Okay, Sup Forums how did she get her panda powers?

Okay, Sup Forums how did she get her panda powers?

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Radioactive pandawhore bite

She got bitten by radioactive panda.

Bit by a radioactive whore

The power of the Panda Miraculous allows her to.... not fuck? eat bamboo? idk what pandas do lol

She flew too close to a sun and was exposed to PANDA RADIATION


Why did they make a new villainess but not use her anymore?

I always pictured her as a shittier version of Poison Ivy.


If they keep on this up, I going to expect they going to make "Evil furry gals force".

Well Spider-Man did beat her while almost nude.


the sinister 6 is already filled with people with fetishes, this isn't new at all

Did she ever show up again after her first appearance in ASM?

I think she's appeared twice? Can't remember for the life of me where her second appearance was though. There was absolutly no point in me replying to you when I have no information, huh. Too late to stop posting now!

so she can't reproduce right?

That was the joke

It was that dumb back up story where Peter was trying to return a lost phone.

Why she call herself moth?

Her power is to control fabric. That entire issues Peter's naked because she melts his costume.


She can lift a car. Does she have proportional Panda powers?

radioactive pan--


It'd fit right in. The spider-totem shit from way back revolved around explaining why Spider-man gets nothing but animal villeins attacking him.

But then there's pic related that you replied to who's themed after electricity and the Shocker who's a pineapple

No. Pandas can't lift cars.

Panda'd by a radioactive whore?

Fell into a panda hot spring?

Is the grandchild a an incredibly fecund panda grandpa?

>Not Pandamonium

She had one job.

fell into a vat of radioactive pandas
its the SAME shit i said when she first showed up like 6 years ago

A panda crashed into her window and gave her the inspiration

So this is a whore being bitten by a radioactive panda.

This would be a panda who was bitten by a radioactive whore.

Very different backgrounds really.

Gypsy Moth is actually from the 80's if not 70's isn't she?

Hippo is a girl too right?

Magical Panda Backpack that transforms her into Panda Girl. Multiplies her physical strength and durability the more the odds are stacked against her. Since Pandas are basically the underdog of the animal kingdom and basically doomed for extinction... and goth ppl are like... underdogs from society? I'm no writer.