Simpsons discussion

Simpsons discussion

(no Sneed)

What’s your fav episode?
Do you still watch?
When did it go bad? Has it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Steamed hams


>What's your fav episode?
Lemon of Troy

>Do you still watch?
I still rewatch golden age Simpsons

>When did it go bad?
Season 9


>making a cheese people thread outside of Sup Forums
That's a paddlin'.
>no Sneed
Oh, you better believe that's a paddlin'.

Stop impersonating me and go play in traffic.



>Simpsons golden age was epic
>Newer episodes are shit
>Everyone is flanderized
>Everything looks flat and bland
>Dark ending episodes are needed

This guy gets it


Homer at the Bat
Only old episodes
Decline was s9


Based Sneedbros. We need to stick together.

>What’s your fav episode?
Homer the heretic

>Do you still watch?
I'll watch classic episodes if they're on FXX

>When did it go bad? Has it?
Decline was in effect for a season or two but pic related is when I gave up on the show

I finally caught the Lady Gaga episode about a month ago. It was depressingly bad. Like it literally put me in a bad mood.

>Simpsons golden age was epic
>Newer episodes are shit
>Everyone is flanderized
>Everything looks flat and bland
>Dark ending episodes are sneeded

>fav episode

homie the clown. The first couple minutes are the funniest thing I've ever watched.

>still watch?

not really

>when did it go bad?

slow decline over a couple years but it truly became unwatchable when homer killed gandpa.

Just started the simpsons a week or 2 ago. On Season 5 now. Have only seen random episodes here and there before now. Amazing show. So many characters and locations. Really immersive and funny.

fuck off, redditor trash



We are a minority on Sup Forums. We must stay strong.

>What’s your fav episode?
It's either 22 short films or treehouse of horror v
>Do you still watch?
Nope, havent watched in over a decade.
>When did it go bad? Has it?
It started declining around season 10. By 13 or so it was completely unwatchable.



Do many good ones it's impossible to pick one favourite, sorry for disappointing you.

Yes if you mean overall, no if you mean new ones. I rewatch the first 15 seasons every couple of years.

It started noticably declining around season 9.

Steamed hams = reddit; sneed = Sup Forums


Favorite episode: Homer Vs Lisa and the 8th Commandment

Of course they air it most the week on FXX a bunch of episodes also own some DVDs

It went downhill around season 12 to me though 9 through 11 had their share of not so great episodes


The sneedposter is too powerful bros. Who among us can stand against him?

Whatever shit site that screencap is from I suggest you fuck off back there you tourist trash

kek I know this is a joke but the thought that some of the aspies on this board genuinely have that reaction to based sneedposting puts a huge smile on my face

Some men post for Bane
Others post for Porgs
The only thing I'm posting for
Is a meme that isn't forced

Sneed is best
Sneed is best
He makes Janny so depressed
Watch him clean up
When we team up
Though he still leaves cunny tweens up

See our meme, 'tis supreme!
Kind regards, the Sneed Post Team

Sneed's new business acquisition
Is our doctrine and our mission

Fill the page, watch Janny rage
But we'll never post our age

Cap of red upon Sneed's head
It shall rest

Stop by the Feed & Seed
And in the end concede

Sneed is best
Sneed is best
Sneed is best

Steamed ham posters
Try to roast us
But their reddit meme is hopeless
Sneed's a chad and Chuck's a soyboy with low-test

So set your Sneedposts loose
"Post rares and feel the (You)s!"

Sneed is best
Sneed is best
Oh please, you know Sneed is best!

Sneed really is the best!

I recently watched the episode where comic book guy dates the Japanese girl with all the anime shit going on and t was very cringe.

Stop watching after season 9, only watch an episode called behind the laughter after and then move on to a different show.

Damn, does it go downhill that soon? I was told 12 or 13. I know the recent episodes are terrible, but I was hoping to get farther than Season 9.

It doesn't go to shit immediately, but starts declining in quality gradually. I still watch seasons 10-13, maybe even 14-15. They're not nearly as good as the golden age, but they're not awful like the new ones either.

He looks just like that daddy howard guy in that picture, even the pose is the same as the lol-butthurt meme reaction pic

Behind the Laughter was a perfect send-off

I dont remember the episode name but it was a realy early season, (1-4?) and Bart just gets an F.

Not even meming here that just hit me hard, doing your best to try and lern something from a test yet fail it but now all you know is random tidbits that struck you the most but whernt on the test.

Fuck I dont even remember anyone getting points for remembering stupid historical tidbits if they preformed poorly on a test while I was still in school.

Frogot to mention a nu-simpsons episode that acualy made me feel for Lisa in what feels like a fucking long time. Just her with some new kid ( I honistly dont remember who) and the new kid going 'You just pick and nibble at small tidbits and never settle on just one thing, and before you know it? you will be left with nothing due to your indecisiveness'. Or some shit like that.

On one hand I do feel the guy was right but on another hand I never felt what was wrong taking little bits and pieces of things they like to build into who they are so long it is done moderately.

The chuckposter (coming soon)

Not so fast.

currently on s29e04. almost made it

>Fav episode
Idk; I used to really like 22 Short Stories About Springfield but I also really like Lemon of Troy and And Maggie Makes Three
>Do you still watch it?
Fuck no.
>When did it go bad?
There wasn't a specific cut of point for when the Simpsons went to shit. It wasn't like SpongeBob, where as soon as the creator left the show nosedived in quality. But if I had to say specifically, I'd say that season 10 marked the beginning of Nu-Simpsons and was noticeably less funnier than the previous seasons.

Season 2, Episode 1, I believe.

I'll keep that in mind. Mediocre Simpsons is still probably better than 95% of everything else. I've watched every fucking sitcom and comedy I can think of over the past year, so I'll stick with the Simpsons until it's too bad to bear anymore.

I don't think people bring this up often, but Lisa The Vegetarian is a bad episode. It feels like something that would be made now, in a weak attempt by the writers to promote Lisa as some radical progressive. I didn't like the way both Lisa and the entire town (who gang up on an 8 year old girl because she decides to be a vegetarian) were written and was a sour note on the rest of Season 7.

>What’s your fav episode?
Homer the Great

>Do you still watch?
I still try to but I rarely make it through an entire episode.

>When did it go bad?
Somewhere between season 10 and 15. "When You Dish Upon a Star" was the first really bad episode I remember by name.

>Has it?

At least it still had funny jokes like the the movie the class watches or "it's just a little airborn, it's still good, it's still good"

This just confirms Sneedposting is too patrician for the likes of the plebs that use Know Your Meme

Yeah I agree with that. Still had some classic, Golden Age Simpsons humour.


I don't get it

>What’s your fav episode?
>Do you still watch?
Yes, I still watch S11E05.
>When did it go bad?
>Has it?

Formerly Sneed

my fave has to be this

its sad simpsons has become a meme like sneed shit they actually had some heartfelt episodes

I really need to rewatch the early seasons. I just realized mostly remember the garbage episodes from s14 and onward at this point.

Deans Beans and Means



rate these chucks

Homer badman
For me it starts to go bad at season 9, but there are still good episodes until around season 12
I still watch golden age episodes

Even I don't know what that website is you beta normie loving fuck.

>What’s your fav episode?
Homie the Clown. Possibly the best episode of TV full stop.

>Do you still watch?

God no. Although I'm currently revisiting the mid-teen seasons on dvd. The first few episodes of S16 were actually were pretty good but then it went to total shit and never recovered. Just not funny. I'm now trying S15.

>When did it go bad? Has it?

S10 is wobbly, S11 is wobblier. But even S12 has some great episodes that I'd be sad to lose. It should have stopped somewhere in the early teens and I'm about to find out where.

>But even S12 has some great episodes that I'd be sad to lose
Which ones? I've had a look at an episode list for season 12 and nothing really stood out.



I’m glad most people in this thread seem to have correctly placed the start of the decline at season nine. Seasons 1-8 are pure unadulterated kino, whereas 9-11 were a rapid decline in quality (albeit with a few good episodes sprinkled in there). Everything after that is unwatchable

Think again, Chuck

>Which ones?

Skinner's Sense of Snow, HOMR, Trilogy of Error and Worst Episode Ever. There are funny moments scattered throughout the other episodes too. Overall I prefer it to S11 which had a couple of absolute howlers (Saddlesore Galactica followed by Maude dying.).

SNEED! Sneed!

>The Simpson Sneed Stobe Cancelled

Literally what did he mean by this?

>There are funny moments scattered throughout the other episodes too.
Well, that's already a significant improvement over present day Simpsons. There a episodes without a single decent joke.

How long until the Simpsons creative team get so desperate for view that they start referencing Steam Hams posting or, God forbid, SneedPosting?


Fuck off, you vindictive 90s born queer.



We must stick together.


But what if...

when is she coming back???

Ha, can't stop me now

where bart befriends skinners
I still watch
it's been bad since around 1997