For the love of god please avoid this piece of shit! This makes Nu-PPG look like Animaniacs it's that bad so for the...

For the love of god please avoid this piece of shit! This makes Nu-PPG look like Animaniacs it's that bad so for the love of god please avoid this piece of shit!

Thank you, if you do so Disney will learn it's lesion and never butcher TMS' babies again, so in short, FUCK YOU PAUL RUDISH! FUCK YOU TO HELL!

Other urls found in this thread:!93pREBJA!zTnTDn7uUAfNmhCSZJ3nYQ

For the love of god please avoid this thread
OP is a faggot

more like cuck-tales.

1. Sup Forums cannot influence Disney, you are delusional.
2. HOW have you watched it? Do you have a time machine?

what does paul ruddish have to do with this at all?


The Ducktales reboot actually improved on some characters. The PPG reboot did the opposite of that.

I have already seen it..
He took over for Lasseter and he already sold off Disney's Ghibli library to G-Kids.
Never and if your show airs at 12:00AM Kids are never going to know about it until they get much older and see the show's info on the internet.
>All the male characters are idiots.
>Only the women have any IQ and Webby is the only smart one.
>All of the characters are just tropes and stale over used tropes at that.
No, far from it.

I liked it.

No, you're the faggot.

>Webby is the only smart one.
Webby seemed like a super dense spaz, not particularly clever beyond her fangirl knowledge of Scrooge McDuck adventures.

You have never seen the original or you're delusional.

Seek help.

And they call that smart.

Please avoid this, make Disney pay for not letting TMS do this with VERY LITTLE American involvement other then funding.

What does Paul Rudish have to do with the new ducktales? The showrunners are Matt Youngberg and Francisco Angones

Rudish took over for Lasseter.

Still, Fuck Youngberg & Angones, we want Toshihiko Masuda & Kenji Hachizaki back.

Although I said "some characters", how the hell is Scrooge an idiot?

I grew up with the original. I never expected this to be the original I'm giving it a chance on its own merit. Story was okay, jokes were decent and Donald was utilized well. It could have been way, way worse.

In this he just is.

Forgive moi, moi assumed it hasn't aired yet.

>Rudish took over for Lasseter

What a trashy thread. We need another Ducktales thread that isn't OP shitting his pants from the very start.

Moi is not animating this as they're reserved on DC DTV movies, this is being animated by Snipple & Toon City.

No, this is a holy thread.

>I don't have a valid response

Doesn't surprise me one bit.

>never butcher TMS' babies again

Oh, it's this faggot.

Maybe you're just a giant faggot

I remember watching the old show as a kid. Was this the same? No, but I didn't expect it to be. Think anyone that hates this already is autistic or needs to take off their nostalgia glasses. It just aired 1 episode. You can't fudge it off that.

Webby being terrible at anything related to being a normal kid, not having a burger before or lieing, that's sheltered and not a mary sue. who cares if she can fight.

Neither of those mention Rudish and only the toy story one mentions Lasseter


A few noticable problems off the bat:
>the triplets are annoying as fuck. Probably the worst incarnation of HDL since Quack Pack. Always yelling, never listening to anyone, and shown to be grossly incompetent. I was cheering for Dewey to die in that scene where Donald has to keep saving his skin.
>Webby is similarly bad, instead this time she's OVERLY competent (except in social situations for some reason because women "comedy" XD) Basically Mabel 2.0 except with Wendy's physical skills, making the ultimate bland female character
>Donald's voice sounds super off and can make his scenes hard to sit through (and this us coming from a guy who loves classic Donald shorts)
>pacing is really fucking bad. They're trying to jam in too much content into 22 minutes. It just feels bloated and the opposite of a good adventure.
>animation quality is subpar. Character design is really bad in everyone except Scrooge, Donald and Launchpad. Fell for the 'silhouettes" meme and made characters like Glomgold fat for no reason. Ugly ass angular designs that spit in the face of Barks' work.
>terrible soundtrack. Please try humming a memorable tune that isn't the butchured theme song
>going with a hacky adventure setting like Atlantis for your first episode wasn't a good idea

Of course people will defend it in the name of "fun" but these people are retards who defend Rick and Morty season 3.

No, thats what normies think.
This is not the time or place.

Did you just post a second thread and then post the same thing in this one?

I see the shitposting is in full swing, right down to the idiot copying the same shit from another thread and will post in the next.

Thank you.


Might we solve a mystery?




Are you being retarded?

never seen the original before but I liked it. It didn't really live up to what it could be, but it didn't really disappoint either. I thought it was a little clever in places. The pacing was kind of rough, but I'm willing to put that on "needing to set the stage" and hope for some improvements. It wasn't fantastic, but it was good enough that I'm willing to give it another few episodes.
Is it just me though, or are all cartoons these days really poorly paced? Every show feels like it's trying to fit as much of itself as it can in as little time as possible instead of valuing a good beat to let things set for a while.

fuck off famicom

>All the men are idiots

Gee I wonder why...

If it's so bad, give me a download link so I can watch it and agree with you

Every person, deep inside, has at least some desire to be a part of the "master race" (until the person in question grows the fuck up). Men, women, white, black, brown, yellow, blue, East, West............ doesn't fucking matter.

TL;DR Women can be supremacist as well as anyone.!93pREBJA!zTnTDn7uUAfNmhCSZJ3nYQ

>shitting on some of the greatest animators of all time
That image enrages me.

Slow down timbox

Does it enrage you more to know she has a pilot in production right now at Disney even after saying that?

so, considering that they mentioned Cape Suzette and we've got Darkwing in the future, does that mean we're getting a saturday morning disney cartoon shared universe?

Fuck you, I liked it.

i totally liked.

That would not surprise me, after all it's 2017.

Was kind of obvious from the previous wasn't it? Why are people surprised it is bad?

One day, you will learn to spell "previews".

>Sup Forums cannot influence Disney, you are delusional.
Sup Forums managed the rise of gwenpool and destroyed sjw comic sales
We have the high ground!

lol I totally messed that up didn't I.

>low standards that like most anything given to them
I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't any current cartoon you don't like.

Fuck off, it was great.

Everything he said was a straight up lie

t.channer who cant comprehend people having different tastes.probably still cry about World Peace cancellation

You're a pleb, the reboot is great.

>muuh TMS

Face it fag, they were too busy making Lupin III OVAs to give a fuck about collaborating with Disney.

>Not realizing OP is a Disney marketer using reverse psychology to encourage people to watch it.

>implying anyone cares

Was boring. Can't be angry because I didn't watch the original. Just seems like another subpar cartoon. It's not offensively bad, OP is overreacting. If you dislike it it's completely understandable but it's not as bad as nuPPG. It's at the same level of TTG(then again people exaggerate how bad that is too).

Sjw comics destroted sjw comic sales.
We could have gotton some disney stuff banned in china had we commited though


That's a great idea, OP, we should reboot Animaniacs!


>TMSfag is seriously still alive

How many years at this point?

>Thinking what is possibly one of the best new remakes is bad

You really must be like 16. Didn't grow up watching the old one didn't you?

This is fucking AMAZING!

They mentioned cities from ALL the major disney afternoon shows, for god sake! Saint Canard! Spoonerville! CAPE SUZETTE!

Webby's chart had reference to F.O.W.L. on it!

All the old shows are coming back! The boys have their own individual personalities! Webby is actually barable rather then utterly, deeply annoying every second she was on screen!

Launchpad is hilarious! Beakley is AWESOME! Scrooge and Donald's rivalry is flawlessly done. Flintheart is an asshole!

So many little things. From the lamp from the movie to the big stone coin from the original opening 5-episode Ducktales.

These episodes were nostalgia on crack, and only liable to start a new era of Disney toons. So fuck you and your opinion! I AM ENJOYING THIS!!

spotted the disney cuck

Fuck off, TMS Fag.

I love how random fucks think just because I actually enjoy something I am a cuck or a shill. its like no one is allowed to have positive opinions anymore. You fucking 12 year olds. Go back to bed and play with your toys.

>Face it fag, they were too busy making Lupin III OVAs to give a fuck about collaborating with Disney.

Then how to do you explain the Lupin III cameo in nuDuckTales?

I play with your mom every night disney fag

I guess so, his mom does teach night classes for the mentally retarded.

Thats weird that psycho has been dead for you fuck dead people?

In life, there are two types of people. Those who can tolerate low budget, cheap animation with 'College Humor'-level voice acting, and those who can't. I didn't really enjoy this, so I guess I fall into the latter category.

Jesus, that can't be real, can it?

The new DuckTales is pretty awful, but it's a lot better than Nu-PPG. C'mon now.


This proves you guys will not be satisfied about anything. Fuck you guys. We will never have good threads again. Have some fun and lighten up a bit, not every show needs to be perfect. I thought it was fucking awesome, sure it was paced a bit weird but that's it. Everything else is just whining it's not like their childhood or exactly the way they wanted it.

Sure. Whatever. Yeah. It's legit.

>This proves you guys will not be satisfied about anything

Make these fuckers produce something that doesn't look like it was animated by Hanna-Barbera's corpse's first.

What are NFO files and SRT subtitles?

Just an info file and a subtitle file.

NFO files are a way for the people who distribute this pirated content to brag.

SRT subtitles are for media players that for some reason don't support the built-in subtitle tracks.

Kemono Friends proves that story >>>>> animation.
Japan with all its anime studios and the rest of the world agrees. Don't ever bother anyone ever again.

In the case of western cartoons, the animation is fine and top-notch anyway.

It's decent by today's standards. The triplets and Webbyare kind of annoying at times, but I am okey with that.
I am kind of excited they finally mention and show Donald's sister.

>Donald's sister
wait? did they?

Do I need them for VLC?

kind of

seems she was their pilot before Launchpad

Don't forget Alex Hirsch's ultra classy girlfriend Dana Terrace who cannot be fired soon enough for her appalling lack of respect for Disney's history, as seen here

>It's decent by today's standards

Yeah, but UPA cartoons are decent by today's standards.

okey, you got my attention.
I will watch this cashgrab once she appears in the show.

>UPA cartoons
That's what Disney (and hell, even WB in recent years with The Looney Toons Show) is hearkening back to with stuff like the new Mickey Mouse shorts and DuckBoot. And the general public eats it up because it looks like "muh classic animation".


This tbqhwy senpai