What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>I need...
>I need...
I never understood why so many anons post this stuff. Yes, people would rather be involved with people they're attracted to than people they're not attracted to. Do you also get upset when people order something tasty and healthy in a restaurant instead of a plate of poop? Do you 'bate to really nasty girls out of principle?
You don't get it because you're female. And females refuse to acknowledge that men who aren't attractive (i.e.: not Chad) are literally invisible to them, except when they want to exploit them for money/favors.
>everyone is attracted to the same type
get real
So you are blaming them for not being attracted to unattractive men?
Not "everyone". Just women.
No, I'm blaming them for double standards. They act like men who are unkind to unattractive/fat women are literal war criminals who need to "change their attitude" and worship unattractive/fat women simply for existing. Meanwhile, if an unattractive man even dares to attempt to assert himself, he's either labeled as "creepy" or a "tryhard". Nobody ever says that about the fat girl with the unibrow who stands up for herself.
Have you considered those might be different people doing those things?
>many women generalize all men based off of the actions of "different people": yaaaaas queeeeeeeen slaaaaaaaay
>many men generalize all women based off of the actions of "different people": OK UM ACTUALLY NOT ALL WOMEN
>all women are attracted to the same type
get real.
on the off chance you really believe this I am so sad for you because it quite simply isn't true.
how long will her mental breakdown last?!?!?!
But it is true. Otherwise there'd be other bodytypes/men that women would be attracted to besides
>Chad Hemsworth
>Chad Pratt
>Chad Boemer
>Chad Pitt
>Chad DiCaprio
>Chad Fassbender
>Chad Cavill
>DiCaprio has the same body type as Hemsworth
Confirmed retard.
I didn't say that. What I was saying is that women only have about 2-3 "default guy types" they're interested in, and all of them are Chad.
Meanwhile, I'm an evil sexist war criminal nazi hatemonger bigot fascist if I unironically believe something like pic related even though it perfectly conforms with your "haha well maybe women just treat you like shit cuz you're unattractive/out of shape so I guess its kinda justified, soz love, xox" nu-logic.
Those guys look and act pretty different from each other. Also some of the most popular guys among girls are types such as Hiddleston, Styles, and Cumberbatch.
It seems like your entire view of women comes from Sup Forums.
There's plenty of fat guys with a gf, by the way.
Nobody tells you to want to fuck extremely obese women aside from a handful of delusional internet posts. You think IRL girls like that don't get made fun of by other girls? It's more that that comic is particularly mean spirited, even if it's true. Perhaps an odd comparison, but if you call some kid with downs a retard you're not wrong, but you're still a jerk.
You could even argue that the whole "gender only likes one type of other gender" is much more true for men who only like big boobed blonde bimbos, but that would also be stupid.
>It seems like your entire view of women comes from Sup Forums.
nah I used to work alongside them and I've actually had gfs in the past. Most american women my age only lust after
>Chad Hemsworth
>Chad Caville
>Chad Boemer
because CHAD is not you, statistically
80% of women only want 20% of men. People are finding out about this now objectively instead of going through life with blinders on saying
>haha yeah I'm a great guy I'll find someone!!
when you find out the truth is that yeah maybe you're a well above average guy, but maybe you're only top 79% material. 80% of all women will look over you without a second thought and there's nothing you can do about it
yes they are, it's science
>- Unlike I thought, 240 of the 300 girls actually had sex through tinder! Only less than 50 of the 300 men, which is remarkable.
those same 50 guys are fucking all 240 of the women
based jenna
Dude... Women like chads, ok. Either you change your habits and become one, or just give up and go where the virgin dies, on r9k.
But unless you're deformed from birth and cant do shit to change it, not getting your dick sucked is on you.
Instead of reading those shitty mgtow graphs, go do some dead lift and crunches..
Haha feels good to be gay
They are OK Cupid graphs, and I am lifting because of them. I have a GF and I plan to keep it that way. Have to fight for my top 20% spot or else I'll lose it.
Chads are born, not made.
In this case, my bad.
I was born a stick insect. I became chadish. Its possible with hard work and a good spirit.
This is bullshit. Men like funny guys with confidence. Start lifting and act alpha. You have to take the redpill.
you always had the underlying genetic potential, even if you refuse to admit it. Genetics cannot be argued against.
I aint gonna insist. You might be right, who knows. All I'm saying is, unless you're born fucking quasimodo, there's always a chance.
this is you projecting your insecurities and dissapointment into bullshit non-existen statistics.
The same way you'd consider a girl who'd give you the time of the day, the same way women do. They do not think differently. In fact, they are as horny as men.
is this based on her own life?
>and worship unattractive/fat women simply for existing
>suddenly, not humiliating someone in their face is considered an act of submission
Oh yes, very different. Very distinct individuals
Are you agreeing, or are you retarded enough to imply that every single woman is a tumblerite with aposematic hair?
um excuse me sweetie not all women are like that ok
*tips divacup*
They think they are owed girlfriend because they are "nice" but their "niceness" is usually basic politeness that's only aimed at beautiful girls. It's really obvious to everyone but them and that makes a "nice guy" creepy. Also for the lack of better word,point system,as in they feel like sex is some sort of high score and after you hit certain amount of points,a girl owes you sex.
I never understood this image
People who date bimbos like that hardly care about their opinion in the first place
>yes they are, it's science
>{wo}Men like funny guys with confidence
Women don't actually like funny or confident guys, they ascribe these traits to atteactive and high status guys. Lifting will only get you so far, height face and frame are more important factors in male attractiveness and you can't change them (barring some surgeries). The best hope sub-chad men have to get laid is to get a lot of money and social status to trick women into thinking they are attracted to them.
You're angry, bitter and brainwashed. Either you set your course straight right now, or you're doomed.
Gonna help you out here. Women are absolute cunts. They will eat you alive at the first sign of weakness. Doesn't mean you have to give up on the pussy. Be a gentleman, stay aware, keep your trust in default position, be redpilled, get your balls drained in her mouth.
shut the fuck up as well
what women like is what you like, familiarity, willingness and to clean your ass
Facial aesthetics is by far the most important thing for physical attraction
Women don't really care how big you are as long as you have a sixpack
yeah this is why women still fuck right-wing guys in spite of their "evil racist sexist opinions" :^)
of course, I've already committed myself to fucking as many women as I can and then ruining their lives afterward either by getting them fired or telling their boyfriends about their casual sex/drug use. It helps that I'm doing literally nothing wrong or illegal since I'm not the one using drugs
The Weak Must Fear The Strong :^)
>The amount of roastie rage ITT
Umm, like. sweetie.
Nobody actually thinks like this it's a blue pill redditor argument for people who want to be in denial about human physical attractiveness determining most of dating and want to think the world is a fair place and the only reason a guy couldnt get an attractive gf is because he's "creepy".
>, I've already committed myself to fucking as many women as I can and then ruining their lives afterward
Same here
I'm up to 0
Why don't nice guys fuck the ugly,unfuckable chicks? I mean,they are nice,right?
Women consider 80% of men ugly and unfuckable
>Quickly move the topic to sex
Like a flowchart or something
Money is an easy shortcut for attractiveness/physical fitness if you're not willing to put in the work to lift. Women are dumb sluts and they're easily impressed by things most guys know are worthless (e.g.: certain car brands...)
>Why don't nice guys fuck the ugly,unfuckable chicks? I mean,they are nice,right?
Probably because those girls are also irrationally villifying "le icky creepy nice guys" too, hmm...
>Also for the lack of better word,point system,as in they feel like sex is some sort of high score and after you hit certain amount of points,a girl owes you sex.
I was like that in uni, but I was also on anti-psychotics
Link to the study?
Friendly reminder that women have a very noticable way of interacting/typing on the internet. They focus very intently on social shaming & sexual shaming since they know they can't really play the whole "check out how hot I am but I wont fuck you ;)" card through a screen on Sup Forums. So the next easiest step is "haha so I bet you dont get any sex from any women at all because we're all a hivemind and we all think the same way about guys like you"
this. The proxy threat of no sex is a classic for clams in here.
>roastie rage
all we see are the ramblings of a guy's insecurities, which he tries to present as facts, when they're not even his opinions, because he wants to vent or get an evaluation
At no time has it been easier to trigger such a large group of hapless faggots. Keep invading every thread with your politicized, unending sophism. The more you do and the louder you do it the quicker diminishing returns will kick in and you can finally just put bullets in your beta orbiting, pissy-pants brains. We get it, you don't fuck and are sad. Keep ruining everyone else's fun as a result, you'll surely get satisfaction from it some day.
>because we're all a hivemind and we all think the same way about guys like you
Isn't the guy angry at women the one claiming that, though?
>admits to ruined fun
Okay, we'll keep trolling you
Isn't the "person" who's refuting that claiming that women aren't a hivemind and that they don't all unanimously share opinions about guys and then contradicting that claim by saying that women are a hivemind and they all unanimously share the same opinion about "le creepy icky ewwy nice guys"?
>>brings up politics for no reason whatsoever
>ok its not fun for us anymore you got your president elected just STOP
You chose your future, live in it.
>not all women like the same type
>all women dislike this one specific type
These are not contradictory claims.
>brings up politics for no reason whatsoever
you might want to check
>ive known four women so you could basically say i know every woman.
Nigga none of those posts are political. You're seething.
Can't even have a decent Jenna thread around here anymore without redpilled internet warriors shouting down "sjw liberal hypocrisy."
I just wanna post Jenna memes guys, either go full elliot rodger or just go offline. Don't take my precious Jenna memes away from me :(
yes they are
Close your mouth sweetie, you look like a trout
Politics isn't mentioned once in those posts. You're delusional.
It's all six degrees away from political you know that don't be fucking daft. Someone link a Jordan Peterson video about how libs have skewed gender norms so now women get entitled to a free pass at being outwardly sexist while getting to denounce all male sexism. There's a whole board for you fags why do you have to bully us with your very right opinions here?
>it doesn't have the word "political" in it
ohhhhh sweeeeetie, you pinch those cheeks and bonk your silly little noggin!
Men dont like whores honey, you keep a lock on those legs ya hear, it's all you got in this world :^)
Right but the implication is that they're only attracted to Chad because he's handsome and is on the football team or something.
And you could say the same for a lot of men too, that they only want Stacy because she's hot and is a cheerleader.
>how I should be treated
dude, you're bringing cringe-worthy university/college tier shit relationships into Sup Forums, just bear it like all humans and grow some motherfucking patience
>he thinks 30 yo women aren’t this entitled
You’re in for a world of hurt, buddy. The only thing someone like you has going for himself is women’s biological clock is ticking something fierce and you’d be dumb not to take advantage of this
you don't even know me
>bullshit non-existen statistics
go fuck yourself, they are real and verifiabletinder and okcupid prove it
>having friends is entitled
>relationships are perpetrated by only one half of the people in them
>people can't be stupid without also being conspiratorially malicious
You write like a guy who thinks muddy trucks are the coolest. Also, mentally ill.
You don't even know yourself.
Not an argument, you emotional child. How are those posts political? You can't even explain it
If you really don’t think she was being malicious, then you’re clinically retarded.
>that guy in the pic claims that it was all done on purpose
>claims he was the one who insisted on the hashtag #stillsingletho
okay LMAO
wow what a cunt
nice dubs btw
no, that's you, obviously
If you immediately jump to persecution rather than maybe she's just some dumb bitch of a person and that the guy isn't equally as guilty in being in a sycophantic relationship you're schizophrenic.
Is that Pam?
No, but if someone was coming off this strong you’d immediately have the instinctual reaction to let them know you’re not into it in a very explicit way.
Unless you’re a ruthless cunt who gets off on stringing betas like this along, and getting free shit while not having to reciprocate in any way.
But not only that, you insist on humiliating him in public like that. Like I said, she’s a psycho, and you’re special needs and naïve.
Only someone who is absolutely retarded and socially inept wouldn’t be able to see how fucked that is.
Itd be like me posting a picture with a woman who liked me and I was like “I really could use a woman like ____ in my life but I could use about 30 pounds less of her”.
were you crying while posting this?
Gender politics.
>Nobody ever says that about the fat girl with the unibrow who stands up for herself.
Wtf yes they do, you're saying it right now, I say it all the time, there are whole threads dedicated to making fun of thoae girls.
Holy fuck dude get off the internet for a bit you are taking memes way too seriously.