they'll all be tainted.
>possibly directed by George Lucas
not happening and you know it
kys disney damage control shills
star wars is dead, and you killed it in the name of sjw brainwashing. no forgiveness. ever. congrats.
I think Riz Ahmed is right though. People who join isis are usually losers with no role models not even on TV.
you sound like a mong
So the truest form of Star Wars?
What are muslims supposed to watch on TV and movies then? The only shit they can watch is their shitty muslim tv that basically tells them to hate America and join isis.
jesus christ you're dense
>one movie slightly underperforms, toy sales are down
Does disney seriously have no idea what they are doing?
Kennedy is a mick name
More like reylo generals drive people to isis
You have no arguments but it's okay, there aren't any. I'm just right.
You're underage and you should shut the fuck up, idiot
how much more is left of his life that hasnt already been covered in the other films?
>we'll become mass murders and kill everyone unless movies tell us not to be
i knew muslims were violent, but that's an eye opener
Socially isolated is not the same as pop culture relevant.
It's like that middle eastern group slamming True Lies about its representation of Middle Eastern people. Then 9/11 happened and they shut the fuck up about movies ever since.
Representation is important, but it's a big jump to go from "I have no representation in pop-culture and feel second class". To "I feel excluded from society so I am going to join ISIS for the Yazedi rape camps and free wifi" .
All of this came from that EW writer who's cushy with Lucasfilm. He even claims that Harrison Ford was a consultant on Solo, even though all he did was give the new guy advice
The marketing spin is so blatant. After bad feedback came in for TLJ, headlines appeared about how it was based on Lucas' treatment
They know the prequels are gaining traction online, and they're marketing Lucas' name without actually using him to save face after TLJ
Let me know when he's actually directing a movie, I don't care what 'influence' he has on these films
You first, numale
Early life as a Jedi
>Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan movie never
stop posting, dumbfuck
He's literally not retired though. He still works at skywalker sound. He's still very involved in his studios.
Not true, he's amazing at story treatments and directing, but not so great with dialogue. He even knows this himself, but nobody would take up his offer of writing the script for the prequels. Never the less the prequels still have some of the most quoted lines of dialogue in recent movie history. They guy is a visual director, the less dialogue the better as far as he's concerned.
You first, idiot
Not even him but holy shit give him an argument instead of insulting him.
I get the guys point but I don't think some Muslims in movies will stop kids going to isis. In countries where they are recruiting I doubt they can even watch Western films.
Role models help, but I don't think it's an excuse to start blanket recruiting Muslim actors.
>early scenes with him as a padawan with liam
>later scenes with him training anakin as he reminisces about those good old days
>the first moment when he learns about vader and even feels him through the force
>scenes of him watching over the growing luke skywalker
>fight with boba fett for some reason
seriously nigger, stop posting, you're fucking clueless and you shouldn't be allowed to voice your opinions.
>you call this a diplomatic solution?
>No, these are aggressive negotiations
you're as fucking stupid as he is
After Tatooine, Geonosis and Jakku you want MORE desert?
>Representation is important
Oh fuck off, no it's not
You only believe that because it's what the internet tells you
Nobody cared about this in the 70s/80s/00s and there was still decent "representation"
People like you will clap at Hollywood for movies like Get Out and Star Wars, despite them not doing anything new at all
Telling people they can only relate to characters of their own colour is itself racist
>you can never enjoy an iron man movie as much as a black panther one, because you're black
It's fucking backwards thinking
America is a white majority nation anyway. There's no obligation to cater towards minorities
It's only black people who care about this because they can't admit they're not actually from Africa, but are Americans just like the whiteys
Stop Shitposting on a Chinese Carpet eBay
>on a Chinese Carpet eBay
that meme was never funny
big if true!
I've heard the prequels described as silent movies, where the score itself should convey everything you need to know
It would be interesting to see how that could work, if someone was able to isolate the SFX from the dialogue. III would work the best since it has the simplest story
> Obi Wan being shot in Ireland, possibly...
My first though was "great, another article from about Mary Elizabeth Winstead's jilted ex-husband Riley Stearns being at it again !"
But it's just more Disney's Soy Wars™. What a fucking disappointment.
does it feature a stronk black womyn? if not than it is racist
They shoot in the UK because they don't have to pay as much in taxes, that's literally it
Whats the difference if the same people that wrote SW7 and 8 handle the script to Ryan or Lucas? We want Lucas writing. Not just directing.
You are right. but exactly backwards
Yeah but the whole point of Obi Wan between Episode 3 and 4 is that he's exiled on Tatooine. Surely filming anywhere that isn't the middle eastern sets they already had is a misstep
I don't care if it's good or bad, I just want George to make a new Star Wars movie so I can feel like the new universe is canon instead of being a bitter contrarian that hates star wars right when everyone else loves it.
Even after this fiasco they're still going ahead with Rian Johnson's trilogy?
It's "No, I call this aggressive negotiations!", which was a callback to an early scene in the film. Probably their most natural moment together, so fuck off.
Please be true
>he's amazing at story treatments and directing
The direction in the prequels was dull as fuck. Which part of the powerpoint screen wipes fooled you into thinking he was good?