A tale of two directors.
A tale of two directors
oh dear, his hair is so bad. At least get him a wig...
I don't remember the suit looking that blue in man of steel
Why couldn't they pay him more to get a fake mustache for the other movie?
Why couldn't they delay the filming for JL?
Why did the Superman actor think another movie was more important than JL?
It didn't, that's a deleted scene from Justice League.
>Why couldn't they delay the filming for JL?
Tsujihara wanted his bonus pay ASAP as he knew his days are numbered.
But neither of these 2 pics would be snyder version, left one is too colorful for him and right one is clearly whedon
movie director vs tv director
Oh fuck, are you telling me this is another BvS situation?
You mean another Suicide Squad situation, where WB reshot and re-edited an already finished movie
>left one is too colorful for him
BvS was a godsend compared to this. Atleast we got a Director's Cut from BvS.
I don't get it... how much of the movie did Snyder film? Did they remake the whole thing? Does the final movie have scenes made separately by both directors?
what did WB mean by this?
*ruins ur whole franchise*
Why couldn't he just get a fake mustache for the other movie?
Why couldn't they have Superman with a mustache in JL?
Snyder almost finished it I believe but his daughter an hero so he bailed.
nobody gave a shit and just wanted to get it over with and get paid and go home to their families
So it went like this
Snyder makes a three hour kino cut
Suits hate it for not having quips and ending on Superman going ballistic
Then Geoff Fag Johns hires Whedon to replace Snyder and they have Whedon reshoot Snyder's scenes with quips awkwardly inserted
Entire storylines are dropped and what we get is basically a generic Avengers rip-off.
because MI6 > JUST League
WB offered to pay for the cgi moustache in Mission Impossible but paramount said no.
Why they didnt have superman with a moustache and fake beard for at least some scenes i do not know
Damn. I'm not really into these movies but that sounds like terrible news. Is there a way to get Snyder's version? (or will there ever be a way to see it?)
If nobody gave a shit why even bother reshooting it for 100 million? This shit makes no sense to me. Why are you putting so much effort into doing something half-assed? It's paradoxical behavior.
Snyder completed principal photography and was in post-production when WB decided to fire him and bring in Joss Whedon to rewrite and reshoot the movie to inject Marvel style "humour" and "lightness" to secure a critical and financial success.
Let's get a comic-book hack with no film credentials to head DC Films studios.
they didn't have a completed movie and what they had so far was testing horribly with their focus groups. all reshoots are expensive, so more money doesn't mean more effort with reshoots
having a character say something different in one scene could cost millions
>Snyder almost finished it I believe but his daughter an hero so he bailed.
No, he absolutely got fired. WB just used his daughters suicide as a cover so they wouldn't have a complete PR disaster on their hands. It's pretty clear now that everything WB said about Whedon completing Snyder's vision and the reshoots being limited in scope was complete bullshit.
They offered to pay for the CGI mustache on Mission Impossible, Paramount refused.
This sucks. WB should have let Snyder finish his vision and then let him go at the end. Fuck the (((focus groups))). People know what Snyder’s movies were like, especially since BvS. This would have been a nice bookend to Snyder’s trilogy, but they screwed the pooch
>It wasn't the guy who made 2 other shitty movies
>it was whedon!
Snyder version is most likely never happening in complete form. At best we get random deleted scenes leaked. Like this beauty
Funny when you read the comments, all the negative shit the media says about Snyder yet the fans seemed to have wanted his version.
No chance whatsoever, other than maybe 15 extra minutes when the bluray is out (next month).
>cgi mustache
Cgi a mustache when facial appliaces look perfectlt real.
Computers were a mistake.
>It wasn't the guy who made 2 other shitty movies
But everyone here is already blaming Whedon?
In time, they will remove your mustache, in time they will reshoot your best scenes
That tv lighting on the right is the most offensive part
WTF I love hack Snyder now!
Go back to your manchildren board
Everybody does, marlel has never made a movie as good as Watchmen or 300.
Don't be mad little Whedon fag.You've already ruined two cinematic universes now. It's an impressive track record for any director.
he was Richard Donner's assistant or something
hey, it worked for Feige when he was working for the Arads
wtf whedon is a hack
>exit stage out of vagina door openings
>symbolism has to be deep
Talk about pretentious
justice league zack snyder cut deleted knightmare scene with darkside
why is he a grapefruit?
He looks like absolute shit as Superman now. Looks fine in every other flick like Mission Impossible.
or maybe just give Superman a beard and have the kryptionian ship put him in a "funereal" suit/black suit.
he got fashionadvice from thanos
why the fuck did whedon literally refilm every scene
At the end of the day, what WB is going to see is that Man of Steel, Wonder Woman, Suicide Squad, and Batman V Superman to a certain extent all made a lot of money. Justice League might not even have broke even depending on how much went to marketing. They absolutely made the wrong call and they're either going to backtrack or scrap the whole universe after Shazam.
>the final boss of the DCEU
JL was already done filming, and everyone went their ways. Cavill let the beard grow to make another movie because JL shootings should already be done, but then Whedon happened and demanded reshoots, either voluntarily or by Warner's orders (there are rumors Zack was actually fired and his departure wasn't related to his daughter at all, still he got pulled out during post-production). No way would Paramount let Warner fuck their movie just because execs wanted to reshoot something that should already be over and just getting marketed untill release. They just lend Cavill to them (and they were still being generous for that), however without any "collateral damages". Some directors are really meticulous about this stuff, like facial hair. Either they'd use fake facial hair (which would look inconsistent with Cavill's natural stache) or a CGI facial hair (which probably would look and cost as bad as the CGI in JL).
Not only that, the controversy gave the new MI movie a big boost of relevancy, and will probably make more money than Rogue Nation. Joke's on Warner.
Snyder pissed on the rushes
There was a time above, a time before.
even the official featurettes for the blu ray are showing synder directed scenes that arent even in the flick
WB have completely lost the plot
Hell, the only reason JL is considered a flop is because WB stupidly spent so much on reshoots.
Snyder's Steppenwolf design
>even the official featurettes for the blu ray are showing synder directed scenes that arent even in the flick
It's like they can't even keep track anymore of what they've done to their own film. There was even artwork in the background of Superman concept work in a black suit.
fucking WB
Whedon's Steppenwolf design
They would've made money on JL aswell had they not spent an additional 100m on reshoots. And the movie would've done better at the BO aswell since it would've atleast been marketed like a proper film instead of "hey please watch this not-Avengers folks!"
>oscarlets still SEETHING this hard
Damn what a pathetic existence
Who leaked this?
too much test
The art of justice league I guess. And there is a leaked CGI test footage who confirm this
Chad snyder vs virgin wheadon
It was in the art book either way
Steppenwolf design change was before Whedon and most likely demanded by WB
Also explains why he looks like shit. They changed him midway and had to restart all CG on him...
the design in the book was what we got in BvS and it looks badass fuck this angers me so much
I agree. Nigger actually looks menacing.
Ciarán Hinds who did his voice himself the movie he saw isn’t the one he made. They must have deleted a bunch of scenes with him
Fuck whedon. Fuck Snyder. Fuck capeshit. Fuck you.
>be Joss Whedon
>get paid millions to direct JL
>spend that time to retweet shit that shits on the film
So this guy wasn't even giving a fuck but just sabotaging the film outright? How is he not blacklisted from WB?
go back to marvel comedy universe faggot
apparently there is a second battle with superman completely cut out
he wanted so hard to direct his shitty Batgirl movie that's the reason they call him.
I don't like marvel.
The only reason he wants to direct Batgirl is so he can fuck every impressionable 18 year old girl during casting. He's even said he's not interested in hiring anyone famous. Meaning it's up to whoever sucks the meanest dick.
Where did you get this?
desu the worst thing about this whole mess is how Zacks name is still tied to this movie when it’s not even his anymore.
>snydercucks blamin Whedon for trying to make hack's version watchable
We all know that Whedon is a terrible director, but it's not a his fault that WB let Snyder ruin THREE DC movies and DCEU in general.
i worked on zack snyder cut
It was so absurd to me when they tried to make Superman likeable in this film so they have him quip nonchalantly about death and pain. It just cemented my belief that Whedon is a massive manchild autism who was zero clue what makes a person human.
I mean it was going to be terrible either way but st least he could have said it was his terrible baby and not a by product of rape that he’s stuck with.
We heard you the first time MCUck. You're sounding like a broken record now, an early sign of madness making its marks. Get some fresh air. Maybe call some friends.
Whedon is not a real director. He's a television director. Every movie he's every directed looks like life time original movie. He's terrible. One of the least interesting directors who somehow wormed his way into popculture. Half the anons in this thread could make a better film than he could. Fuck any filmembryos who would defend him.
He was producing the movies so he's set for life. The rest of the DCEU were absolute financial hits and he was fired from the only flop, so the only thing he got was a severance package (more money). He can see all the WB execs who fucked his movie getting fired after AT&T comes around
but Malekith got BTFO by fucking Mama Thor
at least Steppenwolf pushed most of the Amazons shits in
So will Warner Brothers
See their movies were more financially successful when they followed their own vision and stop trying to ape Marvel
Cut their losses and end the DCEU with Flashpoint and write it off as a failed experiment
Double down on what they're doing, either keep interfering with renowned directors or only hire spineless literally whos, and keep trying to copy the Marvel formula
Place yer bets
This. Zack even said he hasnt watched JL yet.
I feel bad for him desu, none of this is his fault but this whole clusterfuck is what hes gonna be remembered for.
your screencap shows that he liked it, not retweeted it. There's a big difference. Only people who are autistic enough to go through someone's liked list on twitter would see that.
desu I feel like DC Films are going to improve now with Geoff Johns finally out of the picture. They probably won't touch Wan's film after the shit storm of JL.