A New Hope:
>go through trouble of bringing secret Death Star schematics to rebel base
>all they find is small exhaust port that could fit a torpedo
>"no fucking way can we hit dat!"
>Luke: "We can do it!"
>Han says "fuck you, you're all nuts, I'm outta here"
>epic attack run on Death Star
>most fighter craft destroyed
>they get off one torpedo shot and it misses
>Luke is the last one left
>targetting computer locking in...
>Obi Wan: "Use the Force, Luke"
>Rebel Base: "Luke, you've switched off your targetting computer, what's wrong?"
>Luke: "I got this!"
>Vader about to fire on Luke
>Han shows up out of fucking nowhere
>Luke takes the shot
>Han: "Great shot kid, that was one in a milion!"
After Rogue One:
>Han: "Great shot kid, but it really wasn't that impressive because some girls dad put some flaw into it or something. Porkins could have probably done it. See ya on Hoth
A New Hope:
Other urls found in this thread:
>Luke's achievements in ANH are meaningless
>Luke's achievements in RotJ are meaningless
>Han and Leia's relationship was meaningless
>Leia learning she was a Skywalker was meaningless
>Darth Vader's redemption was meaningless
The only person left in the OT with an actual character arc is Han Solo. At least there's no chance of that being taken away.
Oh wait
You know they explain the death star has a design flaw in the fucking movie, right?
This will always be the best star wars in the saga
Intentionally adding this exhaust was great way to show how Disney doesn't get Star Wars
>driving force behind OT conflict was technology vs nature
>Empire embodies technology with order, geometric white, gray and black designs
>Rebels are nature with less rigid hierarchy, cloth uniforms and organic looking ships
>Imperials had all the right not to worry about the little exhaust
>it was just too small to hit using normal means
>they underestimated the Force, energy of life
It completely removes the top tier pottery that was this scene
Return of the Jedi
>Luke, the underdog hero, defeats his father in single combat, leading to his father murdering the Sith Lord Emperor Palpatine, ending a 25 year fascist oppression of the former republic and bringing balance to the force
After Disney’s MaRey Sue Adventures
>lol luke fucked up RIGHT after that scene ended, Galaxy still at war, Luke’s achievements mean nothing, and he is actually a completely different, worthless character
But at least we got women and PoC action figures to rot on toy store shelves because no one wants to buy them
Not one that was intentional
but there's a difference between them fucking up accidentally and someone designing it that way on purpose
rogue one aka essential redditcore
>i think it might be the best since empire!
That doesn't make any sense though. How does learning the reason the small weakness exists undermine the difficulty in hitting the extremely small and specific weak spot?
OP is literal retard, on top of being the standard faggot.
The flaw Gayland Orso put into the death star was having the core not be fully isolated. He couldn't make it incredibly obvious, so it was still an incredibly difficult thing the rebels had to do
Gayland, a great character, had to live YEARS with people he hated while they were building his death machine. Every day just wishing on a stardust that things were different.
Little did he know that with a little help from the force, the rebels got the plans to know about the core's weak spot and also had a skilled pilot who could do the impossible that drove Gaylando mad all those years while he pined for a better life.
Luke gave Janessa Orso's life meaning. The two films, both of which stand on their own, compliment each other perfectly.
>I clapped when I saw Darth Vader
>I clapped when they fixed that '''''''''''''plot hole'''''''''''''
Everyone who knew it was intentional died and the fact it was intentional or not has no difference in the skill of hitting it.
I don't like most of nuwars but this is pretty reaching cmon
because it feels shitty as fuck to know Luke couldn't have done what he did without some gay dad scientist
>it removes the pottery of this scene because it was intentionally put there not unintentionally
It really doesn't. You're greatly exaggerating how much rogue one's story changed anything. Whether the empire knew of the flaw, didn't care about it, or it was put there on purpose they all still serve the same purpose. Star Wars isn't that deep.
How does the flaw being intentional make it in any way easier to execute you fucking mongrel? Also, I'm pretty sure that old EU had the exact same explanation of why you could blow up a moon-sized spacecraft by bombing a hole.
He also could not have done it without rebels providing him with an X-wing. Wow, that totally undermines his character. I bet you also complain about Rey being Mary Sue, you colossal faglord.
It's almost like the greedy Jews were happy to destroy the series for a quick buck haha
The mistake being caused by Imperial hubris and being caused by a Rebel traitor on the inside are two completely different scenarios.
>I bet you also complain about Rey being Mary Sue, you colossal faglord.
Why didn't you open with this so I could stop reading
You have it backwards user. OP is obviously from Reddit since he's shitting on Rogue One with a retarded thread thread that makes no sense.
if it was an accidental flaw then luke couldn't have done it without Whogivesafuck the braindead stormtrooper engineer who put it there anyway
>muh mary stu luke the god hero
You sound like a faggot.
>Whether the empire knew of the flaw, didn't care about it, or it was put there on purpose they all still serve the same purpose.
No it absolutely does not. Of course having the Death Star be intentionally designed to be destroyed takes away from everyone who had a part in destroying it.
Also why the fuck would Mads put in a flaw that only space-wizardry could exploit? It was fine the way it was but The Mouse couldn't resist an opportunity to destroy the OT character's legacies a little more.
By putting this flaw there, the guy assumed that it'd be possible exploit.
This really undermines ANH ending because it implies it's something that could be done by mundane means, without Force coming into play.
Without it, Luke doing the impossible sends a strong message to the Empire, that jedi are coming back and that their military powers is indeed nothing compared to power of the Force.
Old EU book had an engineer working on Death Star construction. She noticed the exhaust port and wanted to have it covered but ultimately ditched the idea because too much paperwork and she didn't see it as legitimate threat anyways.
Not sure if you are actually this retarded or just posting for keks.
Han literally saves Luke's life during the attack so not sure where you got that he was a Mary Stu. You sound like a dumb bitch.
You sound like an absolute fucking manchild.
I'll say it again for you; Star Wars isn't that deep. The plot involving the death star(s) - least of all.
Not really? How on Earth does the fact that the flaw was intentional undo the fact that they kept missing the hole in ANH? Whether it was designed in or not they still couldn't hit it easily, you see that on screen.
>Luke doing the impossible
Except he was bullseyeing targets of the same size back home before he even knew the force existed?
>. Of course having the Death Star be intentionally designed to be destroyed takes away from everyone who had a part in destroying it.
Ok, you have convinced me..that you are actually retarded.
And Luke wouldn't exist without some shitty ass dirt farmer to raise his ass, this was established in the original movie. You're being retarded as fuck.
>Luke doing the impossible sends a strong message to the Empire, that jedi are coming back and that their military powers is indeed nothing compared to power of the Force.
The Empire didn't know who Luke was at all and there is absolutely no implication in the films that they ever feared him or the threat of the jedi returning. The only reason Luke is pursued at all is because of his father and the emperor.
Also, Luke almost did do it without the force, and he did it with the most basic level of training in 1 scene in the film so really even someone with the faintest bit of force sensitivity could have done it given the chance.
>hitting a rat in civilian speeder
>hitting an exhaust port in massive space station while evading enemy turrets and fighters
not the same and we don't down the range he was shooting rats from but reactor exhaust was pretty far away.
And also we can't rule out that he was bullshitting so that they let him pilot.
How would Sup Forums handle the first Death Star?
Me? I'd attach a hyperdrive to one of them pyramids on Yavin 4 and shoot it at the Death Star.
>no implication
Vader himself remarks on sensing Force presence from Luke when he makes the shot.
Its just some dumb redditor starting shit. Nobody is that dymb Im saging this shit into the ground
>Also why the fuck would Mads put in a flaw that only space-wizardry could exploit?
Because he was under the watchful eye of a bunch of Imperials in a really high-stakes position and if he were going to put in a flaw, really needed to make it subtle?
The amount of shilling itt is fucking disgusting.
>all these retards arguing about the significance of exhaust port designs in a movie about knights and cowboys in space
Fucking kys.
The whole idea of a death star is retarded. Why would you EVER want to actually destroy a planet? What's the purpose of a military empire if not to rule over populations and use their resources? What fucking purpose does it serve to go around blowing up entire planets? The empire were fucking idiots in the first place.
This fucking hurts to read.
andhis only concern was turning luke to the dark side so he could have him by his side to rule the galaxy instead of being a servant to sheev.
>arguing about the significance of exhaust port designs in a movie about knights and cowboys in space
This will never be a valid argument
>because it implies it's something that could be done by mundane means, without Force coming into play.
It implies that, but we see in ANH that mundane means are insufficient to hit the port. That happens on screen. Mads's character failed in that aspect and is lucky a future Jedi who could actually make the shot happened to be on the Rebellion's team that day.
>This will never be a valid argument
This is what manchildren babbies actually believe.
>says Star Wars is stupid
>Can't even comprehend most simple things
Empire intended to fire Death Star 2, maybe 10 times ever.
First they destroyed Alderaan, a rich and peaceful world, known for harboring dissidents.
>Tarkin stated to Leia that they needed to destroy something that won't go unnoticed
Then they'd destroy rebel base, crushing the resistance for good
Then they'd just rule through sole threat of using Death Star.
It's similar to mutually assured destruction but one sided.
>during the meeting in ANH they clearly refer to Death Star as tool of terror
Until talking with Sheev in ESB, Vader wasn't even aware that Luke was his son. That's 3 years of following just a random pilot strong with the Force.
It's just part of discrediting every single thing done in the OT to make their original characters seem better, without having to put effort into developing them.
It's the easiest way of continuing a franchise, since 99% of the audience are powerlevel-fags who can't differentiate between real life and fiction
Sodomy never sounded like so much.
>are two completely different scenarios
And completely the same in regard to ANH events.
I haven't even watched TFA/TLJ. My point is, you complain about Rey being Mary Sue but want Luke to be omnipotent because you are a faggot.
>you complain about Rey being Mary Sue but want Luke to be omnipotent because you are a faggot.
Maybe it's because Luke has had 30 years of Jedi experience while Rey is a brand new character?
>completely the same in regard to ANH events.
This is just ridiculous, just because the end result is the same doesn't mean the story remains the same.
>you weren't on any mercy mission princess
>this ship received transmissions by several rebel spies I want to know where they've hidden those plans
>my lord what are you talking about
>you literally saw them hand the plans off in the form of a data disk
>you know this is the ship and the princess is guilty
>my lord did you take your medication today
>Leia learning she was a Skywalker was meaningless
good, it was a stupid reveal. Fuck you for defending this.
It was basically the space Titanic.
>The flaw Gayland Orso put into the death star was having the core not be fully isolated
Oh. Then why didn't they just say so? Everyone thinks it's the exhaust port.
>Rogue One
it's all garbage
>pretending rogue one is good because it's "serious"
The fuck is wrong with you film embryos?
>Leia learning she was a Skywalker is meaningless
How do? She still stayed as royalty and was able to become a General and fight back.
>>Luke's achievements in ANH are meaningless
>>Luke's achievements in RotJ are meaningless
>>Han and Leia's relationship was meaningless
>>Leia learning she was a Skywalker was meaningless
>>Darth Vader's redemption was meaningless
Whatever happened with that pin thing anyway? Is anyone still doing it?
Seriously pointless. Had some cool designs though
rogue one is one of the worst commercial blockbusters to ever be released
She was already royalty and a general before she knew.
But she never helped Luke rebuilding the Jedi Order like it was implied at the end of Return, she didn't do much of anything at all.
Not even disagreeing, it was obviously added in for a shitty twist, but you can't just introduce shit like that then throw it away next movie
Or maybe you're just the kind of person who doesn't look at anything with some sort of value and want to be entertained and turn your brain off, granted if you were trying to use it in the first place.
Star Wars can be looked upon as deep. It might not have been intended to be deep but as the series has progressed on, people have found many things it speaks upon. More than just the good vs evil Lucas was trying to show.
The exhaust port tubing going all the way to the power core was gaylandoso gif
Why the fuck was every single plan in this retarded movie so dumb and contradictory?
>rebels have the opportunity to kill one of the empire's leading generals but instead abort a useless mission about killing the dad
>having a ground firefight as a distraction for the empire when just being disguised as imperial personal was working just fine
>dad sending message saying that he found a weakness instead of just sending the weakness
>empire killing the death star scientists as if they are not one of the most important people to the project
>ANH clearly said the plans were beamed to Leia but RO has the rebels run around with a floppy disk
Did nobody bother to proofread this script?
>This is just ridiculous, just because the end result is the same doesn't mean the story remains the same.
Right, but why are people so fixated on their headcanon? The origin of Death Star weakness influences nothing in OT or anywhere. It doesn't matter at all outside of R1 events. That's like getting mad because you've thought that wheels don't exist in Star Wars and then George showed wheeled vehicles in prequels. Seriously, that was a major complaint back then, because you can't have wheels in Star Wars! This completely breaks the integrity of the universe!
>Maybe it's because Luke has had 30 years of Jedi experience while Rey is a brand new character?
We aren't even talking about the same thing
>Tear this ship apart until you've found those plans and bring me the passengers, I want them alive!
>I would do it myself because apparently I'm the equivalent of a ground trooper sent in to wipe up cannon fodder but I'm kinda tired because I just did a whole bunch of force shit a few minutes ago